[68.7] A Name to Give Others

[***Disclaimer: This chapter includes mention of murder, torture, death, minor mention of violence against a child, and blood/gore that some viewers might find uncomfortable. Reader discretion is advised.]

Asmonious walked in front of me, his posture was so perfect, that he reminded me of Cyrus. The only difference between the two was that Asmonious had a large smile plastered on his face, but his eyes weren't smiling.

In fact, they were so lifeless and dull, it was like the very day I first picked him up.

"Um… Asmonious?"

"Yes, Master?"

I bit down on my lip, "Um… Did I do something to upset you?"

"Not at all, Master. I could never be upset with you."


He suddenly stopped walking and looked into the distance, "Master. Do you hear screaming?"

I stooped and listened closely, however I only heard the wind and the birds. I shook my head, "I don't hear anything."

"I can hear it, Master. Someone needs help!"

He started running off in that direction before I even had the chance to realize my small, timid, little boy was now willingly running towards danger to help strangers.

I let out a satisfied sigh, "I really am raising him right- Oh! Wait! Asmonious! That's dangerous!"

Summoning my ice chunk, I rushed toward him and picked him up by the collar.

"Which way is it?"

"That way!"

I zoomed off as directed until the smell of blood reached my nose.

Asmonious peered off the edge of the ice chunk anxiously, "Master! I don't hear screaming anymore…"

I peered over the ice chunk and quickly pulled Asmonious back so he couldn't see, "Stay here."

I jumped down, making sure he couldn't see the aftermath below me. As soon as I landed, I felt my stomach churning in disgust.

The scene was just like the trafficking camps I had discovered as a child. There were cages everywhere and the smells were so intense, it was obvious it wasn't safe for any living being.

I approached the cage, prepared to set whoever was inside free. However, to my horror, the cages were filled with bodies of demons. They all looked to have been tortured moments before their death.

Frighteningly enough…

They had scars.

Demons never get scars…

Unless it was from a holy weapon.

How much did they suffer?

I checked out the cages and found that it was fortified with Holy Magic. I quickly broke each cage open and went to check each one for their pulse. I didn't even have time to worry about the culprit behind the attack as I checked.


Not a single one…

Did none of them survive?

I finally came to the final cage where the blood looked fresh. There were two adult demons, hugging each other with their lifeless bodies. Their silver hair shimmered in the light.


Is that-

A small toddler, much younger than Moni when I first found him, was laid underneath the bodies. If it weren't for the small hand sticking out, I wouldn't have noticed.

I pushed aside the bodies on top of the child and checked her pulse. 

A sigh of relief passed over my lips, "She's still alive."

I noticed the chains around her ankles and wrists, much similar to the ones I had seen on Asmonious when I first found him. I quickly broke off the chains to set the child free. Ignoring the blood seeping into my clothes, I picked her up. 

I furrowed my brow, "Why isn't she healing? Don't demons heal fast?"

Is it a wound from a Holy weapon?

My lip twitched in irritation, "Why do I feel like Vira is involved?"

I need to get her medical treatment.

But where?

I grit my teeth and wrapped my cloak around her to hide her terrible condition from Asmonious. I ran back to my ice chunk, "I guess it's time to visit those noisy villagers again."

I soared off with Asmonious beside me and the toddler in my arms. I entered into the barrier seamlessly and brought the ice chunk down towards the gathering crowd below.

"I need a doctor! Quick!"

The medicine demons I first saved were the ones who took her and rushed her back to their shack. I held Asmonious's hands as I rushed to follow them. Before we entered, I looked back down at Asmonious, "Maybe you should stay out here."

Asmonious nodded in agreement, but as soon as he turned back, he caught sight of the fearful looks he was receiving from the other demons. He grabbed my skirt anxiously, "I want to be with Master…"

I forced a smile, "Okay, but if it gets too difficult, we can leave."

He nodded, "Okay."

We went inside and I approached the two medicine demons working quickly, "Is there anything I can do?"

"Great Fairy. Can you use your magic to cool her head? Her fever is rising drastically. I think there's a build-up of pressure."

I did as she asked, "Okay. Now what-"

The doctor swiftly cut into her head, causing blood to squirt out.

I nearly fainted, "Why'd you do that?!"

The doctor explained calmly as she worked on stitching up her wounds, "Her brain was swelling due to a bad blow to her head. If I didn't relieve the pressure she would die."

I shut my mouth and watched her anxiously, "Do you think she will make it?"

The medicine demon washed her hands, "The wounds were made with a Holy weapon… I can't save her eyes and she suffered a massive blow to the head. If she does survive, she won't be the same anymore… I'm not even sure if she will be able to function as a normal demon. She will require a lot of patience and care."

Obviously, I'm not capable of that.

I can only handle Asmonious because he is like a miniature Cyrus.

The girl moaned in pain as she woke, "Head… Head hurt…"

The medicine demon spoke, "Do you remember your village's name?"

