And she was mine? I sighed with relief. She slammed down on me again. "Promise me."
she growled. I grinned up at her, smashing my lips to hers, feeling her melt against my skin as the sparks erupted. Pulling away, nodded. "I promise." and she laughed
and jumped up, running off the the bathroom to take a shower. I leaned up, running my hands through my hair in exasperation.
"I have one crazy ass mate." I breathed, but still felt the corners of my mouth twitch. There was really only one thing bothering me. Quickly, putting my mental
wall around my head, so Katerina couldn't hear my thoughts, my ee brows furrowed together. How did she get out of the car? If I watched her give up right in front of
me? And there it was. That jolt. That electricity of an idea that urges to to keep thinking, that tells you there's more to know. And I did, I knew. It was obvious, yet it was