[49.4] Zephyr POV: Bringing Alora Home

I spent the next few days chattering about nothing and everything. It wasn't often that I had someone who would sit and listen to me.

Usually, my sisters would just start to beat me up when I talked too much.

But Alora just sits here and listens!

She will definitely be the perfect wife.

Once I healed and was healthy enough to walk, I started leading her back to my home. I wasn't even afraid of the other priestesses anymore since she was at my side.

I skipped up the mountainside with a bright smile, "Master is going to love you! She's going to spoil you until you-"

I suddenly froze in my tracks.

At the base of the mountain, there was an army of people belonging to the Holy Light.


They were all frozen with permanent screams on their faces.

My face paled as I stumbled back into Alora's arms, "W-What happened…"

Alora looked at the army with indifference, "Your master happened."

There's no way Master would do that!

Master told us we should never kill anyone!

I didn't want to believe it, "My Master did this? But she… She never hurts anyone. It's impossible!"

Alora merely shrugged.

I felt anxiety prickling me as I stared at those frozen statues.

Is Master okay?

Is my family okay?

I've been so preoccupied with Alora that I hadn't even tried reaching out to Astra!

What if they are hurt!?

I rushed up the hill but slowed once I saw my Master pacing while surrounded by my siblings. Frost started to collect on the grass and trees, while her footsteps left scorched patterns in the ground as she paced. Her face was blurred like it always was, but I knew it was still her.

I called out quickly, "Mama!"

She spun around and quickly ran over to me, pulling me into a hug and kissing the top of my head in relief. She immediately started scolding me, "Zephyr! Oh my little Zephyr! I thought you were dead! What happened!?"

I looked away sheepishly, "I wanted to get justice for you and my family…"

She lightly flicked my forehead, "You silly little fox! You could have died!"

I laughed, "I almost did-"

Her body went rigid, "You… WHAT!?"

I pulled away and pointed to Alora, "-But she saved my life."

My mother followed my gaze and immediately reacted. She quickly stood up and yanked me behind her.

I was confused by her sudden hostility and poked my head out from behind her.

Alora stood in front with the same dead look on her face as her white robes fluttered in the breeze. She politely bowed, "Greetings to the Great Fairy, master of the mountain. My name is Alora."

The grip on my wrist tightened.

My Master's voice was low, "...Alora. How old are you?"

She straightened her back and politely replied, "12."

I felt something off and quickly pulled on my Master's sleeves, "Master! Master! I need to tell you something."


"It's a secret! Come here!" She lowered herself to me and I whispered, "She's got scars all over her body. The humans are very mean to her… If she goes back, she'll die."

My Master flinched, then slowly looked at Alora. One couldn't tell what expression she was making, or if it was even possible for her to make one, but it was obvious she was pondering over something she wouldn't explain.

Eventually, she let out a sigh, "Alright. You can stay. But there are two conditions. First, no killing. Everyone in my care must treat demons and humans with compassion. Second, you must stay on this mountain and NEVER leave unless I say otherwise. If I find out you came here just to hurt and betray us-"

Alora panicked, "I-I wouldn't! I would never hurt Zephyr!"

My ears picked up.

A warm feeling swept through my body.

Hehe! I like the way she says my name!

My Master sighed and muttered to herself, "It's good that you're still young. I can still prevent-"

Moni walked over with a worried expression, "But Master-"

She paused and turned to him, "Don't worry, Moni. I know what I'm doing."

He closed his mouth and then forced himself to smile warmly, "Yes, Master."

She turned to our little house. Each room faced a courtyard where we usually relaxed and sunbathed. "Okay… Rose hasn't left Koale's room. Alora, you can stay in her room until we can build you your own."

I piped up, "She can stay with me!"

My Master paused and quickly shook her head, "Absolutely not! Boys and girls must be kept separate!!! ESPECIALLY you two!"

I looked at her innocently, "But we've already been hugging every night."

She nearly tripped, "You WHAT!?"

I giggled, "Don't worry! I took responsibility! We are married!"

The memory slowly started to fade as I heard my Master's voice shouting at me.