[32.4] Would it Really be that Bad?

I lay in the sun poking a flower as my Mother tended to the garden that Zephyr was actively destroying as he played in his fox form.

I groaned, "I'm bored."

My mother spoke, "Your father and I are going to an appointment with the King later today. Would you like to come along?"

"No way. That guy is a creep."

She frowned, "He is? I thought he was handsome and charming…"

I clicked my tongue, "He is. That's exactly why you can't trust him. There's something sinister behind that man's smile. Mark my words. No man can age that well."

Zephyr shrugged, "He could be a demon."

I nodded in agreement, "That's always a possibility."

My mom spoke, "Just being handsome and charming doesn't always mean they will be a bad guy. Look at your little Prince for example. He's handsome and charming, but he would rather cut off his hand than commit a crime."

I sat up, "That's it!"

She tilted her head, "What is it?"

I stood up and started running away, "I will just go bother Goldilocks!"

My mother shouted after me, "Just be home by curfew!"

I ran through the Academy grounds and realized that it was completely abandoned.

People really take vacations seriously here.

Would the library even be open?

I tried the doors, but found they were locked.

Maybe I should break in?

I pulled out my wand but paused.

No, no. He wouldn't be in there if it was locked.

…Okay, so he has to be outside.

And if I know him, he's either practicing with his magic sword or looking over those sparse documents to find the Demon Sympathizer's leader by the lake.

As I stepped through the hedges to get to the gazebo by the lake, I noticed Cyrus sitting with his back to me as Caldwell poured him a glass of tea.

I smiled to myself and slowly tiptoed over.

I pounced over the railing of the gazebo to attack Cyrus, "BOO!"

"AAAH!" He jumped with a yelp, scattering the papers onto the table. He looked at me in surprise, "What are you doing here?!"

I smiled at him, "I'm here to annoy you."

I let him go and watched as he picked up the papers in slight irritation, "Reika. I'm trying to do work. You do know that this is all on a deadline, right?"

I nodded, "Yeah, yeah. So have you discovered anything new?"

He paused, "Not… Yet."

I dragged a chair over to his and sat down, "Great! Then come into town with me."

He raised an eyebrow, "Town? To do what?"

Since my mother has been on my case about spending time with friends, it would probably be best to show her that I can be social.


Wouldn't it be more fun to tease Goldilocks?

I smiled mischievously, "I was thinking we could go on a date."

Cyrus spat his tea out, "D-Date?!"

I leaned forward with a large grin, "What's wrong? You don't want to go on a date with me? We could shop for art supplies together and then go to a cafe after~"

Ah! I really want to see that handsome face with whipped cream on his nose.

I bet he would look so adorable!

I could use my finger to clean up the cream and put it into my own mouth…


He would be so embarrassed!

Go on! Ask me on a date!

Do it!

He stared at me as if horrified, "ME!? On a date with YOU!?"

A sour taste filled my mouth.

I frowned, "Why do you make it sound like such a bad thing?"

He leaned away from me with a bright red face, "IT WOULD BE BAD!"

I grit my teeth and stood up in a fury, "Oh I'm SO SORRY it would be bad to go on a date with me. Since it's obvious you hate me so much, I will just go into town on my own."

I walked out of the gazebo in a huff ignoring Cyrus as he called out to me, "WAIT! REIKA! I DIDN'T MEAN-"

I summoned my ice chunk and rose into the air, speeding off before he could explain.

Caldwell looked at Cyrus in disappointment, "Oh… Young Master… You really screwed up."

He let out a groan and covered his blushing face with his hands.


I got off my ice chunk close to town and let out a sigh.

Ugh. Now what am I going to do?

I never actually wanted to come into town. There's nothing more I hate than shopping.

…Not to mention there are always so many people here I feel like screaming.

But I can't just leave without doing anything. That would be a waste of time.

I guess I should go look at art supplies.

I passed a nearby flower shop and entered the store next to it that was filled with art supplies. I had been there a few times before, so I was more or less familiar with it. Even so, I still enjoyed scanning the shelves and looking at each item carefully.

It was a great stress reliever.

I noticed a new brush in stock and reached out to take it when my hand bumped into another who was reaching for the same one. I looked up in surprise to see a tall, handsome man staring back down at me.

Now this man redefines the word attractive.

Flawless skin, excellent jawline…

Oh my gods, I can even see the muscles poking through his shirt.

Not too big and not too small…

Just the way I like it.

But it's not just his gorgeous skin and luscious brown hair that capture your attention.

It's his eyes.

They were a pleasant burnt orange color that lightened up his face.

Ugh. Why does this world have so many good-looking men?!

It really should be a crime.