[37.8] The Darkness of Falsity

[Author's note: This is back to Reika's point of view.]

I felt an explosion of pain travel across my body and then disappear as quickly as it came.

I slowly opened my eyes and winced from the unnatural light.

When my eyes readjusted, I quickly realized that I was in a hospital room.

I panicked and went to sit up, but something tug at my chest.

There was a strange device taped to my chest which led to a machine. On the monitor, a line moved up and down as rhythmic beating echoed in the room.

I heard a startled voice beside me, "No way! You're awake!"

I turned in confusion and saw the face of someone familiar, "Hanabae?"

Hanabae jumped up from her chair, "Let me go get a nurse!"

I watched as she ran out of the room.

What is going on here?

Wasn't I in a different world?

Why am I suddenly back here?

A nurse shuffled into the room and rushed to my side to check my vitals. I winced as she shined a light in my eyes, "Do you remember your name?"


"Do you remember what happened?"

I spoke slowly, "I… I was somewhere else."

She continued, "Do you know where you are now?"

I looked around, "At a hospital."

She put her light away and pulled out a clipboard. She started writing on it, "That's right. You've been in a coma for almost two weeks. You sustained significant lung damage, but you seem to be recovering."

I furrowed my brow, "Two weeks? No… That can't be right."

The nurse looked at Hanabae who was standing in the doorway with an anxious expression, "I will let you two talk."

She nodded, "Thank you."

We both watched the nurse walk away before Hanabae rushed over to give me a hug, "I was so worried! You idiot! Why would you do that to me!?"

I hugged her back still feeling confused, "Is it just you here?"

"That's right."

"Where are my… Parents?"

She looked at me for a moment before speaking slowly, "Um… I didn't contact them. You took them off your registry as parents and put me on as your emergency contact…. I didn't think you would want them here… But I can call them if you'd-"

"No." I interrupted coldly, "If they knew they wouldn't care."

She looked at me in pity, "I'm sorry Reika…"

"It's okay." I forced on a smile, "You're here. That's enough."

She nodded and brushed away a tear from the corner of her eye, "I've been here every day since the incident."

My smile slowly fell, "And… Him?"

Her expression turned hateful, "Hah! Him? He's where he should be! It's ridiculous that they sentenced him to jail for destroying precious art rather than for attempted murder. Ugh! And the worst part is that no one cares-"

I reached out and held her hand, "You don't have to get mad on my behalf."

She let out a sigh, "It's just so frustrating! Why can't more people be on your side!? It's clearly the right side!!"

"I don't really care about all of that anymore." I stared at the ceiling, "You know… It was strange. I dreamt I was in this other world. It was filled with magic, demons, and all other things. I had a family who loved me and even friends who were like siblings. It all felt so real."

She smirked mischievously, "And what about a boy?"

I paused, "What do you mean?"

She elbowed me playfully, "You know what I mean. Was there anyone you liked?"

I paused and felt a slight blush spread across my cheeks, "Well… Not at first, but I guess I did have a soft spot for someone."

"Ooo! Give me all the details!"

I suddenly felt embarrassed and shook my head, "It doesn't matter. I guess it was all a lie anyway… Although it felt so real."

"A world of magic?" She laughed, "How did you not realize it wasn't real?"

"I don't know… It felt real. Why would I dream up all of that?"

"Maybe you dreamt about all of that because you never got it here."

I paused and looked at her in surprise.

She stared back at me with an innocent smile.

My hands slowly clenched into a fist as I spoke, "I forgot you were always like that."

"Like what?"

"You always said cruel things in such an innocent way."

She pursed her lips, "But it's the truth. You disowned your parents. You have friends, but they didn't treat you as they should have and the man you love-"

I interrupted, "I do NOT love him!"

She paused before smiling, "Well. Anyway, it wasn't a good life here. Why would you ever return?"


Why would I return?

I had everything I ever wanted there.

She noticed my melancholic mood and stood up, "Let me go buy us some ice cream."

After she left the room I let out a large sigh.

I held my aching head.

Why did I return…

I don't remember how I got back.

So was it really all just a dream?

My lower lip started to tremble.

I miss my mother…

I miss my father…

I miss Zephyr…

And Cyrus…

I covered my face, "I want to go back."

Suddenly, the lights all went off in the room.

Even the rhythmic beating from the machine ceased.

I froze.

A faint buzzing noise echoed in the hallway while a dim light flickered back on.

I gulped as I stared at the hallway that was not the same one I had seen a few seconds ago.

I slowly got off my bed and felt the IV tug at my arm. I grabbed the machine and started wheeling it beside me as I poked my head into the hall.

Okay so…

This doesn't look good.

I looked back into the room and noticed cracks starting to form on the walls and floor.

Yeah… That doesn't look good either.

I forced myself into the hallway and muttered, "This could have waited until after I got the ice cream…"