[12.2] Don't Swallow Random Things

Felix rushed out to stop him, "Wait! No one needs to cut anyone open. I might be able to help."

Cyrus nodded quickly, "That's right! Felix is a wood attribute. He is really good at healing. If anyone can help, it would be him."

I shot one look at Zephyr before turning back to Felix, "Alright. It's worth a shot."

Felix took out his wand. His wand was black with what looked like two vines twisted to make the wand. He placed one hand on my stomach and waved his wand, "Revelata."

His eyes closed as a green light slowly drifted off of him and enveloped us both.

He frowned.

Well, that can't be good.

I forced a smile, "So?"

He removed his hand and averted his eyes, "...We should go see the Headmaster…"

I wanted to faint, "What?! Why!?"

Cyrus spoke, "What is it, Felix?"

Felix fiddled with his hands while looking anxious, "Her body seems to have absorbed the relic… It's impossible for me to remove it now…"

My face twitched, "Wonderful."


We all stood in the Headmaster's office with our heads lowered. The Headmaster glared at us with his frosty expression.

After what felt like hours, he spoke slowly. "I thought I asked you not to come to my office today?"

I lifted my head to meet his eyes. I smiled innocently, "To be fair, you said you didn't want me to be sent to your office… Not to come because I wanted to."

He narrowed his eyes.

I flinched and looked back down at my feet as I prepared to get scolded.

Cyrus spoke up, "Please don't be upset with her, Headmaster. It was my fault."

I tossed him a glance. Does this little brat really intend to take the blame?

The Headmaster raised an eyebrow, "Oh?"

He nodded, "I smacked her on the back and caused her to swallow it!"

Caldwell shouted, feeling worried his young master would get in trouble, "No! It is my fault for allowing it to get so out of hand!"

Felix panicked, "No! It was my fault for not being able to help her remove the stone!"

I spoke loud enough to interrupt their confessions, "It was none of their faults. It's obvious whose fault it was and who should be punished for it."

The Headmaster's eyes widened, "You're willing to take responsibility?"

I scoffed, "Who? Me? No way! I'm talking about Zephyr!"

Zephyr flinched, "Huh?! Why me!?"

I glared at him, "It was your fault I put it in my mouth to begin with!"

He shouted back, "It was your fault for not giving it to me!!!"

"Why would I give it to you!?!"

Felix tried to soothe us, "B-Both of you…. Please just take a deep breath-"

Zephyr ignored him and screeched, "Did you want it?!"

I crossed my arms, "No, but that doesn't mean I would give it to you. If you are interested in something, then that's suspicious."

He glared at me, "You dirty filthy piece of shi-"

I narrowed my eyes, "You better not finish that sentence."

He hesitated before closing his mouth. He crossed his arms and turned his head away haughtily, "Whatever. Your hair looks stupid."

My hair looks stupid!? Oh hell no! My hair is FABULOUS!

"That's it."

I grabbed my wand from my sock and mocked the movements I had seen the Headmaster do a few days ago. A bright light shot out from the wand and covered Zephyr's body. He flinched as his body automatically stiffened beyond his control. Even his mouth looked like it was sewn close rendering him unable to talk.

Everyone was stunned by the spell.

Cyrus nearly fell over, "Did you just use a petrification spell?!"

I grinned at the headmaster while motioning to the petrified Zephyr, "Look! I'm learning!! Aren't you proud?"


His face twitched and he let out a sigh, "Although it is impressive that you are using a high-level magic spell-"

I raised an eyebrow, "That was high-level? This world must have low standards."

He gave me a weird look before continuing, "-but did you really swallow a magical stone?!"

Cyrus spoke quickly, "It wasn't just a common magical stone! I could sense a powerful aura from it."

The Headmaster's face turned serious, "You believe it was a relic?"

Cyrus didn't seem too confident, "There were runes on them that I couldn't recognize."

Caldwell chipped in loyally, "If my young master didn't recognize them, then they must be from more than a thousand years ago. My young master has the best memory around."

I rolled my eyes from his blatant favoritism.

The Headmaster turned to Felix with an icy stare, "And you said that it fused with her body?"

Felix was shaking so bad under his stare he looked like he would burst out crying at any moment. "I-I-I-"

I pulled Felix behind me protectively and glared at the Headmaster, "Oi. Stop bullying the poor kid. He's going to cry if you keep glaring at him like that."

The Headmaster flinched, "B-Bullying? I'm not bullying him… I was just speaking to him…"

"Could have fooled me. You looked like you were trying to steal his lunch money."

The Headmaster seemed to be pouting under his icy exterior, "This is just what my face looks like…"

I wagged my finger at him, "Try smiling for a change. They say a friendly smile is the best way to make friends."

He forced his lips to turn up, "How's this?"

We all froze in horror upon seeing the frightening look that he called a smile.

Felix fainted from the fearful sight.

I gulped, "M-Maybe it's best if you don't smile…"

"Very well." His smile disappeared much to our relief. He motioned to me to come over, "Let me have a look."

I hesitantly stepped towards him expecting to be punished. Instead, he placed his hand on my head and closed his eyes. I was going to say something, but soon a gentle light flowed from his hand and covered my body. It was so comforting I felt my lips curve up in a smile.

Then, the light suddenly retreated.

The Headmaster frowned, "...It's not just any common relic."

Cyrus widened his eyes, "What relic is it, Sir?"

The Headmaster answered with a furrowed brow, "It's an ancient sealing stone."

Zephyr's voice muttered in irritation via our telepathic connection: <>

I tilted my head as I ignored his mutterings, "And what exactly does that mean?"

They all stared at me in disbelief. The Headmaster sighed, "I shouldn't have pulled you out of those beginner classes…"

Cyrus explained patiently, "A relic is an item that is from an era over a thousand years ago. Surely you heard the story of Alora?"

I shrugged, "Vaguely."

Zephyr muttered telepathically: <>

I turned to him with a frown: <>

He grew silent and averted his eyes.

I let it go once I heard Cyrus continue, "It's said that during the era of Alora, humanity nearly died out from demon attacks. Magic wasn't as abundant back then as it is now. In that era, only those in Alora's clan could use magic. She saw what the demons were doing and with the help of her people, she created magical objects that could help them fight against demonkind. These are what came to be known as relics."

"What a load of crap." Zephyr clicked his tongue, "History really is written by the victors."

The Headmaster didn't hear Zephyr and nodded, "Those relics are powerful and dangerous. Needless to say, if it's in your body it could possibly kill you."

I scratched my chin, "Ah… So I guess we should get it out of my body then."

The Headmaster shook his head, "I can't do that."

I froze, "You can't? Or won't?"

"Can't." He explained, "Felix was right. The relic has fused with your body. There's no way to remove it now."

My mouth dropped, "HOW?!"

He shrugged, "Relics are a mystery. There's not enough information about them."

My eyes watered, "So I'm going to die?"

He shook his head, "I don't think so. If you were going to die, then I assume it would have happened by now."

I let out a sigh of relief.

He continued slowly, "Although… I suppose it could be poisoning you slowly over time."


My face twitched, "...Thanks for that reassuring thought."

The Headmaster waved his hand, "Well, there's nothing we can do about it now. Just go to class and I will look into it more."

"You want me to go to class after just learning I might be being poisoned?!"

He narrowed his eyes, "Maybe that will teach you not to swallow random objects."


Headmaster: 1 Reika: 0.

Cyrus bowed to the Headmaster, "Thank you for your help, Sir."

He nodded, "Let me know if there are any more changes."