[16.1] A Hand for an Eye

[Author's note: This chapter contains mild gore that some readers may find uncomfortable. Reader discretion is advised.]

We arrived in town exhausted from the illusions we barely managed to escape from. As soon as we made it to the main street, I felt my energy return.

Dozens of stalls lined the street selling food, jewelry, and toys. My eyes lit up as I ran over to each stall while drooling. Cryus shouted after me, "Wait! Don't just run off!"

A shop owner called me over, "Little Miss! Come see my wares! They are from a faraway land!"

I rushed over to him in anticipation, "Faraway?"

"Yes indeed! These ancient wares are from the Sanofi tribe west of our beautiful country. Only a few ships can travel all that way since the waters have such dangerous creatures."

"Oooh." I looked at the random items until my eyes caught sight of something special. I grinned as I picked it up, "No way!"

He nodded, "You have a good eye, little Miss. That's a very unique pen belonging to the Sanofi tribe. It is said that-"

I ignored his chatter and stared at it with unbridled excitement.

Pen? This is no pen… This is a paintbrush!!! And not just any. Judging by the strong and bushy fur, it has to be badger hair which is perfect for painting with oils!

I spoke up, "How much?"

"Hmmm well since it's so hard to get a hold of… Three tin pieces."

"Alright!" I opened the coin purse and dug around inside.


...I guess this coin could be tin?

I picked out three pieces and held them out to him.

He looked down at it with a pause. He glanced back at my face reading it carefully before grinning, "That's right! Exact change."

Just as I was about to hand it over, Cyrus caught up to me and pulled my hand back. "What are you doing?!?"

I blinked back at him in confusion, "I'm paying the man. What's the issue?"

"This is silver!"

I looked down at it, "Then what is tin?!"

"Silver is harder than tin and reflects light!"

"You expect me to bite each coin or look at it in the light?!"

He slapped his forehead, "It really isn't that hard to tell!"

I pulled out a handful of coins, "Alright smart a**. Show me where the tin is!!!"

The merchant nearly fainted at the sight of several pieces of gold, platinum, silver, and all other kinds of metals.

Cryus shrieked, "What are you doing?! Don't pull it all out!!"

Caldwell sighed, "Young Miss… The city is relatively safe, but there are many pickpockets here. You shouldn't show all this money freely or else you will turn yourself into a target."

I grinned smugly, "I'd like to see anyone try. If anyone dares take my money, I will take their hand."

Cyrus rolled his eyes, "I'm sure."

After Cyrus gave the man the correct change, we continued walking. The aroma from the food stalls was so great I pulled Cyrus to every booth with me. Soon, I had a handful of snacks and treats which I shoved into my mouth happily.

Cyrus made a disgusted expression, "How can you eat so much?!"

I rubbed my stomach as I licked my lips, "Good food is the key to having a happy soul…. Plus, I'm not as bad at Zephyr."

Zephyr walked beside me holding several skewers and bags full of food. He shoved them all into his mouth without a care in the world. He was so happy that a fox's tail popped out and started wagging back and forth.

Caldwell watched him in disgust, "Foxes are so ill-mannered."

Zephyr ignored him and cheerfully ate his food.

I looked to Cyrus, "Where can I find the bug-catching equipment?"

"Let me show you. Don't wander off."

I rolled my eyes, "I'm not the child here."

After finding a shop, I purchased a large net, a screened box to hold the bug, and a workable fly swatter.

One of these options has to work.

I smiled at Caldwell, "Could you be a dear and help me with this?"

He grinned back, "Of course! But it comes with a price…"

I chuckled, "Yes, yes. I have another outfit picked out. This time we will definitely get him into it."

Cyrus picked up his head, "Huh?! No! Absolutely not!!!"

We both ignored him and grinned at each other in agreement. Cyrus argued with Caldwell who continued to smile as he ignored Cyrus's complaints.

I was looking at the stalls when I was suddenly pushed over by someone who ran into me. I sat up and glared, "Oi! Watch where you are going!"

The man ignored me and quickly disappeared into the crowd.

