[70.4] The Curse of a Halfling

I continued to teach them until it was time for our last meal of the day. Then, following our nightly tradition, I read them a bedtime story.

After I finished, Lovi asked as she played with a stone between her fingers, "Master… Why don't you have a face?"

Lene puffed out her cheeks, "Mother has a face! I can feel it!"

My eyes widened, "Eh? You really can feel it?"

"Yup!" She felt around my face, "Eyes, nose, mouth. Mother has it all."

Ah… So it can't be felt, but not seen?

Lovi frowned, "Well WE can't see it."

Lene mumbled, "I can't either."

I grinned, "Lene. Could you sculpt my face?"

She blinked, "Um… Maybe?"

I squeezed her cheeks, "I have to start you in a sculpting lesson."

Her eyes watered pitifully as she cried, "No more lessons!!! I want to play!"

Asmonious suddenly noticed what Lovi was doing and snatched the stone out of her hands, "What are you doing!?"

As soon as he touched the stone, a form made of smoke poured out of it taking the shape of numerous predators in quick succession. He immediately dropped it as if it had burned him.

I picked it up, "What is it?"

As soon as I held it, a form of a woman appeared. She went from icy blue and long wavy hair, to short straight bob hair with smoke pouring off of her.


This seems familiar.

Lovi explained as she covered her mouth to cough, "It's a cursed stone. Whoever holds it will reveal their true form. As long as you hold that, it will show what you can't hide. Pretty cool, right? I'm slowly getting better at transferring curses onto inanimate objects."

I turned to Lovi with a frown, "Young Lady. You are forbidden to use curses. Do you understand?"

Her face fell, "Haaah?! You're forbidding me?!"

Atta tilted her head as she watched our reactions.

I nodded, "Yes. I know that curses have consequences and I won't let you kill yourself."

Her expression twisted, "Why does it matter!? I'm going to die anyway!"

I emphasized my words, "It matters."


"Because." I pulled her into a hug as she squirmed, "Time is a precious thing… The more time I get to spend with you, the more precious it becomes."

She eventually stopped squirming and whispered, "But… Why… I'm not your child… I'm no one to you."

"That's not true at all." I chuckled and pulled away, booping her nose as I did, "You are my precious disciple and I would be devastated without you here."

I felt her wrap her arms around me and bury her head in my chest. She wailed as she hugged me, "I DON'T WANT TO DIE! I DON'T! I'M SCARED! I'M SO SCARED!"

As she cried, I held her tight, rubbing her back. "Don't worry Lovi… We will figure it out together… I won't let you die."

I won't.

No matter what…

I lowered my head and closed my eyes as I whispered, "I will keep you safe… I promise."

After her cries slowed down, she pulled away wiping at her nose, "But… I need to get revenge for my mother… How else can I do that? I can only use curses… I'm not strong at all. It's not like I can go and beat up my father with my fists."

Atta stepped over and tapped my shoulder. When I looked at her, she held up her arms in a fighting stance. I looked at Asmonious for translation.

"She's saying that she can train Lovi."

I bit my lip in uncertainty, "Oh… I don't know…"

Lovi pulled on me with excited eyes, "Please, Master! If I can't use magic, then I can become strong! Then I can get my revenge!"

I felt anxiety pulling at my heart, "I… I don't think it's a very good idea."

"Oh please, Master!!! Please!!!"

Seeing her pleading expression and big eye poking out from the hair covering her face, I couldn't handle it anymore. I succumbed easily to her demands, "...Fine. But nothing serious! I don't want to see either of you getting hurt-"

"-THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!" Lovi hugged me tightly as she squealed in excitement.

When has Lovi ever hugged me like this?!

She never shows me this much affection in one day!

I wish I could record this moment on a cell phone…

Before I could relish in it longer, she pulled away and bounced over to Atta. She held up her hands as fists, "I'm ready!"

Atta shook her head and readjusted her pose.

Lovi fixed herself and nodded, "Okay! Now I'm ready!"

Atta did one jab, punching Lovi in the stomach, making her double over and fall to her knees. I panicked, "Lovi!!"

Atta looked confused by my outburst, but Lovi raised her hand to stop me. She smiled with a strange grin and stood back up, "Again!"


Lovi picked herself back up, panting heavily, and returned to a fighting stance, "AGAIN!"




Atta took that as a command and started another barrage of attacks. Over and over again, Lovi was knocked over. However, she kept getting up.

I stood on the sidelines, watching the fighting through my fingers as I grinded my teeth in anxiousness.

Asmonious tried to comfort me, "At least she is good at training Lovi. Now we don't need to worry about her using curses and suffering the consequences."

Watching Lovi get beaten so cruelly, I anxiously played with my gloves covering my blackened hands. "I don't think I can take this anymore."

Asmonious tried to stop me, "Oh! But Master- isn't it better than the alternative?"

"I know, but this isn't right either. I'm not going to allow my children to beat each other up. I don't care if they are demons or humans. As their guardian, I owe it to them to keep them safe!" I stomped over to them waving my fist, "That's it! No more fighting! You can get stronger without making each other bleed!"

Asmonious panicked and shouted after me, "Master! Wait-"

I suddenly felt a blow to my side, so strong it winded me and made me pass out.