[59.2] This Hostage is Embarrassed!

As Cyrus waved to the crowd, his irritation getting stronger and stronger, the dragon around him suddenly disappeared into smoke. His heart immediately stopped, the irritation he felt now replaced by fear.

Felix caught on as well and looked around in concern, "Did something happen to Reika?"

Suddenly, screams erupted from the front of the parade and the musicians were thrown to the side by a bright light.

The King noticed this and signaled to the M.I.B officers and the Royal Guards who immediately jumped into a protective stance.

Two figures appeared out of that bright light.

One in a cloak and one-

Cyrus cried out, "Reika!"

I tried to force a brave smile, but I only looked embarrassed instead.

I can't believe I'm being used as a hostage right now!!!

Captain Lou appeared beside Cyrus, "What they hell is going on?!"

Everyone looked at the other Reika and back at me. Felix sighed and removed the bracelet, causing exclamations.

Captain Lou glared at me, "Seriously?!"

I smiled helplessly, "Hello…"

Captain Lou turned to look at the woman, "Unhand her. This annoying woman is protected by the King. Release her or else face the consequences!"

The King peered at the woman in the cloak, before his expression suddenly fell, "Oh no. No, no, no!"

The woman in the cloak giggled, "Oh? Have I finally got your attention?"

My cheeks burned red as the knife pressed tighter to my throat.

Ahh! If using a knife on my throat won't kill me, then holding me hostage in front of all these people will!

"Elam. My darling." The wind suddenly pulled off her hood, revealing luscious bouncy blonde hair. Her blue eyes were so light, they looked nearly transparent. Her honey voice was soothing to the ear but there was something about it that caused your body to tremble. She called out to him, "I finally found you~"

"Sh*t sh*t sh*t!" The King visibly panicked, grabbing onto a guard beside him, "Guards!!! That woman is the one responsible for the earlier attacks on this Kingdom!"

"Ah, ah ah~" She held the knife to me tighter, "I have your precious doll right here, so I recommend you keep calm or else…"

She clicked her tongue with a malicious giggle, "I might just slip and cut off her head."

Cyrus held his sword, his knuckles turning white, "Don't you dare."

She mocked him with a smile, "Oh, go cry to your mother."

Cyrus grit his teeth, a dark purple smoke flashing behind his eyes.

She laughed at his response, "That's right. Silly me. You don't have one."

The King looked at me with wary eyes, still hiding behind his guards. He turned to address the woman in the cloak and spoke in a low voice, "What do you want, Vira?"

"Oh, it's simple really. Just hand yourself, and every other arriver you had intention on protecting, to me."

She dug the knife into my skin and I took a frightened breath as I felt the sharp end plunge into my neck. As she spoke, a group of soldiers appeared behind her, all carrying weapons and looking ready for war.

Nicholas also caught onto something and exclaimed, "Wait! Those are the men my father hired to-"

The Magician next to Nicholas suddenly grabbed onto him, and the two of them disappeared into a transportation portal.



Is this a coupe by the Ophelio family!?

Vira's voice suddenly turned darker, "I would say that I would let this girl go if you surrender, but obviously she's going to die as well."

Ah, yes.

My death sentence.

Well… If I'm going to die, then-

I glanced at her out of the corner of my eye, "Oi. I almost forgot. I owe you something."

She was thrown off by my sudden interruption, "Huh?"

As my lips curled into a sneer, the world around me started to slow down. However, I only had Vira in my eyes as I muttered, "You touched my man so now I need to return the favor."

My skin suddenly erupted into a blazing hot temperature, my skin turning the color of charcoal as it melted the knife at my throat and burned Vira who was holding onto me. However, it was only when I spun out of her arms did she finally react. She screamed in a high-pitched voice as she held her blistered hands.

I stared at my own hands bewildered as they returned back to their original color, "That… What was that just now?"

Was I mistaken that my hands changed colors?

The King quickly understood the situation and shouted, "Everyone! Retreat to the Palace! Guards! Protect the citizens!!"

Vira screamed and suddenly produced a sharp knife. She took aim at the King who was busy with ensuring the safety of those around him. I saw her pull her hand back to throw the knife at him. I rushed at her in a panic, pushing her to the side, and causing the knife to barely miss the intended target.

"EEK!" The King looked at the knife that had stabbed into the seat behind him, just barely missing him. His face paled at the sight, "S-Save me!"

The Headmaster suddenly grabbed him and the two disappeared into thin air. I made sure the King was safe and let out a sigh of relief. It was then that I heard the shrill cry of Vira.


I looked at her in time to see something heavy slam against the side of my head, causing my vision to go black.