Don't Look [7.2]

[***Warning*** This chapter contains a mild depiction of death that some readers may find uncomfortable.]

I felt something jump up from the ground and wind around my ankles. I wasn't expecting it and landed face-first on the ground, sending Zephyr rolling out of my arms. Blue vines wound tightly around my ankles, holding me in place.

Ugh… I really should get better at combat.

"Hm. It seems the relic isn't affecting magic anymore." The man strolled over, "Why are you trying to run away?"

I raised my head to spit out the dirt in my mouth, "Blech. Who said I was running away? I'm not running away."

He tilted his head, "...You looked like you were running away."

Zephyr turned to look at me as he spoke like a spectator enjoying the show, "You were definitely running away."

I glared at him, "Zephyr!"

"Huh? What?"

I spoke to him telepathically: <>

He stuck out his tongue as he answered: <>

I snapped back: <>


Zephyr leaped to my feet and bit off the vines. I quickly stumbled to free my legs and started running again. The man shouted after us, "I said stop!"

I dodged his attacks, barely managing to stay on my feet. Zephyr ran after me and shouted, "Why aren't you fighting back with magic!?"

My face twitched, "Oh… Yeah. I actually forgot about that for a moment."

He looked at me incredulously, "Just how stupid are you?! How could you forget?!"

I shouted back, "I just got to this world! It's only natural I forgot! Now shut up! I need to concentrate!"

While we were arguing, vines shot up from the ground and completely wound tightly over me before I could even think about using magic.

The vines also attacked Zephyr immobilizing him. Before either of us could attack back or escape, electricity passed through the vines, shocking us.

"AH! F*CK!" I shouted in pain. It didn't hurt as much as the collar had, but it wasn't pleasant either. I shrieked, "WHY THE F*CK IS EVERYONE SHOCKING ME!?"

"It's because it prevents one from using magic." The man answered as he walked over dusting his sleeves. He looked down at me with a cold glint in his eyes, "I said to stop. Why did you run?"

I forced on an innocent expression, "Alright, alright! I give up! I am stopping now. I won't run anymore." Seeing his disinterested expression, I added in a pitiful voice, "You wouldn't hurt a child, would you?"

He froze, "Why would I hurt a child?"

Taking advantage of his distraction, I used my ice magic to create a shiv and cut the vines quickly. I hopped to my feet and gave him a hard kick in the shins. He let out a gasp of pain and held his shin, "What was that for?!"

I shouted out holding up my fists, "If you want to fight, then let's fight! I won't run! But I'm not going to jail again!! Do you know what they do to people like me in jail?!"


Zephyr hopped up and down in excitement, "Oo! Oo! What do they do?"

I hesitated, "Oh… I don't know either. But I assume it's not pleasant. SO! That's why you will never take me there alive! I'd rather die fighting than go to jail!"

The man stared at me in confusion, "Jail? Why do you think you will go to jail?"

"Aren't you a cop? You were chasing after me. If you personally sought me out and chased me, I can only assume you want to bring me to jail for something."

He shook his head, "I'm not here to take you to jail."

I gasped, not at all relieved. "Ah! Then you are part of the trafficking gang and are seeking vengeance!"

The man: "..."

Zephyr looked at me like I was pitifully stupid, "What exactly is going on in that mind of yours?! Why are you jumping to conclusions?!"

I looked between the two, losing my confidence, "...Was I wrong on both accounts?"

The man let out a sigh, "Yes."


He quickly explained, "I was assigned to find the Prince. He told me that you helped him and saved his life. I was curious so I sought you out." The man hesitated for a moment as if unsure of what he should do. Then he finally spoke, "You did me a huge favor finding the Prince and saving his life."

Eh… I saved who?

"Since you did me a favor, I owe you one now. However, I hate owing people. So state your wish now."

"Eh? A favor? What are you… The devil?"

Is that worse than a cop?

I'm not sure.

His expression didn't even change as he stared at me quietly.

Zephyr glanced at me and spoke telepathically. <>


I let out a sigh and turned to look back at the domineering man, "How would I know what favor to ask for if I don't even know who you are?"

There was a small flicker of surprise behind his eyes, but he quickly extinguished it. He spoke calmly, "You really don't know who I am?"

"Should I?"



<<...Zephyr. Don't make me hurt you.>>


As we bickered back and forth telepathically, the man spoke. "I am the Headmaster of the Alora Academy for the Magically Inclined. Naturally, I am capable of granting most kinds of favors."

Zephyr turned to him with a stunned expression: <<....Alora?>>



<<….I'm sensing a lot of hate.>>



<<....Did you say…. A thousand years?!?>>


Zephyr grew quiet as his ears drooped in a pout. He muttered to himself, <>

I ignored his crying and turned back to the Headmaster, "So you are in charge of the Academy…"

I froze. Wait. Vicky said you can join the Academy in three ways: If you receive the backing of a powerful magician, if you have money, or just plain luck. I wanted to avoid magicians at all costs!! How did I manage to run into one while I was lost IN THE WOODS?!

