[18.1] A Future Curator

The Headmaster followed after me as I walked down the stairs, "Are you sure you are feeling better?"

I nodded in slight annoyance, "For the last time, I'm fine. Felix already healed my wounds and I've caught up on my sleep thanks to you."

I never would have thought I would be relieved to go to class. However, ever since the whole kidnapping and almost dying fiasco, the Headmaster hasn't left me alone. When I finally woke up days later, he was at my bedside with a scary expression.

I nearly rolled off the bed thinking it was another nightmare.

He looked at me closely, "Are you sure?"


"If you don't feel better, it's okay. I can stay home with you if necessary. It won't be a bother to me."

I shouted in exasperation, "Don't you have work to go back to!?"

He shrugged, "I have assistants."

I threw up my hands in irritation, "I'm going to school and you can go back to work!"

"...Are you sure?"

I miss my freedom.

I threw open the main door and frowned when I noticed Cyrus standing in front of me with bright eyes.

Great. Annoyance number two.

I noticed Caldwell on Cyrus's shoulder burying his body into the golden hair. His snow-white wings were wrapped around Cyrus as if glued to him.

Looks like I'm not the only one dealing with a clingy adult.

Cyrus nodded at the Headmaster, "Good morning, Headmaster."

The Headmaster spoke in a frosty voice, "Morning."

I turned to the Headmaster, "You can leave now."

He retorted coldly, "I think I will walk you to class. The building is far away from our tower. Anything could happen."

I cried out, "It's like two feet away!!"

Zephyr snickered, "I knew it would be worth it to wake up early."

I threw him a look, silencing him immediately.

The Headmaster looked away nonchalantly, "I also work in the same direction. It is convenient if I drop you off."

I groaned and rubbed my face in exasperation, "Fine."

Ugh. This is so embarrassing. It feels like I'm being dropped off by an overprotective mother.

...And why is he even acting so clingy!? He's not my actual parent.

He's just a guardian!!!

Cyrus spoke to me as we walked, "Have you given any thought to becoming my personal Royal magician? I've made a list of pros and cons-"

I frowned.

Ever since I saved this brat once again, he's been pestering me about this subject even more.

Is this going to be my life?

Am I going to be pestered by the Headmaster at home and Goldilocks at the Academy!?

Cyrus turned to the Headmaster, "What do you think? Don't you think she would be perfect as the Head Magician at the Royal Palace?"

The Headmaster thought for a moment, "I'm not so sure. Her maturity is a bit lacking… Although it is true that she will be older when she inherits the position, so she should be more mature by then."

My mouth dropped, "Haaah?!"

The Headmaster nodded, "I think it's a good idea. It would be a rewarding job."

"I'm just going to ignore what you said about my maturity. " I put on a pitiful expression, "But don't you think that position is dangerous? Do you want me to be in danger constantly?"

His face grew dark, "I changed my mind. I don't support it."

I snickered triumphantly.

Cyrus frowned, "Then what do you plan on doing in the future? You need to have something planned."

Everyone around me grew silent and their heads snapped towards me as if on cue. Feeling like I was on the spot, I felt a bit bashful.

I glanced away, "Hmm. I don't know. Maybe I will create this world's first art museum."

The Headmaster blinked, "An art museum?"

I nodded, "Yeah. You know, like a place to show off relics or antique art to the public."

Although it may surprise people, I actually miss my job at the art museum. Even if I had to give tours to snot-nosed children, it gave me a sense of purpose.

The Headmaster frowned, "Having expensive art or ancient relics in one place is a bad idea. It makes it easier to steal."

I chuckled, "I suppose that is always a possibility. But that's why you have a top-rate security system. That way, if anyone tries to steal anything they would have to pull a heist… And that just seems exciting!!!"

Cyrus pulled a long face, "You could still be my personal magician while working at an art museum…"

I ignored his pout and walked into the building. The Headmaster didn't stop following us until we were in the classroom. And even then, I could see him standing by the door anxiously. I breathed a sigh in relief as I watched him grab Caldwell and Zephyr so they wouldn't follow us inside. Then, he dragged the two away.

As we sat down, Felix turned to me with a smile. "Are you feeling better Reika?"

I nodded, "Much better."

He scooted his chair closer to me, "I was really worried… First Cyrus disappeared and Caldwell was going crazy. Then I heard you broke into the Magical Investigation Bureau and then disappeared."

I frowned, "How'd you hear all this?"

He looked at me with an innocent expression, "Zephyr told me. He really likes to gossip. He even told me that the Headmaster was like a Knight in shining armor and swept you off your feet when he saved your life."

I groaned and rubbed my forehead, "That little brat... What is he doing going around telling people this!?"

Cyrus noticed how close Felix was to me and his expression darkened. He leaned over to swat at Felix, "You're sitting too close to her. Stop it."

Felix leaned back slightly and snickered, "You're also sitting close to her."

He pursed his lips, "I don't see how that's relevant."

Felix tilted his head with an odd smile, "...Really?"

He moved his chair closer to me which incurred Cyrus's wrath once more. I allowed Cyrus to reach around me to shoo off Felix while I wore a deadpan expression.

Ugh. This is why I can't stand children.

Felix laughed in a carefree manner and moved his chair a further away from me. His eyes twinkled mischievously, "By the way, Reika. I noticed you always carry around that paintbrush. Do you paint?"

I nodded enthusiastically, "I do! I love to paint. Back in the day, I would paint every day and I even won some awards for my paintings."

I added under my breath, "Although none of my pieces were good enough to get my own gallery."

Felix grinned, "Actually, I am the founder of an art club that takes place after class if you'd like to join."

My eyes lit up, "Do you provide the supplies?"

He chuckled, "We do. Although they are cheap and basic-"

I slapped my hands on the desk in excitement, "I'M IN!"

Wow! I haven't been able to paint since I arrived here even though I finally got a paintbrush. Because of everything that happened, I haven't had time to try it out.

Felix clapped his hands together with a bright smile, "Excellent! Not many people value art here, so it's refreshing to find someone who does."

Cyrus cut in, "Wait!?! You're actually going to go??"

I frowned slightly, "Yeah. Is that a problem?"

He leaned back and crossed his arms as he pouted, "I thought you didn't like doing extracurricular activities after class."

I chuckled at his pouting face and pinched it, "That's because most of those extracurriculars are educational and boring, but this is fun."

His cheeks burned bright red before he swatted away my hand. He turned his nose up in the air, "Fine. Then I'm coming too."

Felix forced on a smile, "But Cyrus… You said you hated things like this…"

Cyrus flushed a darker shade of red, "I-I never said that!"

Felix tilted his head, "You said that you'd rather strengthen your body and get better at the sword than spend your time learning a useless hobby."

I looked at Cyrus with an eyebrow raised.

His face turned even redder, "I-I can change my mind!!!"

I laughed at his embarrassment and patted his head like one would do to appease a child, "There, there. You are allowed to like other things. If you were like everyone else then you'd be boring."

He slapped away my hands in embarrassment, "I don't need to hear that from you!"

Felix grinned, "You are welcome to come, Cyrus. It's open for everyone at the Academy."

He nodded, "I'm going."