[69.3] Just Another Day in the Neighborhood

After going into town and getting the last of my list of supplies, I walked down the road patting the bag. As I did, a sweet, savory smell so alluring it was almost maddening, wafted to my nose. My brain was overruled by the scent, so I followed it until it led to a street full of food vendors. My mouth watered at the sight of all of the juicy meat.

How long has it been since I've tasted that sweet vixen?

Because of Moni, we have stuck to a strict vegetarian diet.

Luckily this world has more variety of meat alternatives so it was never a health issue.

…I'm sure a vegetarian arriver was responsible for that one.

However, no alternative could ever replace the real thing.

I wiped away my drool, "Surely… Asmonious wouldn't know if I ate some… Right?"

Even if he did… He wouldn't be angry. He's too sweet of a child to get angry!

After excusing myself from the sinful embrace of meat, I ordered every type from each vendor, shoving my face full of it until I was certain I would vomit. 

I walked down the street, rubbing my large stomach.

"That was *burp* so worth it."

I passed another vendor, noticing dried jerky. My eyes lit up, "Hey! That doesn't actually look like meat!!"

The vendor scowled, "...Thanks."

I forced out a laugh, "I will take a dozen."

After finishing my last purchase, I shoved the "meat" into my bag.





I stared at the mob in confusion as they ran past me, some even colliding with me in their state of panic. 


Where'd this mob come from?

I grabbed someone from the stampede, "What is it?!"

They ripped themselves out of my grasp, "A DEMON IS ATTACKING!!!"

That last scream sent everyone else around me into a full-blown panic. I quickly jumped out of their way to avoid getting run over. It grew so difficult to avoid everyone, that I summoned my ice chunk to rise above the crowd.

I narrowed my eyes to see in the distance, but the dust was too dense to see anything. I took a deep breath in and watched as demonic smoke crawled towards me.

Huh. It actually is a demon.

That's a first.

Once the crowd disappeared, I hopped down, landing directly in front of the demon in question.

I was surprised to see the child in front of me who was barely as tall as my waist.

Despite the demonic smoke around her, she looked just like a human. Her dark brown silken hair covered most of her face with only a single pale brown eye and horn sticking out. If it wasn't for the singular horn sticking out from the center of her forehead, and the smell of demonic energy surrounding her, I wouldn't have believed her to be a demon.

I held out my hand to stop her, "Young lady. What do you think you're doing?"

"Die, filthy human scum."

I could see a blackened cloud of energy rush towards me. I created an ice wall and blocked it.

What kind of attack was that?

The child was surprised to see me avoid her attack and was caught momentarily off guard.

I stepped around the ice chunk and removed my veil, "I will ask again. What are you doing?"

"Get out of the way, Fairy." She growled at me, "Or I will kill you with those filthy humans."

"Why are you trying to kill them?"

"Why!? Why wouldn't I!" She screamed out, her voice betraying her pain. She continued to try to attack me as I dodged, "They created me just to torture me! Every day, they would feed me poisons! They would hurt me! No matter how much I begged, they never stopped!!! I can't… I can't handle it anymore!" 

I was so startled, I didn't know what to say.

"Humans are selfish! Evil! Disgusting! The world would be better without them!!!"

More demonic smoke shot towards me, but I just created ice walls to avoid getting hit by it.

"They killed my mother…" She sobbed, wiping away her tears, "I… I just want to get revenge for her..."

A voice behind us cut through her cries, "Demon. Prepare to die."

A bright light shot out, like an arrow to the target.

Seeing that arrow, I was suddenly reminded of the battlefield I had been plopped down on.

As I relieved that memory, time around me slowed.

I… I have to help her!

I grabbed her wrist and pulled her into my body, barely in time for the arrow to miss her.

She blinked in a daze, then looked up at me, "Did you… Save me?"

I turned to glare at the Holy Priestess walking towards us.

It's not Vira.

I spoke, "Listen, kid. I understand your anger and pain… But this isn't the way to get revenge. You'll only lose your life and punish those innocent in the matter."

I quickly summoned my ice dragon which scooped us up and soared into the distance.

She quickly looked off the side of the dragon and at the Holy Priestess glaring at us from the ground, "W-Won't she follow us?"

I frowned, watching as the Holy Priestess slowly grew smaller in the distance. "Not if she's smart."

The small girl slowly looked up at me as if trying to figure out my motive, "Why did you save me?"

I gave her a wink, "You wanted revenge for your mother, didn't you?"

"But you said that's not how to get revenge."

"Because it's not."

She asked in a naive voice, "So then how do I get revenge?"

"The first step to getting revenge is to only ruin those who deserve it. Those townspeople weren't the ones who hurt you, correct?"

She thought back, "I-I guess…"

I kneeled down beside her and gave her a warm smile, "What's your name?"


"Hello, Lovi. I don't really have a name, so you can call me whatever you'd like."

"...How do you not have a name?"

"I have one, but no one can understand it."

"I don't believe you."

"My name is #####."

Her eye glazed over before she shook her head, snapping out of her trance. "You really can't understand it."

"I told you." I chuckled before speaking more softly, "So, do you want to tell me your story? I will listen to it."

Her singular eye peeking out from her bangs stared at me critically as she tried to weigh her options. Eventually, she started sharing,  "It all started when my father first saw my mother and thought she was the most beautiful woman to ever exist…"

"Aww. That's sweet-"

"-So he kidnapped and imprisoned her."

My face stiffened, "...I take it back. That's not sweet."

She let out a sigh, "That's how I was born… He had no idea that a human and a demon could have a child."

"Hm? What? Are you saying your father is-"

"-Human yes."

"That… That is complicated."

Her voice cracked, "He's the one who tossed me to be used as a pig. He thought I was trash. A mistake…"

I averted my gaze to the distance as I tried to figure out what to say.

She whispered beside me, "I will get my revenge... I have to… I owe it to my mother. It's my only purpose."

I let out a sigh and rubbed the top of her head, "Then you'll have to get strong."

She slowly lifted her head to gaze into my face, "You won't try to stop me?"

"Stop you? I'm going to help you!" I laughed, "I will take you on as my third disciple."

"Third disciple? You have others?"

"That's right. One is around your age and the other is older than you. They are very kind. As long as you promise not to do any harm to them or any other innocents, you can stay with us."

"Oh… Um… Are they fairies like you?"

"I'm not a fairy." I took a deep breath to calm myself, "And they aren't fairies either, they are demons."

Her expression paled, "T-That's even worse!!! Demons find me more despicable than humans do!!!"

"Why would demons act like that?"

"Because I'm a monstrosity! My human nature is in direct conflict with my demon nature and demons HATE that! P-Plus I only have one horn and demons are always disgusted by it-"

"-You don't know those children like I do. As long as you accept them, they'll accept you." I reached out to push back a piece of her hair, "You don't have to worry-"

She grabbed my wrist, digging her nails in before I could touch her, "Touch me and I will give you a curse that not even death can save you from."

I gulped and pulled back my hand, "Children are so terrifying in this time.."

As I stared ahead, I felt a rush of relief.

Everything must be a coincidence.

Being called the Great Fairy, living on the mountain, Moni, and Lene…

It's all a coincidence.

I glanced down at the sulking Lovi as I came closer to our home.

Yes, it must be a coincidence.

After all, none of the siblings ever mentioned a Lovi.