[21.4] Tent Mates

After traveling for several hours, we made it out of the Capital. On the less-traveled road, there were only a few towns. Slowly, civilization became sparser until finally, humans seemed to disappear completely. Even the road turned from stones to two rows of dirt. Despite being enforced by magic, the carriage ride turned bumpy. I held my mouth as my face turned green.

Ugh… I think I'm getting motion sick.

The Headmaster noticed my discomfort and pulled out his wand. He uttered a spell and a thing veil of light released from his wand and surrounded me. Instantly, the ride didn't seem as nauseating.

He spoke in a clear tone, "We should be there soon."

I stared at him in surprise.

Is he concerned about me?

Feeling a bit embarassed, I forced myself to look out of the window. In the distance, I could see snowy mountains slowly getting closer.

I stared at the mountains as if entranced, "Are we going to the mountains for the excavation?"

He shook his head, "Those mountains are too dangerous to go to. We will be near them, but far enough so that the magic fluctuations won't affect us."

I glanced at him, "Is it really that bad on the mountains?"

He nodded with a glum expression, "No one who has ever gone there has ever returned. The King once sent a party there to investigate, but they never returned. It's said that any creature with magic in their bodies will collapse with a grave illness or that the magic in their bodies will backlash and kill them. Either way, going there is certain death for anyone."

Is there radiation poisoning on that mountain or something?

He paused and looked at me with a tense expression, "I didn't mean to scare you… I forgot that kind of conversation isn't for children to hear."

I leaned back in my seat and crossed my arms, "I'm not scared."

Actually, now I'm even more curious.

I looked towards the mountains with a strange feeling. It's hard to believe something so beautiful could be deadly.

Maybe it's a myth?

I should go and see…

But then again…

If it is real, then I would die and I'm not really in the mood to die.

I guess I shouldn't tempt fate and make sure to stay away from it.

Once we finally arrived, we were assigned to individual tents. There were only two people assigned to a tent, but since I was an uninvited guest, Hazel was "kind" enough to allow me to stay in her tent.

She pulled me along, holding my hand, "I'm so excited!"

Why is this little girl so strong!?

I opened the tent door and peered around the inside. It is less like a tent and more like a small dorm room.

I dropped the tent flap and looked around the outside. I frowned, "But it is so small on the outside…"

Hazel nodded weakly, "It's reinforced by magic. It's larger on the inside than the outside."

I raised an eyebrow, "Will you be okay? Aren't you allergic to magic?"

She forced out a chuckle and anxiously played with her braids, "It makes me feel a bit queasy, but I will be fine. Even our dorm rooms are reinforced by magic so I'm more or less used to it."

I nodded thoughtfully, "Ah, I see. This world must be very difficult for you."

She shrugged, "It's not so bad…"

"By the way… Who is the other person sharing this tent with us?"

She tapped her chin, "I'm not sure. We didn't stick around to find out."

As we reached for the opening, another hand reached out. I froze and looked at the culprit. I let out a groan, "You have GOT to be kidding me…"

Priscilla pulled her hand back with a shrill screech, "No way! You're not allowed to stay with me! Go find another tent!"

I made a face, "You go find another tent!"

She stuck out her tongue, "No way! I was assigned this tent!!"

I smiled mockingly, "Fine. Then I will just go share a tent with your precious brother~"

Her face paled, "NO WAY! If anyone gets to share a tent with him, it's ME!"

A teacher overheard our argument and let out an exhausted sigh, "Neither one of you is allowed to stay with the boys. You have to stay with your assignment."

Priscilla turned to look at me with a growl.

I growled back.

Hazel scratched her cheek timidly, "U-Um… Can we just go inside now? It's not like we will be at the tents often…."

We both tossed our heads simultaneously: "Fine."

Zephyr stood behind Hazel and chuckled, "I should have brought more snacks."

Priscilla glared at him, "Wait. He's a boy. He's not allowed to stay with us."

I clicked my tongue, "He's my familiar. Familiars get the pass."

She argued back, "He can sleep outside. He's a filthy fox. Foxes sleep outside."

