[46.2] Astra POV: Kicked Out

I checked around once more, but all the bodies that were collapsed on the floor were proof enough that Moni had yet to wake up and regain control.

I grabbed a cloak from the hook and took one last look before sneaking away. I ensured the cloak was pulled over my horn and hair before rushing off in the direction I could feel her energy. I traveled quickly to the forest attached to the Academy where I paused.

Why is she here?

Could it be she found Mama too?

I knew I was right!

I felt a rush of excitement and ran forward. Atta was sitting cross-legged meditating in the shade of a tree. Once she felt my presence, she jumped up from high alert.

In the tree above her was a samurai woman nonchalantly eating an apple. The samurai woman looked in my direction with disinterest, "Ah. Company."

I took off my hood and smiled at Atta with glistening eyes, "A-Atta… It's me."

Atta stared at me for a moment and stepped closer. As soon as she felt my mana, her expression changed. She no longer seemed tensed but looked relieved instead. She rushed over to hug me and I gladly hugged her back, "Sister Atta! I missed you so much!"

Once she finally pulled away, she wrote on her chalkboard: "I'm glad you're alive."

I wiped away my tears and nodded, "We are all alive. Zephyr too! I always knew he made it."

She nodded quickly and wrote: "I saw him! Although… He's not too happy with me right now."

I pursed my lips, "What did you do? Beat him up again?"

She shook her head and wrote: "I accidentally outed Alora."

My eyebrow twitched.

…Please tell me she didn't.

She wrote down: "I don't think he knew she was pretending to be someone else."

I cried out in frustration, "Why would you reveal that?!"

She looked surprised and wrote: "You knew?"

"Of course I knew!"

That secret was probably the only thing preventing her and older brother from trying to kill each other again!

She wrote: "Then why didn't you say anything?"

"Haven't you heard of the phrase 'keep your friends close, and your enemies closer'?! I had to keep an eye on her to figure out what she had planned!"

…Plus, I've seen that nasty woman's dreams.

They aren't pleasant in the slightest.

Atta hesitated for a moment before writing: "What about Moni? Where is he?"

I paused feeling slightly betrayed, "You… Why do you want to know?"

She wrote: "I must bring him to justice. He's killed too many."

"Why would you ask me for that!?" My fists tightened, "You should know I won't sell him out."

She wrote down: "So you've chosen your side?"

At this, the woman on the tree became tense and prepared to attack.

Does she really have the courage to ask me that?!

I can't betray my brother!

With my body like this, only Moni can protect me. He's the only one powerful enough and with the most connections to keep me safely hidden.

And what has she done for me?!

She never even looked for me!

I clenched my teeth, "Side, side, side! If I hear that one more time, I swear I will give everyone nightmares until they take their final breath! I'm NOT going to sell out my brother! I'm NOT going to let him hurt you! Is it really that hard to believe that I just want both of my family members to get along and stop fighting!?"

Atta's expression darkened and she wrote: "He's killed too many people. He has to meet with justice."

The hole in my heart widened and I felt my throat tighten.

I know my brother has done terrible things.

I know that he should be held accountable…


My eyes watered, "Can't we… Can't we just go back to how we were?"

I just want to be a family again.

The swordswoman in the tree looked away awkwardly as Atta didn't make any movement.

Then, she finally started writing.

My heart raced with anticipation.

However, the hope I held in my heart soon came crashing back down to earth.

She held out the chalkboard: "It's impossible."




I clenched my fists, "It's not. We are a family. At least we are…"

…In my dreams.

I clenched my jaw and reopened my red eyes that were now bright as fresh blood.

The swordswoman flinched, "Oh shi-"

She collapsed out of the tree in a deep sleep and Atta soon fell to the ground unable to fight off my dream spell.

I turned around and ran away sobbing.

I hate this!

I'd rather have my last horn ripped off than feel this!!!

I kept running back to the estate until I could no longer run. I slowed down huffing for air as I tried to get my tears to stop.

"Stupid family. Stupid sister. Stupid brother. You're all so stupid!!!"

I grumbled to myself as I snuck into the estate. However, my body froze when I saw the smokey miasma surrounding it.

Moni's awake…

And it's not good.

I gulped down my anxiety and slowly pushed open the door. The creaking noise of the door was much louder than usual.

As soon as I stepped inside, I recognized the pitch-dark space.

He's really losing it this time.

I guess that body of his couldn't take it this time.

I timidly walked in the darkness until I heard arguing. Rose and Moni were shouting at each other.

I noticed Lene crouched down listening to their argument and stepped over to her. She looked lost and frightened, so I reached out to hold her hand.

Rose threw an empty vial to the ground, "YOU HAVE TO STOP! Consuming all this mana is going to drive you insane!!!"

He shouted back, "I DON'T CARE! I'm close to achieving my goal! I'm not going to let anything get in my way!!"

"And what about your body, hm!? You're just going to let him suffer?!"

Moni let out a growl, "Don't bring him into this."

"How can I not!? He's the one suffering all of those backlashes! Not you!"

"He wants this just as much as I do." Moni snickered in a low voice, "Besides, why would you care so much for a lowly human? I thought you hated them most of all."

She paused for a moment, "I-I'm just concerned for you. I know that boy thinks your-"

His orange eyes flared, "Are you trying to take advantage of him!?"

She flinched, "Brother…"

Lene tilted her head and whispered to me, "I don't like it when they fight."

I rubbed her head, "I know."

Moni heard us and turned to glare.

Before I could see what was happening, he was in front of me with an expression of pure anger. I unconsciously shivered, "B-Brother."

He grabbed my arm and pulled me over forcefully, "YOU! Why do you smell like Atta!?"

My eyes shrank in fear, "I-I-"

His grip tightened, "You betrayed us, didn't you!? You led her straight to us!"

I shook my head quickly, "N-No! I didn't! I promise!"

"What good is your promise!?!" He started dragging me away, "You can't hide her scent from me! How dare you lie to me!?!"

Tears burst from my eyes, "Brother, please! You're hurting me!!"

Rose hurried after us and started pulling on his arm, but couldn't get him to stop, "MONI! Knock it off!!!"

His orange eyes grew brighter as he turned to glare at her, "Knock off what!? I gave her everything! I was the one who protected her! I was the one who gave her a home! And this is how she repays me!!!"

I sobbed, "I can explain!!"

He threw open the door and tossed me outside, "Get lost!"

I fell to the ground and looked back at him with adrenaline-filled fear, "BROTHER! Please don't throw me away!!! Please!!!"

He snapped, "I won't stand for betrayal!!! I WON'T!"

Rose tried to calm him down, "Moni, just breathe. I'm sure she didn't-"

He growled at her, "Do you want to go with her!?"

She flinched back in surprise and grew silent.

Why isn't she saying anything?

Why is she just standing there?

Tears poured down my cheeks, "R-Rose… Please don't let him do this…"

Rose bit her lip and averted her gaze from mine. She couldn't even bring herself to look at me.

Lene approached us, confused by what was happening. However, she too was unable to say anything.

I reached out to him in desperation, "B-Brother please-"

He slammed the door shut in response, leaving me all alone outside.

I sat on the ground for a long time staring at that door.


I don't want to be thrown away…
