[24.6] Pieces of a Living Nightmare

I walked through the slums with a cloak and dark eyes.

That first day I woke up in this world, I was filled with hate. I was mad at everyone and everything.

It consumed me like a fire that would never die.

It only left because of the warmth I had finally received from my new family…

But now, the darkness had returned to my heart.

I had a family.

I had an uncle.

I had a mother.

I had love…

And once again, it was ripped away from me.

But I'm not going to let it go this time.

The slums are an evil and filthy place… But it's a place where answers can be found.

There was a lot of danger in the slums because it was the only place the Royal Knights wouldn't enter without a good reason.

So it wasn't hard to find a person who could give me what I wanted.

I entered the back of a house and was led to a table. In front of me was a woman who held no compassion in her eyes, "Why is a child like you looking for a demon sympathizer?"

I met her eyes without fear, "I was told that you were the person to go to if I wanted to find some answers."

"Only for a price." She crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow, "But what could a child like you possibly give me? You don't seem to have money or connections."

I tossed out a vial filled with a strange air-like substance.

Her eyes widened as she picked up the vial in awe, "T-This! This is pure extracted mana?! Not just any! It's- it's!"

"-It's the highest quality you will find." I finished the sentence for her. I leaned back in my chair, "I can get you more. I just want two things."

She looked at me suspiciously, "Where did you get this mana from?"

I stared back into her eyes, "Let's just say whoever I got it from won't complain."

…Mostly because it's my own.

She placed the vial back down and sat up straight, "What two things are you asking for in return?"

My gaze never wavered, "I need a book on necromancy. One that will provide me with instructions to bring back someone who has died."

She scoffed, "Child. Are you stupid? Committing necromancy is the ultimate sin here. If you are found using it, you will get the death penalty. Anyone related to you will be put to death as well. They don't care if you're a child or not. To them, using necromancy is even worse than being a demon."

I smirked, "Why do you care?"

She sighed and shrugged, "Fine. What's your other request?"

"My other request is for you to give me the identity of the man who killed my Uncle."

She laughed, "How would I know who killed your uncle?!"

I stared her down, "Because he's a devil sympathizer like yourself."

Her laugh died abruptly, "And how would you know that?"

I tapped on my nose, "I have a good sense of smell."

The same smoke that was there that day is here as well.

I don't know if she actually knows the man, but there's a high possibility that she does. Furthermore, the bodies at the caravan died because all of their mana had been forcefully taken from them until they finally succumbed to death. That in itself was something only the demon sympathizers were known to do.

They were a gang that operated on stealing mana in this country. Their signature included leaving behind a shriveled-up dead body with black veins.

It's obvious what group was behind the incident, I just need to figure out which person was the one who committed the act.

The woman eventually spoke up, "There are a lot of men who cross our paths and never live to tell about it. Who is the person you're talking about?"

"In the far village of Letum near the Macrabe Forest, a little over a year ago, there was a group of people who were escorting a caravan. They were all killed, but nothing was taken. No one was ever brought to justice."

She thought for a moment, then nodded slowly. "Listen kid, I can't make any promises, but I will speak to my Boss about it. If he accepts, then I will get in touch with you soon."

I grimaced, "You will get in touch?! Just how long do you need!? I need that book NOW!"

She frowned at me with an evil look in her eye, "Don't push us, kid. Just be happy I am offering to go to my boss. Usually, we kill people who come in here making demands."

I clicked my tongue, "Fine."

With that, I left the building.

I had nothing to do other than wait.

It had been a month since the accident and I had already left my life behind. I didn't need to work as I had more than enough magic to help me survive. I rarely ate and I rarely spoke.

I was living like the dead.

A few weeks after encountering the woman, I was sleeping in an abandoned shed when hands suddenly grabbed me. Before I could shout, I took a deep breath and saw the smoke surrounding their bodies.

Ah, they are with the demon sympathizers.

After I realized who they were, I allowed them to place a bag over my head and take me to another location. I was forced to take a seat when the bag was suddenly pulled off my head.

The woman from before sat in front of me, grinning. "Good news. My Boss has accepted the request."

I rolled my eyes, "He certainly took his time."

She shrugged, "My Boss isn't his best self right now so it was hard to get in touch with him. When I gave him the mana and explained your situation, he was more than receptive. He said we can give you what you want for four vials of that mana you gave us before. Two vials for the book, two vials for the man."

I clenched my jaw.

Just extracting one vial was excruciatingly painful. It felt like my soul was being ripped out through my skin. Now they want four? Even if my mana is limitless, it still hurts.

…But I will do anything if it means I can get my Mummy back.

I nodded, "Deal. Just give me a few months and I will have the vials."

She grinned, "Excellent. It's a deal. You know where to find us."

The men approached with the bag again, but I held up a hand to stop them. I frowned, "How come you shoved a bag over my head? I've already come here before."

She leaned forward with a giggle, "It's for dramatic effect."

I rolled my eyes before the men shoved the bag back on my head and shuttled me out of the building. They brought me outside and pulled the bag back off.

I shouted after them as soon as they went back inside, "You could have at least brought me back home!"

I let out an angry grunt and threw up my hands in irritation.

Whatever. Now I just need to find a place I can use that wouldn't attract attention. The shed I was sleeping in was too close to people, so I needed to find a place more hidden than that.

I entered the dangerous area of the slums and stuck to the darkness. Of course, I still encountered idiots who tried to kidnap me, but before they got the chance, I covered them in ice. Eventually, I came to an abandoned factory and checked out the inside. It would never arise suspicion and no one lived here.

It was perfect.

I quickly went to work drawing magic circles on the windows, doors, and walls, preventing anyone from entering or trying to look inside. Once I finished, I took a step back and looked at the finished result.

Uncle taught me well.

Only a high-level magician could possibly break it.

I pulled out four vials from my satchel and took a deep breath to calm myself. I placed the vials in front of me and held my wand to one. I grit my teeth and forced the raw mana out through the wand and into the vial.

Shearing pain ripped apart my insides as each one was filled.

Once I was finished and corked them, I fainted from the exertion.

I woke up a few days later to the sound of my stomach clenching painfully from hunger.

I ran my fingers through my frayed hair and forcefully sat up. I left the vials behind to grab bread from the nearest store and chewed on it emotionlessly.

I didn't want to wait any longer to make the deal, but if I came back with four vials of high-quality mana in only a few days, it would be far too suspicious. I would rather avoid the headache of becoming a target for kidnapping.

I returned back to the factory with enough rations to last me through the month.

Then I sat there without leaving once.

My eyes stayed on those vials in front of me.


Soon I will have my Mummy back.