Just Keep Walking [5.1]

I sat on top of the waist-high stone wall with my arms crossed and my legs swaying. My eyes focused on the forest laid out beside me. I tapped my finger in irritation.

A man cried out at my feet with his entire body encased in ice except for his head. The ice crawled higher causing him to shriek, "I really can't say!"

My finger tapped faster impatiently, "Can't or won't?!"


I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

What a mess.

I went to all locations of the traffickers' den to find Vicky and save the rest of the children. However, Vicky wasn't at a single location. Furthermore, no one could tell me if she had been there or where she was now. Whoever picked up the shipments of children never mentioned where they were taken to afterward. Since I set off fireworks for the authorities to come, it was clear that the ones who picked up the children were extremely unlikely to return.

In the end, all I had succeeded in was taking down the trafficking camps and set the children free.

Now, you are probably impressed that I managed to even take down all six locations. However, it wasn't that hard. Since I have no experience in fighting, I decided to go for a sneak attack instead. Since I can see traces of magic, any traps that the traffickers put out weren't able to stop me. I could just merely step over it or avoid it completely. I also covered myself in leaves and hid in the bushes so I wouldn't be spotted either.

Is this what it feels like to be a ninja?... It's fun.

Anyway, I was able to successfully sneak in and cover the men in ice before they even knew I was there.

I specifically left this location last since it was the main base of operations and the one with the largest headache. I began to interrogate the captured men trying to find Vicky, but it was useless. I switched tactics and tried to figure out who was behind this scheme instead. I know from experience that these kinds of organizations always have someone at the top. Call me a conspiracy theorist, but it's always someone with money or power.

I grit my teeth at the man at my feet, "You are about to freeze to death. Tell me who is behind this plot already!"

The man sobbed, "I can't… I really can't…"

Who would have thought that these low-lives were so loyal!!! Even though I threatened to give them frostbite, they still won't say! It's so aggravating!!!

I wish I could use magic to make them tell the truth. However, I can't even think of a way to do that with magic. Not only is there not a magic spell that I currently know, but I also can't imagine how to do it either.

I snapped at him, "Can you say a single f*cking thing other than I can't?!"

He wailed harder, "I really can't say!!"

"URG! Worthless!"

I picked up the papers beside me. I decided to go through all their things to find a paper trail since they kept screaming, "I can't say! I can't say!". However, these idiots were smart enough to talk in code and cover their tracks. They had to be cannon-fodder henchmen, but I couldn't figure out who their boss was. The only thing I could figure out was that they were far more afraid of the boss than they were of me.

I guess my methods just aren't vile enough.

I tossed the papers angrily, "This is so infuriating!! Just tell me where Vicky is! Where do you send the children after you gather them here!!"

He wailed, "I don't know your friend nor do I know where they take the children! I've told you already!!! I am only in charge of watching them! The higher-ups don't tell me anything other than that! Their motto is 'the less you know, the longer your life will be'!!! I don't dare to learn more!"

I clicked my tongue. At least their motto is good.

I pinched the bridge of my nose and let out an exhausted sigh, "What can I do now? I've hit a wall. I'm not good at investigating matters because it's too troublesome and annoying… But can I just forget about Vicky? What can I possibly do?!"

I opened my eyes and looked at the sky with a frown. Should I just leave it to the authorities? I don't trust them, but they probably have people who specialize in this kind of thing. I wish I could just follow their trails using magic, but those collars make it impossible.

I rubbed my sore muscles, "I guess I will just leave it to the authorities then… I want to do more, but there's nothing else I can do."

Even though I have the mind of an adult, I am still in a child's body. I have my limits and I don't even know where to begin. It's better to leave this matter to someone with more experience.

I hopped off the stone wall and landed on the ground effortlessly. I raised the borrowed wand into the air and shot off a firework. As I watched them explode in the sky, I hummed to myself. I looked into the distance and found the landscape extremely alluring. The trees were bountiful and the grass was green. Over the tops of the trees, you could see the far snowy mountains that glistened in the sun.

This would have made such a beautiful painting. Such a shame I don't have my paints with me.

I smiled softly and mumbled to myself, "For some reason, I feel like going for a walk."

Now that I'm free, shouldn't I explore this world?

I left behind the camp with the men completely covered in ice except for their heads.

As I walked through the woods, I admired the snowy mountains in the distance. The Northern Mountains were even bigger than I imagined. They seem to stretch on for miles with no end. Didn't they say there's a fairy that lives on that mountain? Or was it that a fairy died on this mountain?

...Oh, who cares which it is. It's only a made-up folk tale.

I disregarded this thought and took a deep breath. The environment here is completely untouched by humans. It is nature in its purest of forms, and one of which I never got to encounter in my previous world. The trees are huge and there are flowers growing everywhere. I don't think I've ever been on a hike as great as this one.

I walked through the forest and noticed that there seemed to be an abundance of energy.

It's strange. It looks like everything is brighter and the colors are blending together in such a hypnotic fashion. My chest feels lighter and I have a skip in my step. I feel like I could easily beat someone up right now. It's such a euphoric feeling…

Actually… It's too euphoric.

What the hell is going on here?!

I leaned against a tree giggling madly while holding my heart. It felt like my heart was going to jump out of my chest and start doing a dance. I heard some chatter and looked at the noise. My feet shuffled towards the noise as if being pulled by another force. I pushed the bushes and saw an unbelievable sight in front of me.

Small little orbs with tiny wings were floating near the surface of a milky white lake. There was faint steam floating over the water's surface, but it didn't appear to be a hot spring. The ethereal image before me looked like something straight from a fantasy painting.

I muttered out in confusion, "...What the hell?"

There's definitely something wrong with the air here.

I rubbed my eyes to try to chase away the delusion. However, the orbs were still floating above the water surface. I slapped myself violently to try to wake myself up. The orbs finally noticed me and "faced" me. They chatted to themselves, "Is that a human girl?"

Another answered, "It would appear so. But there are no human villages near here, so why is she here?"

"Is she lost?"

"Eh. Who cares."

"Someone scare her away. Her mind is going to be ruined by the rejuvenating Soju lake."

I furrowed my brow. Soju lake? What kind of name is that? No… More importantly, what the f*ck are these talking orbs?!.... And why am I suddenly craving spicy noodles?

"Humans are too plentiful. Their lives are insignificant, so why do you care about her mind?"

"I know, but aren't you annoyed we are sharing the same place?"

"Ah… You have a point."

I clicked my tongue in irritation, "What a bunch of pompous varmints. What right do you have to call my life insignificant?! I bet I am far more significant than any of you!"

They all ceased talking and froze midair. Then, they rushed over beside me, crowding me as if I was some kind of exotic beast. One shouted, "Don't you feel something off about this human?!"

"I feel like she is a beast leering at my soul! It's so unsettling!"

A beast? My eyes glanced around at those orbs hovering over me, "Well… That's it. I've finally gone insane. There are glowing orbs talking about a rejuvenating Soju lake and they have the audacity to call me a beast. I have to be suffering from a mental breakdown. It's the only thing that makes sense."

My words seemed to cause the orbs to start vibrating.

...Are they... Panicking?

The orbs all started flying around as they shouted, "Can she hear us!?"

"Wait, wait, wait! Can she see us?!"

"You idiots!!! Look at her!"

"I don't want to! She's way too scary!"


The orbs let out this high-pitched scream before dispersing wildly in separate directions. I was left scratching my head. "That was… Weird…."

Did those balls of light just run away from me shrieking?