I spoke quickly, "I do not want to join the Academy."

He froze, "Eh?"

One could tell that he hadn't expected this. The Academy was one of the most prestigious places on the entire continent. Everyone traveled from far away just to have a chance to attend. Who in their right mind wouldn't want a free pass?

He spoke in a calm tone, "Why wouldn't you want to attend? Clearly, you are skilled at magic. You could learn a lot there."

I hesitated upon hearing this. I spoke in a low voice, "...Is there a large library there?"

"The largest in the kingdom."

"And the amount of magic content in those books?"


I was moved by the thought. If I went there, I could probably figure out how I even got into this world. Hell! I could probably even learn so much magic I could become a god! I wouldn't have to worry about not finding enough books on magic in that stupid orphanage!

I suddenly remembered Bea's swollen face as she sobbed on her mattress-less bed. I sighed, "Actually… I do have a favor I want to ask. Are you hiring?"

He raised an eyebrow, "It is possible to hire someone."

I scratched my head awkwardly, "Well, you see… There is someone at the orphanage that is getting kicked out soon. I may have… Ruined her future prospects. I won't ask you to adopt her, but if you could give her a job I would be very appreciative."

"Hmm… Such a thing is very easy for me. Are you sure that is what you want?"

I nodded, "It is."

With this, I at least didn't completely ruin her life. She will have a fighting chance and will probably be very grateful to have the opportunity.

He agreed, "Very well. I will hire her."

I clapped my hands together, "Great! Then let's go get her!"

I started walking off before freezing. I let out a shriek startling the Headmaster and Zephyr.

I spun to look at the headmaster, "I just realized I don't know how to get back."

Zephyr and the Headmaster: "..."

The Headmaster held out his hand, "I will teleport you back."

I nodded and took his hand while I held Zephyr by the scruff in the other hand. "Teleportation, eh? Like in Star Tr*k?"

"...What is Star Tr*k?"

I cleared my throat awkwardly, "N-Nothing…"

Zephyr glanced up at me: <>



My expression stiffened: <>

Zephyr looked at me with clear disappointment: <>

Before I could change my mind, the Headmaster waved his wand and barely muttered out a syllable before I felt like my body and soul were being ripped apart.

The next moment, it felt like I was riding a large rollercoaster filled with twists and turns. However, my soul was flying out of my body, unable to catch up. My sense of smell, touch, sight, and hearing were all gone and I could only feel the nauseating sensation of being tossed around.

When the light returned, I was standing not too far from the orphanage. I leaned forward and hurled. The Headmaster didn't even bother hiding his disgust.

Zephyr squealed, "AAAH! You are getting it on me!!!"

After finishing, I forcefully stood up and wiped at my mouth. I groaned, "What was that?!"

"Teleportation." The Headmaster answered with a frown, "I have never met someone that sensitive to teleportation before."

I shook my head with a whine, "That was terrible! It felt like my soul was being ripped apart and put back together!"

"...Odd." The Headmaster glanced at me as if this wasn't normal. I immediately shut my mouth.

Did I mess up again? Does he know I possessed a body???

I brushed myself off pretending as if I didn't just throw up everywhere. I spoke calmly trying to divert attention, "Regardless, I am glad you weren't really a kidnapper-"

My breath caught in my throat as my face fell when I noticed the orphanage.

The Headmaster noticed my gaze and looked at the building. He furrowed his brow, "Odd… It's so quiet and I don't see a single child outside."

My eyes widened in horror because I could see something they couldn't.

There was a thick black and red haze circling around the building. It looked almost exactly like the smoke that covered my body when Zephyr attacked me and tried to possess me.

My eyes shrank back in a panic as my heart started racing.

Whatever it was, it wasn't good.

Without another word, I ran towards the building. My eyes never left the doors as I sprinted faster than I ever had.

"Wait!" The Headmaster shouted after me, but I was too concerned with what lay ahead to listen.

I made it to the door and noticed that it was slightly ajar. My breath caught in my throat as I felt my soul quake. An ominous feeling settled into my stomach as I stared at that doorknob.

I've seen this before.

I bit down on my lip and forced myself to open the door.

I won't run away.

As the door opened, my pupils shrunk in horror. I felt my body tremble as I stared at the horrifying scene in front of me. The mist and smoke were so thick, I could barely breathe.

My body was frozen, unable to turn away from the gruesome sight.

The familiar bodies of the children who had once bullied me were sprawled on the floor with permanent screams on their faces.

However, they weren't moving.

...Is magic really a good thing?

A gust of bone-chilling wind flew towards me, enveloping my entire body. Suddenly, spikes of ice shot up from the ground, but I paid it no attention. My mind was empty as I stared ahead with dead eyes.

Gentle, cold hands covered my eyes. The Headmaster spoke in a low voice, "Don't look."