[65.1] Like Moths to the Flame

[Author's note: This chapter is back to Reika's perspective.]

Flames crackled in the fireplace, consuming the meager logs stacked neatly upon each other. Sparks popped off the wood, greedily desiring to feed on something more substantial.

It fell onto the bricks, dying off just as quickly as it had been created.

I watched as those flames danced, begging to consume.

My hand hidden underneath a white silk glove slowly reached out, entranced by the dance. As it drew closer, the silk seemingly glowed. The flames swayed in the reflection of my eyes, brilliantly revealing its glowing glory.

Just as my fingers were going to graze the fire, my hand was grabbed and pulled away. My eyes slowly blinked returning me back to reality as I turned to face the person holding my hand.

My Mother stood with a tearful expression filled with worry, "Reika. You'll burn your-"

Her voice froze midsentence.

I forced on a smile, but it turned into a sneer. I pulled my hand out of her grasp and stood up from my seat beside the fire. I walked away from her and went down the halls lined with old stones. I heard the patter of tiny feet behind me and glanced to see who it was.

Zephyr followed me in his fox form, his ears anxiously flickering as he didn't dare remove his eyes from me.

I paid him no attention and continued to walk in silence. Occasionally, I would pass the castle's guards, but they would suck in their breath and try to hide amongst the wall. It was almost like they were afraid to even be seen or heard from me.

I tried to ignore them, but the silence was deafening.

Each echo of my heels caused my irritation to build.

My feet abruptly stopped as my jaw clenched in anger.

Why are they treating me like this?

Am I really just an unpredictable bomb to them?!

Then they should have killed me if they were going to be so worried!

Why bother treating me like this when-


I turned to Zephyr, blowing hot smoke out from my mouth. Seeing his hair standing on end as if scared I would fly away, I let out a sigh and bent down to pick him up. To my surprise, he didn't fight back and even snuggled up to me in my arms.

My eyes were slowly pulled to the window.

Outside, I could see the demolished Capital. Its once bustling glory was now turned to rubble, resembling that of a town that was bombed by aircrafts. Past that, the glorious trees that had lined the capital were now brown and decayed, or they simply disappeared as if they never existed.

I studied that landscape for a very long time, my gaze growing darker the longer I stared.

"Oi! Oi, oi!"

I glanced down at Zephyr with an eyebrow raised.

"Aren't you bored? What if we go see if this castle holds any secrets? Hm? It's not often you get a free pass to explore the King's Palace without any guards stopping you… Maybe we will find a hidden treasure!"

"Hm." I felt a growing suspicion root in my chest, "...Where's the Headmaster?"

Zephyr blinked in confusion, "Him? Oh… Probably at work? I think he had a meeting with the King. Things have been hectic since the barrier was destroyed-"

Zephyr froze when he saw my expression darkening and a flame flicker behind my dark eyes. He quickly climbed up, wrapping his furry body around my neck. His voice was anxious as he spoke, "Hey! Let's go see what he's up to, yeah? It'll be fun! Or! Or we could go to the kitchen to grab food?... No? Then maybe we could chase around some butterflies? Hm? What do you say?"

Feeling his claws dig into my skin, my previous anger dissipated slightly. I turned around and started walking.

Zephyr glanced around, "Hm? Oh! Which one did you decide on?"

I replied curtly, "Neither."

"N-Neither?" He glanced around, "Then…"

I sneered, "Obviously we are going to eavesdrop."

I used my magic to silence our steps and made my way to the King's meeting room. I paused to listen in on the meeting.

"Captain, what is the update on Vira's army?

"Vira's army seems to have retreated, my King. There is no trace of them anywhere near the Kingdom."

"Well, her army was almost decimated by Reika… She probably went into hiding to recoup from her losses."

"Do you want us to search for their location?"

"No. We need to strengthen our defenses and recover from the recent attacks-er no. I mean the recent incidences."

"As you command."

"Aldrich, how is the repair of the barrier going?"

Finally, I heard the Headmaster speak, "It's not good. The barrier had magic far more ancient than any textbook I could find. I don't think it's possible to repair it."

The King groaned, "What bad luck… First Vira's army… And now this. Our Kingdom can barely be called a Kingdom anymore. We've lost almost half of our people and the entire capital is in ruins… I don't even know how the other cities are faring since we can't get into communication with them."

I felt a sour taste in my mouth and abruptly turned away from the door.

Zephyr curled around my neck and whispered, "Don't blame yourself…"

I stepped outside and traveled along the path that was now decaying, "How can I not blame myself? Just look around. I did most of this damage… Not Vira."

"B-But it wasn't you! It was Moni who-"

"-He merely brought out my real self." I pressed my lips together as I tightened my fists, "I'm the one who did all of that. He didn't possess me. It was all me."


I could smell a faint scent of smoke and closed my eyes to calm down my nerves. Once I got it under control, I pulled Zephyr off of me and placed him on the ground.

Zephyr was surprised by this and attempted to jump up on me again, "Wait!"

I avoided him and turned away, "I want to be alone right now."

"B-But I don't want to be!"

I turned to glare at him ferociously, "GET LOST!"

Zephyr flinched away from me with his tail between his legs. I could see his wide eyes reflecting a terrifying form in his large pupils. I could see myself reflected in his eyes.

I turned away from him, sickened by my own appearance.

Just who am I?

Afraid to see the answer in his eyes, I ran away without turning back.

Eventually, I found myself standing before the white gazebo at the Academy. The once luscious flowers and shrubbery were now wilted and brown, making the white paint seem just as pure against that landscape.

I sat down in the rusted chair, gazing at the lake in front.

My eyes slowly drifted down to my hands.

I held my palms out and noticed that my silk gloves had burn marks and holes on them. My exposed skin, if you could even call it skin, looked far more like charcoal yet I could still feel the fabric rubbing against it. I pulled off my gloves and threw them on the ground in frustration.

What's happening to me?

How can my body be changing like this?!

Magic or not, isn't it impossible?!

"Reika! I finally found you…"