[28.5] Sweet Dreams, My Demon

I arrived home and threw open the door. I walked into the kitchen to see my Mother and the Headmaster standing near the stove. Both had on frilly aprons, but the Headmaster appeared to be suffering while my mother was having the time of her life teasing him.

I stared at them silently, unable to compute what I was seeing.

I snapped out of my trance and cleared my throat, "Have you seen Zephyr?"

They both simultaneously pointed to a cupboard.

I walked over and pulled it open to see a cowering Zephyr. I grabbed him by the scruff, "We need to have a chat."

I walked up to my room where I placed him down and sat on the bed with my arms crossed. He lowered his head preparing to be scolded.

I spoke after a few minutes, "No secrets. Tell me who that was."

He let out a sigh, "...That was my sister."

I wasn't too shocked since the two looked so similar, "Sister?"

He nodded, "To be precise, my identical twin."

I tilted my head, "But she's so adorable and lovable. If it wasn't for your faces being similar, I wouldn't guess you were related."

"She's not adorable!" He cried out, "She's evil! Pure evil!"

"She didn't seem evil."

"That's because she uses her cute charm to manipulate others!!"

"Ah… I see. So how is she evil?"

His eyebrows pinched together, "She always liked to pinch me and make fun of me! Whenever she got mad, she would always sit on me and pull my ears until I begged her to stop!"

I accidentally let out a laugh, "So she just acted like a normal sibling?"

"Er… Well… Yeah, but she's stronger than me and always took her training seriously. If it wasn't for her condition, she probably could take over the world."

I nodded, "Right. Could you tell me more about your childhood though? She kept calling me Momma and mentioned an older brother."

He scratched his head, "Ah, I don't know why she would call you Momma. You're definitely not our mother. Our mother was a beautiful fairy and no one could possibly compare to her."

I felt a bit irritated, "Oi."

"I guess I can tell you a bit more about our childhood." He looked a bit nostalgic, "My sisters and I were all saved by the Great Fairy of the mountain. But because of our conditions, we aren't able to live among humans. So, the Great Fairy watched over us and we grew up on the mountain with her. Everyone called the Great Fairy our Mother, but she was more like our master and we were her disciples learning magic."

"And the older brother she mentioned?"

His eyes turned somber, "He died a long time ago."

I furrowed my brow.

She made it sound like he was alive. Could it be that she just calls all older men 'older brother'?

She did call me and Cyrus Momma and Dadda, so it is possible.

Zephyr smiled, "My older brother was one of a kind. He was always there to help us whenever we were in trouble. He'd make us delicious food, comfort us when we cried, taught us how to read and write… He was really great. Honestly, he was perfect. He was the kind of person everyone aspired to be. You couldn't find anything at fault with him. However, because of me, I got tricked and allowed that blasted woman to-"

His words abruptly stopped.

I urged him on softly, "What woman?"

He looked startled, "I-I…"

I leaned forward, "Zephyr. Your past could be connected to what's going on. You don't have to tell me anything sensitive, but if there's anything important I should know, just tell me. I won't judge you or laugh."

He looked at me as if trying to figure out if I was being serious before letting out a sigh, "Do you remember… The story of Alora?"

I thought back, "Vaguely. She was a holy light user who killed demons to bring prosperity to humans or something dumb like that."

His expression turned hateful, "She may have been a Holy Light user, but she's not a benevolent hero! She's a manipulative human who tricked me into being her mate just so she could go and kill my master and my brother!"

I was shocked, "M-Mate?!"

He paused and scratched his cheek in embarrassment, "I… I was naive back then."

I think you're still naive now.

He continued, "I thought she actually liked me so I brought her back to meet my family. Then she killed my brother, then my Master… But then after killing my family, she just ran off! I tried to track her down and get an explanation out of her, but she tricked me AGAIN and trapped me in a stupid stone for nearly a thousand years! Do you know how boring it was in there?!"

I reached out to rub the top of his head, "I'm sorry you had to go through that."

He let out a groan, "I was so stupid. I should have known she was just using me. What human would ever be interested in a demon? I should have listened to my older brother when he said humans aren't loyal like demons are… I can't believe I was stupid enough to fall for her lies."

I shook my head, "You're not stupid. You just wanted to believe in love. It's not your fault she took advantage of it."

He closed his eyes and purred from the head scratches, "Whatever. It's in the past. I'm just relieved that terrible human died all those years ago... Even if she was smoking hot."

I looked out of the window with a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach.


Astra walked down an exquisite hall, yawning as she fought off sleep. Her footsteps slowly halted when she saw a well-dressed man standing near a window with a sketchbook in hand. Even though he was calmly sketching, an immediate sense of danger was thick in the air, dancing around him.

His cool voice spoke over the sound of the pencil scratching on paper, "You acted on your own today."

She puffed out her cheeks, "You don't control me, big brother."

His bright orange eyes raised from the book in a threatening manner, "Does this mean you've finally decided to choose a side?"

Astra yawned lazily, "Zephyr hasn't chosen one. I won't either."

The man didn't seem too surprised by her response and went back to sketching. He spoke almost as if he was bored, "Then why did you appear today?"

She looked away in embarrassment, "I wanted to see Momma."

His pencil abruptly stopped.

His lack of movement made Astra nervous as she shifted uncomfortably.

He spoke slowly, "That is not our mother."

Her head snapped up as her fear was abandoned for her pride, "Yes she is! I know she is!"

"You were young back then. You can't know that."

She puffed out her cheeks indignantly, "Stop treating me like a child! Even though I don't remember her face… I-I know it's her. You didn't go inside her dreams! I did! A-And they both give the same warm hugs! You don't know anything, you dumb big idiot!"

He watched as she heaved in anger and decided not to press the subject. He turned his attention back to his sketch, "Don't show yourself in front of them again."

She clicked her tongue, "Why not?"

"Because it's dangerous."

She stomped her foot, "Zephyr gets to!! Why can't I!?"

He spoke calmly, "Because Zephyr is a traitor. Do you want to be one as well?"

She narrowed her eyes, "Zephyr isn't with that woman anymore. He's not a traitor."

"He abandoned us for an enemy. Once a traitor, always a traitor… Not to mention he's now running around with her disgusting descendent."

She looked over at the man with a faint smirk, "You say that, but don't you think that boy looks familiar?"

He slowly closed his book, "What are you talking about?"

She tilted her head, "I know it's been many years, but you can't have forgotten. Momma always liked painting that man who looks just like that boy."

His expression grew taut, "That's just a coincidence. How can a human have existed that long ago? They just look similar. That alone isn't surprising. It's how humans pass on their traits. It's nothing you should concern yourself about."

She hummed, "I wonder."

He gave her a glance, "Just stay out of this matter. Atta is getting closer to us. If she thinks you chose a side, she won't hesitate to take you out… It's not like she remembers you anyway."

Her head dipped slowly as she fought off sleep, "You two… Should stop… Fighting…"

As she let out a large yawn, he sighed and placed the sketchbook down on the windowsill beside him.

He turned to her and held out his arms. She rubbed her eyes as they slowly closed, then stumbled over to him and fell asleep abruptly. He caught her before she hit the ground, and picked her up carefully.

He walked down the long and luxurious halls before stopping at a room decorated in pink. He went to the large childlike bed and tucked her in. He sat down beside her on the bed, staring at her with complex emotions.

He whispered, "Don't cross me, sleepy one. I won't hesitate to get rid of anyone trying to prevent my goal."

Despite trying to be threatening, his sinister tone didn't match his affectionate actions.