[57.2] A Bloodied Visitor

I walked up to the art museum, stretching and yawning. Pulling the key from my pocket, I let myself inside. I caught sight of fluffy sandy brown hair bobbing up and down. I leaned over the counter and smiled, "Feeling better, Felix?"

"Ah!" He hopped up with a duster in hand and turned to me in surprise, "You're back in the Capital!"

I chuckled and pulled the spider webs from his hair, "It's been a while since we've been open."

Felix blushed in embarrassment, "From me being sick to your vacation… I doubt anyone remembers we even still have this museum."

I shrugged, "Maybe we should consider hiring people to keep it running when we can't. My magic circles should be adequate enough to protect the art pieces."

He thought about it, "That's not a bad idea. Do you have anyone in mind?"

"What about Phil?"

"Captain Lou's younger brother?"

"Yeah. He's young, but he's very passionate about learning the trade."

"That's a good idea… But we should probably hire a few more people. Oh, what about Rebecca? She's jobless."

I nodded, "We can ask, although she's a bit lazy so I'm not sure she will agree. Anyone else you can think of?"

He thought for a moment, "Oh! Priscilla."

I pursed my lips, "Ugh. Why her?"

"Think about it. She will take good care of the place since I'm so attached to it."

"That's true, but-"

"-Plus she needs to start having her own life and getting out of the house more. My parents are starting to worry that she will become a spinster."

I let out a sigh, "I will think about it."

He paused and then asked, "So how was your trip?"

"An utter failure."

He had an invisible question mark over his head, "A failure? I thought it was a vacation."

I let out a sigh and leaned onto the counter more, "We were trying to cheer everybody up. These past weeks have been hard."

A soft smile crossed Felix's face, "That's nice of you."

"Maybe, but it didn't work. It only made things worse."

I held my hand over my heart, covering where the unforgettable pain had been.

Watching me rub that spot absentmindedly, Felix spoke slowly, "At least you tried… And where are Zephyr and Prince Cyrus now? I notice you're alone today. That usually doesn't happen."

"Zephyr's still isn't feeling up to being out of the house and the King requested Cyrus's presence to go over the final test for the throne."

Felix smiled warmly, "Wow. He might actually win, won't he?"

I smirked, "Of course he will win. It's impossible for him not to since I'm by his side."

Felix stared at me silently, still wearing his smile. I could tell something was on his mind as he chose his next words carefully, "Reika. About Cyrus… His condition is becoming too unstable. I worry that-"

Before he could finish that sentence, the door was suddenly thrown open, banging against the wall and causing both of us to jump.

"Hey! We are closed- Uncle Gonza?!"

A wheezing man, on the verge of collapse, stood at our entrance. His face was swollen and beaten up to the point where he was almost unrecognizable. The smell of iron grew so strong, my stomach churned from the memories it stirred up.

Chief Gonza collapsed to the ground, screaming as he held his sides.

I rushed to his side, "Uncle Gonza!? What's wrong?!"

He didn't respond or even acknowledge me, his eyes grew bloodshot as he continued to scream and scratch at his skin.

I anxiously turned to Felix, "HELP"!

Felix flinched and ran over, preparing his wand. He said a chant and Gonza's body was covered in a soft green light…

However, the light faded and Gonza was still screaming in agony.

My heart thumped wildly, "Why isn't it working!?"

Felix paled for a second, then shook his head and took a deep breath. "Forgive my rudeness."

He ripped open Gonza's shirt, quickly looking over his skin. Then, he promptly flipped him over, pulling off the shirt in the process.

I fell back with a gasp, "W-What the f*ck is that?!"

On the back of his spine, a black bruise was spreading out as if dark purple worms were crawling under his skin.

Felix hesitated for a moment before speaking quickly, "It's a killing curse."

"A-A killing curse!?" I shouted, "What does that mean?!"

Felix pointed at the worms crawling under the skin, "It's a curse capable of killing the host. These worm-like creatures burrow further into the body, causing paralyzation until eventually, the heart stops."

"Stop?! My Uncle is going to die?!"

Felix nodded solemnly, "It's already burrowed into his spine. He has maybe two hours before his heart stops."

I grabbed onto Felix desperately, "Well quick! Heal him and destroy it!"

"This is outside of my current capabilities." He stared at me for a while considering something in his mind. After he decided to proceed, he spoke as if trying to lead me, "...He needs someone who specializes in demonic curses. If he can get treated soon, there is a chance he can still be saved."

"Someone who specializes…" I smacked my head, trying to dim down the panic in order to think clearly. Then my mind settled and an idea suddenly occurred, "The tiger family!"

The corners of Felix's lip curled up, but I didn't notice them.

I spun around, "But they are too far away! Even flying at top speed it will take me much longer than two hours!"

Gonza's cries were growing weaker, causing me to panic more.

Felix propped his chin up staring at me with a sly smile, "Then you'll have to figure something out quickly. He's not going to last much longer."

"I can't lose two Uncles! He's the only Uncle I have left!!"

Felix looked into my eyes and emphasized, "Reika. Don't panic. You need to think clearly."

I forcibly closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

Calm down, Reika.

He's right.

You need to think clearly.

To save Gonza, I have to travel to the Macabre forest in under two hours.

Flying on my ice chunk won't get me there on time.

So then what?

What can I do?

Ugh! If only I could teleport like the Headmaster-

My eyes lit up, "That's it!"

Felix flinched, "W-What?!"

"I know what to do!" I grabbed my wand and held it out, "Teleportation. If the Headmaster can, why can't I?"

Felix's face paled, "W-Wait. I didn't mean for you to-"