Zephyr growled at her in irritation, "Oi! Trash girl! We foxes are very clean and proud! We won't sleep on the ground!"

She sneered, "Well I won't let you sleep in here."

He laughed menacingly with an evil expression, "Well then I will have no choice but to bite off your toes while you sleep."

She gasped, "You are into such a thing!? See! I told you foxes were gross!"

He turned to me with a look of defeat. The frightening look on his face earlier was completely gone, leaving behind a pitiful expression. He whined, "Reika… What is wrong with kids these days!? That used to terrify children!!"

I rubbed his head, "It's because she's not a child-"

Priscilla turned up her head proudly, "That's right."

"-She's a demon."

"Exactly, so- HEY!" Priscilla stomped her foot, "Who are you calling a demon!?! Take that back!!!"

Zephyr laughed mockingly at her, "Haha! You're a demon!"

He paused, "Wait… Why are you using that as an insult!? Oi! OI!"

I ignored his insulted look and added in a smug tone to Priscilla, "Why does it even matter that he's a boy? He just lies around sleeping all day… Unless… Don't tell me you're just jealous I have a familiar and you don't."

She stomped even more, "I HAVE ONE!"

"Oh?" I raised an eyebrow, "Then why have I never seen it?"

She smiled proudly and tapped the front pocket of her blazer, "He's always with me."

The taps seemed to awaken something inside her pocket. A fat bumblebee slowly poked its head out. The bee struggled to climb out and buzzed around Priscilla almost lazily.

My expression darkened.

As I stared at that bee, all I could think of was Beatrice.

My mood soured, "What a worthless familiar. What can that thing even do?"

…Except sting people.

She spoke defensively, "He can pollinate flowers! He's very dependable!"

"Pollinate, eh?" A sly grin spread across my face, "If Zephyr can't stay, then neither can your bee."

"WHAT?! What makes you say THAT?! My bee is well trained and he-"

"Exactly." I interrupted quickly, "It's a he."

She froze.

I could see the gears turning in her head.

Her face slowly started to turn red in embarrassment. She muttered out, "FINE! I-I will allow him to stay… But just this one time!"

I rolled my eyes, "Whatever."

I moved inside the tent and paused, "Ah… There are only two beds."

Priscilla crossed her arms, "Well I'm definitely not sharing."

Hazel batted her eyes timidly, "I-I don't mind sharing with you Reika..."

I looked at the small twin bed then back at her, "No way. I'm not sharing. Sleep on the floor, Hazel."

Her mouth dropped in shock.

Priscilla smirked at me with an arrogant look, "Aren't you a commoner? You should be used to sleeping on the floor. So go on. Make your bed on the floor, beneath our feet."

This little brat.

Is that how she wants to play?

"It's true that I used to be a commoner." I flipped my hair arrogantly, "But now I live with the Headmaster. I only sleep in the most luxurious beds now. Even my taste buds are high class. Just breathing the same air as you have tainted my perfect body."

Her cheeks turned pink, "Y-You! You have an ugly body! Ugly!"

I snickered, "Is that the best insult you can come up with?"

Her face contorted in anger, "Y-You!!"

Hazel yawned, "Could we not argue? We've been traveling all day and have to wake up early tomorrow… Let's just sleep."

Priscilla growled at her, "Shut up. You're just a political prisoner whose parents didn't want her."

I took a step toward Priscilla in a threatening manner, "Oi. Don't call her that!"

Hazel held me back, "Let's not fight!!"

Zephyr giggled maniacally, "Fight! Fight! Here! Have a knife!"

Priscilla clicked her tongue and crossed her arms haughtily, "I'm not going to waste my time with you lot."

She waved her wand and produced flowers. We watched as she lay them on the ground, dividing the room in half.

She pointed at one side, "This is MY side. You aren't allowed to cross the line."

I rolled my eyes, "Sounds good to me. But you're not allowed to cross to OUR side either."



Hazel stood in the middle of us with a nervous expression.

Priscilla and I both turned away from each other and lay on our respective beds. Hazel shrugged and eventually joined me in bed.