[60.1] Priscilla POV: Lycoris Radiata

[Note: This chapter is from Priscilla's perspective]

…A few months earlier…

I sipped my cup of tea while the ladies around me chatted about dresses and current events. My mind started drifting away as I played with the cup in my hands.


"Princess Priscilla?"

I flinched and looked up, seeing the ladies all staring at me as if waiting for an answer. I blinked with a forced smile, "Um… Sorry, what did you ask?"

Lidia, the daughter of one of the well-established families, asked again, "Why did you quit the competition?"

My hands paused.

I carefully put the cup back down and mumbled, "I told you… It was too dangerous."

Lidia pursed her lips, "Really? I thought for sure it was because of what happened when you were trapped with that human bomb."

My face darkened.

By human bomb, they mean Reika.

Just another one of the many derogatory nicknames this group has given her.

This is exactly why I can't stand hanging around them anymore!

When I was a child, I went along with it because I wanted to be liked!

But now-

I let out a dispirited sigh.

Now I realize I will never be liked no matter what I do.

I stood up abruptly, "I have to go."

Lidia leaned back in her seat in surprise, "W-Wait! I didn't mean-"

I properly gave her a bow, "I have a few prior engagements to get to today, so I must excuse myself. I will see you next week for our weekly tea date."

Lidia scrunched up her face but knew she couldn't say anything to get me to stay. In the end, she simply smiled, "Then see you next week."

I gave her a nod and went to leave. Instead of turning the corner to leave, I grabbed the wall and hid beside it. I held my heart as I tried to control my breathing. Flowers grew along the wall as I was blindsided by a wave of memories. I smacked my head with both of my hands, trying desperately to get it to stop.

…I was back in time…

My brother's skin was turning gray as one of his bodyguards picked him up and went through the teleportation portal. I looked back at Reika whose eyes were locked on Felix.

I bit my lip and followed the bodyguards through, appearing directly in my house.

One of the bodyguards spoke, "Get Lady Priscilla to her room. Don't let her see anything."


"Wait-" I tried to follow my brother but was dragged to my room by the other bodyguard. I tried to shake him off despite it being pointless, "You sir! Unhand me! Let me go to my brother! Stop holding me this instance!!! Are you ignoring me!? You answer to me so follow my orders!"

The bodyguard looked at me coldly, "I don't answer to you."

I felt a cold feeling settle into my heart and stopped fighting. I was dragged to my room and locked inside. I slammed my hands on the doors, trying to get it to open. When that didn't work, I tried the windows and found them locked as well. Next, I went to the bookshelf that was collecting dust and pushed it aside. Slipping behind it, I entered the room next to mine and was able to sneak out from there. I tiptoed down the hall, trying not to get caught by any of the staff.

Luckily, there was no one around to stop me.

But isn't that… Weird?

I turned down the next hall and immediately jumped back to avoid being seen by the dozens of people standing. I cautiously leaned my head out and covered my mouth in horror.

All of the staff…

All of them were staring at the ceiling, mouths agape as their eyes rolled back in their heads. As if on cue, they all collapsed to the ground.

I forced down a scream and ran out from my hiding spot to check their pulse.

A cold sweat broke out across my back.

They were so cold…

So frozen…


So dead.

I stifled a cry and ran away from them, my eyes being blinded by my tears.

Daddy! Mommy!

I-I'm scared!

I ran into my parent's bedroom and found my father standing near the window. I rushed over to him and hugged him desperately while sobbing, "Daddy! Daddy! Something's wrong with the staff! They are all dead!"

"Pris… Priscilla…"

I blinked away my tears and looked up to see my father's face. His bloodshot eyes and crazed expression frightened me so much that I immediately let go of him.

However, he didn't intend to let me go.

His hands clamped down on my shoulders, making me wince from the sudden pain. His voice cracked, "I'm… I'm free! You! You thought you could run from me!?"

His hands were suddenly on my throat, clamping down and preventing me from getting any air. I scratched at his hands as pressure mounted in my head.

My father laughed hysterically at my struggling, "I told him he was nothing without me! I brought you two into this world, I can do whatever I'd like to you! You belong to me! TO ME!"

My eyes rolled back as black spots appeared in my vision. Just as I lost strength in my legs, I was freed from his grip and collapsed to the ground. I coughed painfully as I held my bruised throat. Still sensing danger, I used my remaining strength to face my father.

His eyes were blank as his body straightened up. He brushed back his hair and went to walk out of the room. Before he left, he turned back to me and spoke, "Go to your room, Priscilla."

I nodded my head quickly, too afraid to disobey him.

I took the chance and ran back to my room, never stopping to question the smashing and screaming coming from the forbidden annex.

As I was trying to get the flashes of memories under control, I heard voices drift over from the table.

"-Lidia! What's wrong with you!? Why would you say that to her?!"

"What? I didn't do anything wrong. It's that prudes fault for being so uptight. She always acts like she's better than us."

"So what?! Did you forget that her entire family could end our reputations like it was nothing!? Did you forget what happened to Susie?!"

"How could I forget! She completely disappeared from society! Last I heard her parents were hiding her in the attic…"

"Right? All because she went against the Newmans, so just suck it up and be her friend. We all hate it, but it's necessary if you want to keep having a worthwhile life."

My eyes drifted to the ground as the world around me dimmed. The flowers behind me that had bloomed so abruptly, started to curl up as they lost their color.

Petals fell to my feet as my eyes glazed over.

…At least those flashbacks stopped.

I silently left the building, no longer caring about what was left behind. I climbed into the carriage and rested my head against the window. I slowly traced my finger on my reflection as I mumbled, "I should stop going to those parties."

We hit a bump, jostling me out of my thoughts. I tapped on the partition and the driver slid it to the side, "Yes, Miss?"

"Can you take me to the market? I'd like to buy my brother a gift."

"Of course, Miss."

The carriage changed directions and headed into town, towards the market. Due to the influx of tourists from the Throne competition, the streets were busier than usual.

The driver called to me, "It's a bit busy, Miss. I can force them to clear a path if you'd like me to."

"No need." I slipped on an appearance-changing jewel which turned my hair and eyes a different color, "I will just walk from here."