[37.5] Desire: The Double-Edged Blade

[Author's note: This chapter is from Hazel's Point of View.]

I stood on a luscious green mountain overlooking a vast forest.

I pursed my lips, "Zepphy my darling… What did you get me into?"

A woman appeared out of thin air.

My face curled in disgust, "Oh, look. It's an ugly snake. Is there a shovel anywhere?"

Rose hissed at me, "YOU F*CKING-"

I covered my ears and hummed, "Such naughty words. I don't want to hear them."

She suddenly lunged at me without warning, so I jumped to the side to avoid her.

My lips curved up tauntingly, "Didn't your mother ever teach you any manners?"

Her eyes shrank back furiously, "I WILL KILL YOU!"

I avoided her flawlessly, "You weren't able to kill me back then, so why do you think it will change now?"

Rose heaved crazily as she glared daggers at me. Her usual flawless appearance was now one of a feral beast. Horns grew out of her head as two sharp fangs filled with poison dropped down her lips.

She charged at me again, "YOU KILLED MY DARLING!"

I jumped to the side and let out a sigh, "For the last time, I didn't kill him. If you accuse me of murder, the least you could do is provide proof."

She went to attack but suddenly froze.

A shadow appeared between the two of us with bright vibrant orange eyes. He cast me a look without saying a single thing.

I clenched my fists and forced on a smile, "I should have known you were here."

He said nothing and slowly turned to look at Rose, "I specifically said not to interfere with her."

She unconsciously took a step back and gulped, "I-Im sorry. I didn't mean to-"

He let out a long breath and in an earthy tone muttered, "We will talk about this later."

Then, the two of them disappeared.

I crossed my arms and clicked my tongue, "So you're just going to leave me in here then, eh? Whatever."

I heard something whisper in my ear, "-Desire."

My face curled in disgust, "Here we go."

The landscape at my feet slowly started to ice over, creating a path.

I walked through the sudden path towards the sound of laughter.

Eventually, it led to a small cottage. I went to open the door but found a very heavy chain on it.

I paused, "Where is the key?"

A key suddenly appeared in my hands.

I stared at it for a moment before putting it into the lock.

I pushed open the door and froze.

A woman with a blurred face sat at a table painting a beautiful portrait of a blonde-haired man on a canvas. Just as it had been in the past, I couldn't make out any identifying feature of her. It was as if she was erased from the neck up.

It was a strange magic I could never understand.

It was as if she existed, but she didn't at the same time.

She paused and raised her head to look at me, "Where have you been? Do you know how annoying your boyfriend has been since you've been away?"

My eyes shook.

I slowly turned to the side to see a lazy fox sleeping on the windowsill.

I felt a suffocating feeling grasp my throat as I croaked out, "Mother-in-law…"

She clicked her tongue, "I really don't like it when you all call me Mother. It makes me feel old."

I ran to her side and fell to my knees. I looked at her in desperation, "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! Please! Please forgive me… Please…"

Her blurred face looked down at me without speaking.

I couldn't tell what expression she was making.

…I never could.

She put down the paper and pencil, "Why are you apologizing? What did you do this time? Did you get into another fight with Moni? I swear you are the only one who can make that boy rip off his mask."

"That's not it!" I bit my lip, "I… I hurt you…"

She let out a sigh, "Hurt me? You could never hurt me."

I shook my head, "But I did! I did hurt you! I hurt you and Zep-"

"-You hurt me?"

I turned to look at the window where Zephyr was sitting on the ledge in his demon form.

He still looked as he had on that day.

He repeated himself, "When did you hurt me?"

I ignored him and cried out, "Please! Please remember what I did and tell me that you forgive me!"

He let out a yawn, "Okay, okay. Stop crying. I don't know why you feel so bad, but if you're really upset then just give me some chicken legs."

I grabbed my dress and crinkled it between my fingers as my body shook.

Is this really my desire?


I don't believe it!

I would never want them to forget!

I would never want them to just be sitting here acting like everything was fine!

I… I want them to punish me.

My body slowly stopped trembling and I let out a big breath.

I turned to the fake Zephyr with cold eyes, "Do you remember how to break an illusion?"

He pursed his lips, "You have to destroy what doesn't belong."

I let out a chuckle, "Can you do it for me? I'm afraid I don't want to do it."

"No way! You know I don't use magic after-" He paused and looked away sheepishly, "It always makes me feel… Bad…"

I smiled faintly, "That's right. It always hurt you."

I stood up and went to the small kitchen and grabbed a knife.

A reflection on the knife's blade revealed another person staring back at me.

Her hair was so blonde it looked nearly white.

She had luscious blue eyes that would captivate anyone.

I no longer saw the scratchy brown hair and freckled-skinned girl staring back at me.

I turned the blade to my neck and felt a bubbling sensation beneath my skin. I let out a chuckle, "Heh. The thing that doesn't belong… It's me right?"

Before I plunged it in, I heard a childlike voice, "Once upon a time there was a human."

The landscape suddenly changed to an abandoned temple.

I grit my teeth as the knife disappeared from my grip.

Oh great. It's her.