[36.1] The Winner of the Bet

Felix and I rushed back to Zephyr to see him sleeping peacefully under the tree.

My face twitched, "Oi."

I started kicking the bottom of his foot until he finally woke up. Zephyr screeched, "STOP KICKING ME! I'm injured!"

I clicked my tongue, "You're not too injured to sleep! How can you even fall asleep in this situation?!"

"I sleep to heal my wounds! All demo-"

He abruptly stopped.

We both looked at Felix who looked back at us confused.

Zephyr averted his gaze and grumbled, "It's only a few broken bones. It will take me an hour at most to heal. I've healed from far worse in the past."

Felix stepped over to Zephyr's side and pulled out a wand. He smiled warmly, "Even if you can, it doesn't mean you should force yourself through such a painful ordeal."

I watched anxiously as Felix healed Zephyr. Once he was finished, I checked Zephyr over, "Are you good? You're not hurt?"

Zephyr let me pull him around with a slightly irritated look, "He healed me! Stop panicking, you trashy girl."

Felix laughed, "Reika. If I didn't know better, I would think you were his mother."

We both looked at Felix in disgust.

Zephyr stuck out his tongue, "Don't say such disturbing things."

I rubbed Zephyr's head playfully, "Don't say that, my son. You look just like me."

He pushed my hand off and scowled, "Now I'm really going to vomit."

I laughed then turned to the building, "Should we see if they need any help?"

Felix spoke, "Well it is quiet now. Maybe the Headmaster and Chief Gonza got it under control."

Zephyr chuckled darkly, "Or they are all dead."

Felix turned pale.

I shoved Zephyr playfully, "Don't scare him. Let's go and check on the situation."

We arrived at the main hall to see everything was already resolved. The shadow men had either been defeated or had simply disappeared. Everyone was more or less okay. Thanks to the Headmaster, there were only minor injuries.

My mother saw me and rushed forward, burying me in a hug, "Reika! I was SOOO worried!"

I patted her back, "I'm a master magician. What's there to be scared of?"

She gave me a harsh look, "There's a lot to be scared of when it concerns you."

Why does it feel like I'm being insulted?

I looked around, "Where's Goldilocks?"

She motioned over her shoulder and I noticed him standing over by Hazel. As soon as we made eye contact, he averted his gaze.

I felt a bit embarrassed and looked away as well.

When I felt courageous enough to look again, I shyly glanced over.

Cyrus was also looking right at me.

Once we made eye contact, we both averted our gazes again.

My mother wasn't the only one who noticed this exchange since Felix, Hazel, and Zephyr all gave me a look of suspicion.

Duke Newman scrambled to the front of the crowd and spoke loud enough for everyone to hear, "Please forgive my lack of protection for everyone tonight! I should have been aware of any dangers and I personally feel to blame for allowing this to happen."

The Headmaster walked over to him and shook his head, "You couldn't have predicted this to happen."

Chief Gonza agreed quickly, "That's right. You also took all the necessary precautions by having members of the Bureau and the Royal Guards here. No one could have guessed the Demon Sympathizers were brave enough to attack."

Captain Lou glared at me from across the room, "What a coincidence that there was another attack. I'm sensing a connection here."

Chief Gonza and the Headmaster glared at him which shut him up immediately.

Duke Newman smiled to placate the two Marlow brothers, "Yes, I'm sure Miss Reika doesn't know who attacked today."

I spoke up, "Actually, I know who was responsible for the attack today. I met the leader of the Demon Sympathizers today."

Everyone turned to look at me.

I closed my mouth quickly and silently cursed myself for saying anything.

I hate being the center of attention! Why did I have to open my mouth?!

Chief Gonza stared at me, "What do you mean?"

"I… Uh…"

Looking back at the crowd staring at me awaiting my answer, I couldn't find the words to speak.

Cyrus stepped over beside me and spoke, "While Reika and I were in the courtyard, a man came up to us. He revealed himself as the leader of the Demon Sympathizers and then attacked us."

I looked at Cyrus in surprise.

Did he just lie to help me?

Chief Gonza immediately perked up, "You actually saw him?!"

We both nodded.

Chief Gonza cheered silently, "Do you think you could describe his appearance?"

I nodded, "I can do that and also show you where I've seen him before."

"Great! Tomorrow both of you come down to the bureau." He smacked our backs in excitement, "You've managed to make more progress on this case in a few months than the bureau has in years! Not only did you pass your first step for the Throne Competition, but you are easily in first place!"

Chief Gonza skipped away with a bright smile.

Captain Lou went to follow him, but paused to give me a harsh look, "You know more than you're saying. You won't fool me."

I stuck out my tongue at him.

He spat out some angry words under his breath, then stomped away.

The Headmaster gave me a nod, "I have to leave with my brother, but go with your mother so I know you got back home safely."

I nodded, "Yes, papa."

My mother bent down to whisper in my ear, "I will wait for you outside so you can properly thank your little prince."

I laughed silently and looked at Cyrus with a warm smile. He noticed me staring and glanced at me, "What?"

I nudged him affectionately, "You have a way with words. You saved me back there."

He scratched the back of his head with a faint curl of his lips, "I-Its an important skill to have."

I laughed, "I guess all Kings have to have it."

He pursed his lips, "I'm not a King."

I gave him a wink, "Yet."

He clicked his tongue as if annoyed, but I could see the corner of his lips threatening to smile. He turned to me when he heard me giggle, "Don't laugh at me."

I smiled haughtily, "Or else what?"

He smirked, "I won the bet."

My smile froze, "Hm? What bet?"

He crossed his arms arrogantly and spoke in a teasing tone, "You bet that the man who was the leader of the Demon Sympathizers was rich. However, he's not a noble or an aristocrat. He worked in a flower shop."

I pursed my lips, "Allegedly. He could just be using the flower shop as a cover."

He laughed and gently poked the center of my forehead, "You lost. Admit it."

I held my forehead with a frown, "Okay, okay. I admit it. You won. What do you want?"

He suddenly leaned in close to me with a haughty look on his face, "On our next day off, meet me in front of the Academy's gate at the crack of dawn."

The blood drained from my face, "...The crack of dawn?"

He smiled and turned to walk away, "Don't be late, and wear something comfortable."

My face twitched.


As in…

Morning dawn!?