"Village? What's village?"

"Can you tell me your parent's name?"

"P-Parents…" Her brow furrowed, "I… Why… Why is it dark? Why?"

The doctor looked concerned as she spoke, "You were attacked by humans. Do you remember?"

"Attack? Attack…." She paused for a moment, her lips pursing, "Lene… Lene doesn't feel good…"


That name…

Wasn't it-

The medicine doctor looked even more worried, "Do you remember your family? Do you remember anything?"

"Family? Family… Lene likes the moon…" 

The doctor pulled me to the side, "Great Fairy… She isn't able to pull together complete thoughts or recall memories. The head wound affected her mental capacity. She might recover and age normally, but this also might be permanent."

I felt a twinge of worry, "It might be permanent?"

Tears started to moisten the cloth on her eyes, "Eyes! Eyes hurt!"

The doctor spoke, "I will get some herbs to treat the pain."

Lene cried out, screaming as she wailed. However, her tears aggravated her wounds which made her cry louder.

Asmonious quickly went to her side and held her hand. As she whimpered, he was there to comfort her, "It's okay, Lene. It won't hurt much longer."

After hearing him and feeling his hand in hers, Lene relaxed a bit more. Her wails soon turned to whimpers as she clutched onto him as if he was a lifeline.

Seeing him act like a dutiful older brother, I felt a nostalgic warmth.

As for that name…

Maybe it's just a coincidence?


Silver hair…

Wounded eyes…

I shook my head, "No. It must be a coincidence."

Besides, it's not like I'm going to bring her with me to the mountain.

The doctor reentered with a bowl of medicine and tried to get Lene to take it, but she refused violently. Asmonious quickly comforted her, "Lene… Lene is a big girl, right?"

"Yes! Lene big!"

"Big girls take their medicine… So are you sure you're a big girl?"

"I am! I am!"

She opened her mouth, allowing the doctor to give her the medicine. Once she finished it, she stuck out her tongue, "See! Big girl!"

Asmonious laughed, rubbing her head as he took extra care to avoid hurting her wounds.

The medicine demon walked over to me, "Great Fairy… Do you intend to leave her here? Her horns are not broken, so I don't foresee any issues."

Can I really handle two children?

No. There's no way I possibly could, so there's nothing to even consider.

Asmonious doesn't act like a child, but that's the reason why I can handle him…


Look how happy he is with her.

Lene tugged his hand, "Big brother… Am I a good girl?"

I watched a small flicker of light return back to his eyes. He smiled peacefully for the first time in a while, "A very good girl."

I bit down on my lip as I hesitated.

What should I do?

The medicine demon leaned over, "Great Fairy… Sometimes life hands us challenges for us to overcome them and finally heal from our past. I may be overstepping, but I feel as though fate has put you in the place to save her."

"I… I don't know." I bit down on my lip, "I'm not really mother material…"

She chuckled, "Are any of us? You can always try… Plus-" She motioned to Asmonious, "I don't think you'll be alone."

I felt the tips of my fingers chill as panic set in.


I can't… 

I can't.

The doctor nodded at me, "I will let you think it over."

I stepped over to Asmonious and placed my hands on his shoulders, "Wow. The two of you get along so well…"

He laughed, smiling as he spoke in a faint tone, "Yes… I think… I think this is the first time another demon has been so kind to me…. She actually treats me… Like I'm normal."

After hearing those words, I felt my heart waver.

I took a deep breath to calm my anxiety. Feeling determined, I smiled at him, "How would you feel if she came to live with us?

Asmonious looked up at me with sparkling eyes, "Would she… Be my little sister?"

I smiled peacefully, "What else would she be? We are a family, aren't we?"

He held her tiny hand as a softness returned to his gaze, "A… Family."

Lene entwined her fingers with his and reached out for me, "I want to go! I want to go with big brother!"

I nodded as I took her outstretched hand, "Then it's settled. Welcome to our little family, Lene."

Hopefully, I didn't just doom myself…

Once Lene recovered to the point where she didn't need to be watched, the doctor helped me fill my bag with herbs and medicines, diligently explaining how to prepare it for Lene. I took her into my arms and led her and Asmonious back up the mountain with me.

I smiled at her, "Welcome to our home. It's not much, but it's comfortable."

She looked around, trying to see anything, "Home?"

"That's right. I'm taking you as my second disciple… That makes us family now. Oh! I haven't told you my name. My name is #####-"

She tilted her head as if trying to see me, "?"

"I keep forgetting no one understands my name… Call me whatever you'd like-" I cleared my throat and averted my gaze. I pulled Asmonious over, "Um… And this is Asm-"


At the sound of that name, the blood drained from my face.

He quickly interrupted me before smiling at her, "I'm your big brother now. You can call me Moni."

I slowly turned to face him, "W-What did you just say?"

He stared back at me in confusion, "Moni. It's my given name."