I grumbled to myself as I brushed the dirt off. My hands paused as I felt something missing.

That bastard stole my coin purse!!!

My expression turned dark as I felt something ignite from deep inside me.

He dares to steal from ME?!

I turned away from the group without warning and followed after the thief exuding an aura of burning hatred. Zephyr noticed that I walked away and stuffed another skewer into his mouth. He glanced at Cyrus and Caldwell who were still arguing over a new outfit, then he looked back at my receding back.

He gulped down his food before scrambling to follow me.

When he finally caught up he frowned, "Oi! Filthy human! Where are you going!?"

I clutched my wand so tightly my knuckles turned white, "To get back what's mine."

"Huh? What are you talking about?" He glanced down at my hands clutching my wand. He gulped, "Um… Murder is still illegal… I think…"

"Good thing it's not murder."

"...Then what will it be?"

I didn't answer and quickened my pace to follow the man before I could lose him. When I caught sight of him entering an abandoned building, I grinned.

Perfect. I won't have to worry about being caught.

The man opened the purse and laughed, "Excellent! This is perfect! That little brat was rich!! I really lucked out!"

"...Little brat?"

Icy vines burst from the ground, wrapping around his wrists and ankles. He screamed as they pinned him to the ground. Ice started forming around his body, completely immobilizing him.

I stepped out of the darkness with a scowl, "Who are you calling a little girl?"

He broke out into a cold sweat, "O-Oi… Little girl… This is- This is a mistake!"

"Oh. A mistake, hmm?"

"Y-Yes! A mistake! I found this on the ground you see-"

I grinned forcefully, "Ah yes! On the ground..."

He nodded, "Yeah! So just let me go and we can figure out-"

"You found it on the ground after you pushed me over." My smile disappeared, "I don't like it when people take my things."

He glared back, "Listen you little brat, you should be more respectful when speaking to me! I'm your elder! Just who raised you?!"

My face twitched in irritation, "I raised myself."

Zephyr nibbled on one of his snacks, "Oi. You better apologize to her if you want to keep your life."

"Keep my life?" He grinned smugly, "She's just a little brat. She should learn manners if she doesn't want to die all alone. And why do you even need all this money!? You can't even spare a single coin!? People like you are scum! You think you are better than the rest of us, but you're not!!! Selfish worthless piece of-"

My eyes flared red as a fire erupted in my chest as if it were to consume me.

The man flinched and shut his mouth immediately as his eyes grew wide in fear. He stared at me as if I was a bloodthirsty beast approaching.

...And perhaps I was.

Zephyr stopped shoving food into his mouth and froze.

I stepped over to the man trying to escape the icy restraints that were getting tighter with each step I took.

I stared at him with a detached look, "You want to take my money?"

He started to panic and tried to get free, "L-Let me go!!"

Flames danced in my eyes as I felt my hatred consume me, "You want to take everything from me!?!"

He flinched back as I towered over him, "I said let me go!"

I clenched my jaw, "You think I belong to you?!"

Zephyr hesitantly approached my side, "Um… Reika? I... I don't think he said that-"

I ignored Zephyr as I stepped onto the man's wrist, "I'm. not. a. victim."

I flicked my wand.

In the blink of an eye, his hand was cut off.

He screamed in pain as I watched him squirm at my feet. My grin grew larger as the fire inside me grew even hotter.

Zephyr grabbed my arm and pulled me back, "Reika!"

I blinked rapidly as the fire in my chest slowly died down as if it was being extinguished by ice. My eyes twitched as I watched the man scream and flail.

What did I do?

I averted my eyes and ignored the discomfort at the sounds of his cries. I forced myself to be calm, "Yeah, yeah. I said I would take his hand so I took it. I won't do anything else, don't worry."

Zephyr frowned as he watched me closely, "That's not what I'm concerned about. Just then you looked like a completely different person and-"

"Ah!" I looked down at my dress with a frown, "This jerk got blood on me! Oh well."

I snickered, "I know a magic spell to clean me."

Zephyr's mouth dropped, "Are you ignoring me?!"