[48.2] Broken Dreams

I ran out of the house panting as I tried to catch up.




I cried out, "Goldilocks! I mean- Cyrus! Wait-"

His footsteps hurried even more.

My heart started hammering anxiously.

He IS ignoring me, isn't he!?

I felt a pain erupt across my forehead causing me to let out a startled cry. I fell to the ground holding my head as a blinding pain caused stars to explode in my vision.

-He doesn't like you anymore-

-He hates you-

I felt warm arms embrace me, "Reika! Are you okay!?"

I bit down on my lip hard enough to taste blood.

Slowly, my vision returned to see the concerned look on Cyrus's face.

I immediately threw my arms around his neck to hug him tightly, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry, okay!? Please don't be mad at me!"

I felt him pause before returning my hug. He whispered in my ear, "I'm not angry."

I gripped his clothing, "T-Then why were you avoiding me?"

"I… I just didn't know how to face you."

"W-Why? Did the puke really gross you out that much?"

He chuckled lightly, "No. I don't care about that."

"Then why?"

He averted his gaze shyly and muttered, "The curse…"

I turned my head to look at him, "The curse?"

"You saw the mark I thought you'd-" He pressed his lips together, "I thought you wouldn't talk to me anymore."

Is that really it?

Did he really avoid me because of that?

I looked up at him timidly, "So you're really not mad?"

He kissed the top of my head, "I'm really not mad."

As he gently stroked my hair, I felt the panic in my heart subdued. I let out a sigh of relief and finally pulled away convinced he was telling the truth, "I hope you know I wouldn't stop talking to you just because of some curse."

His eyes lowered, "Aren't you scared of me? The curse makes me act irrationally and lately, I haven't been able to control myself around you. I don't want to…"

He trailed off in a whisper and pondered his next words.

I waited patiently, watching him glance at me as if trying to read my inner feelings. Eventually, he added in a soft voice, "I don't want to hurt you."

I blinked in disbelief then suddenly burst out into laughter.

He flinched, "D-Don't laugh!'

I wiped away my tears, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It's not funny. It just took me by surprise. Why would you think you would hurt me? Because of those stories people share about your parents?"

He scratched his head awkwardly, "That and also when I get into those moods I am very… Forceful."

I thought back to when he "went out of control" and my cheeks flushed in embarrassment. I cleared my throat, "We don't need to talk about that."

"See? It's bad!"

"It's not bad!" I interrupted quickly, "It's really not bad! I liked it quite a bit!"

He paused for a moment as if trying to determine he had heard correctly before grinning slyly, "You liked it, hm?"

I suddenly had the urge to smack my mouth.

Why can't I ever think before I speak!?

I stood up feeling embarrassed and tugged on my hair, "A-Anyways… I'm glad you're awake now. I was really worried."

He stood up and bent down to kiss a strand of my hair. His face was so close to mine I could feel his breath on my lips, "Are you glad so we can continue the things we've done when I've been… Forceful?"

My face burned so much I could feel the heat radiating from my cheeks, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Then shall I show you?"

Before I could say anything, he pressed his lips against mine.

I felt his hands gently cradle my head as his thumb rubbed against my earlobe.

I didn't resist and kissed him back, even wrapping my hands around him to pull him closer to me.

I felt as though I was starved and hungrily kissed him back.

An owl hooted in the trees, "Ohoho!"

Our eyes both immediately shot open.

I pulled away in embarrassment, covering my lips as if they weren't chapped.

Cyrus growled and picked up a stone. He chuckled it at Caldwell, striking him and causing him to fall out of the tree.

Why is there always someone ready to kill the mood?!

Ugh… But maybe it is for the best.

I couldn't face Cyrus and turned around to hide my red cheeks, "So… You were going to train… Right?"

Cyrus cleared his throat, "Uh. Yeah."

Neither of us wanted to break the silence as we walked to an empty field behind my house. After arriving, Cyrus summoned his blade and started to practice moves.

I sat down on the grass, leisurely watching as he implemented each move with precision.

I should have brought snacks.

Suddenly, Cyrus turned around and braced himself.

In the blink of an eye, a person jumped out of nowhere and attacked him with a sword of their own.

They were so fast, I could only see a blur.

Cyrus blocked the attack and the person landed across from him casually.

It was only then did I realize the attacker was an unknown woman I had never seen before.

She wore garments matching that of a seasoned sword fighter. Her long black hair was pulled into a tight ponytail without a hair out of place. There were three swords attached to her waist, one in her hand, and daggers attached to her thighs.

She looks like a character from an apocalyptic world with that many weapons!

The unknown woman cackled, "Impressive!"

Cyrus glared at the woman, "Who are you?"

"Who am I?" She grinned as she casually stood in front of us, "That's not a question you should ask me, but yourself."

Not another person speaking in riddles! Does everyone in this world have to pretend to be so mysterious?!

Do they not have anything better to do?!

Cyrus was also not in the mood for games, "I don't need to ask myself for your name."

She laughed at his retort, "My name you haven't earned… But you may call me Swordmaster."

Cyrus raised an eyebrow, "Swordmaster?"

She took a stance and focused on Cyrus, "So, come show me your ability. Or is that blade just for decoration?"

Cyrus took a defensive position glaring at her.

"Not bad… But not good!"

She suddenly lunged forward with lightning speed and launched numerous attacks. Cyrus was able to parry each attack, but he was getting pushed back and could only defend himself.

He had no chance to attack and could only struggle to protect himself.

She shouted with a bright grin, "No no! You're all open! Protect your center! Pivot! No! Wrong again!"

Cyrus clenched his jaw in irritation. He let out a shout and suddenly jumped forward, winding his sword up to strike from above.

She quickly raised her sword to defend the upwards strike.

However, Cyrus suddenly spun around midair.

His footsteps were light as they went around her front and appeared behind her.

She twirled around in surprise to see his blad approaching her face.

She jumped back to avoid it, but the tip still made contact with her cheek.

I watched with bated breath as she stumbled back holding her face with one hand.

The dust settled, yet no one spoke.

Her body trembled before she suddenly burst into laughter, "BAHAHA! Magnifique!! Comme c'est incroyable! Je l'aime!"

She raised her eyes that reflected pure adrenaline and exhilaration that made one shiver in disgust.

The scratch on her cheek didn't bleed, but instead, it started to fill in and disappear completely.

She took another stance, "Show me what else that sword can do."

Cyrus didn't have time to prepare as she launched another attack.

Unlike last time, he didn't have a chance to parry her attack or even dodge it.

She swung her blade down with such force, cracks appeared on the surface of his sword. An ear-splitting shattering sound rang out as his sword exploded into pieces. A strange burst of mana erupted from the blade, pushing everyone back.

I fell to the ground from the blast and hastily sat back up to stare in surprise.

Cyrus was holding the hilt of his sword while his sword…

It didn't exist anymore to put it politely.

Cyrus glared at her, "Y-You! You broke my sword!"

Swordmaster looked at his broken sword with a bit of guilt, "Oops. I thought I was holding back… I guess I got a bit excited."