[71.5] A Thank You Gift

[Author's note: This part of the chapter is from no one's point of view]

In the following days, the side effects of the medicine became apparent. However, just as everyone promised, they all stayed by Lovi's side to nurse and care for her. Since she had to take the medicine regularly, their entire lives became dedicated to ensuring she was comfortable as much as possible.

One day as his Master and Lene slept, Asmonious brought over a bowl of soup to feed Lovi. She was too weak to lift her arms, so he brought the spoon to her lips to feed her. After she finished, he stood up to leave.


"Yes? Do you need something else?"

She lowered her eyes, "Master is really… She's really amazing."

He smiled, his eyes turning into crescents. "I know. She's the best."

She let out a sigh, "I just wish we could do something for her."

His eyes grew dull as he whispered, "I wish we could too, but I don't think we can ever do enough to repay her."

She looked up at him hopefully, "Moni… What if we gave her a gift?"

"Like what?"

"I don't know… What would she like?"

He thought about it, "Hmm… Master really only seems to enjoy art. I haven't seen her interested in anything else other than food."

She furrowed her brows, "What do most women like?"

Asmonious laughed at this, "You're one, shouldn't you know?"

She glared at him, "Don't make me angry or else I will puke again."

He chuckled and reached out to rub her head, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

She pursed her lips, "We have to do something special for her…"

Asmonious thought about it, "What if… I went into a human settlement to find something?"

Her eyes widened, "Huh?! You?"

"Why not? I've been before."

"But-but! It's not safe! When was the last time you went somewhere other than here and the noisy village down the mountain?!"

He smiled as if he knew something she didn't, "I'm not concerned. I'm not a child anymore."

"Master would never agree to that!!"

He turned around and shrugged, "It's worth a shot."

Asmonious went to work, cleaning up and preparing food just in time for his Master to awaken. She walked out, rubbing her eyes as she mumbled.


He smiled brightly, "Good morning, Master!"

He slid a plate of food in front of her as she sat at the table to eat, "You seem eager today…"

"Actually, there is something I would like to ask for."

Her eyes widened, "You… You're asking me for something!?"

He lowered his head submissively, "I… You're right… I'm sorry… I shouldn't have asked-"

"NO!" She shouted, "You should ask for more!"

He tilted his head as if confused, "I should?"

"Yes, yes! So what is it?! What do you want?!"

"Oh… I would like to go into the nearby town alone."

Her utensil dropped from her hand, "H-Huh?! No! Absolutely not!"

His eyes dulled, "O-Oh… I see…"

Her tone softened abruptly after seeing his reaction, "I-It's not like I want to tell you no… I don't have a problem with you going to town. But if you want to go, I will take you. Atta should be responsible enough to watch the children."

He shook his head, "No. I must go alone."


His cheeks flushed, "I-It's a secret…"

Seeing that expression on his face, his Master crumbled, "Aren't… Aren't you worried about going alone?"

He shook his head with a grin, "Nope! I can cover my eyes so no one notices the color."

"No, I don't mean that… What if you come across meat?"

"I'm older now. I can handle it."

"But what if you encounter… A piece of trash?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"You know… Him?"

"Oh…" His expression darkened, "Him…"

"N-Not that you will-"

"-Don't worry, Master. If I see him, I will run away immediately. I'm not the child I was when I met him."

"You do seem confident…" She bit her lip, "Although… Letting you go all alone… I don't like that."

Asmonious smiled weakly, "If Master won't let me, then I won't go…"

After a long time, she groaned in defeat. 

"Fine. Go."

His eyes lit up, "Really?!"

"Yes. But you have to be back before dark, okay?! If you break your curfew- I will- I will… I will ground you!"

"Ground me? What's that?"

"You'll be stuck in your room without anything fun to do!"

"Oh… But I don't mind that either. If that's what Master wants, I will gladly do it."

"Urg… Just, promise me you'll be back on time. If you are late… I worry I might actually destroy the world."

He nodded quickly, "Don't worry, Master. I would never disobey you."

"Ugh… Okay. I give you permission… Just be careful, okay?"

His eyes curved as he grinned, "Thank you so much, Master!"

Without allowing his Master to change her mind, he rushed out of the courtyard after secretly snatching up the coin purse from her room. Once he was far away from the house, he stepped into the shadows of the trees with his eyes turning vibrantly orange.

In the blink of an eye, he appeared on the outskirts of a human town in the shadows of another tree. He stepped out, wearing a proper suit made of linen and a top hat to create a shadow to cover his eyes. As he walked onto the bustling street, curious glances were cast his way. Since he was dressed wealthily, many store owners and street vendors tried to convince him to go to their shops. However, he ignored them and entered into the richest district.

He entered a boutique so dazzling, it was radiating prestige and wealth.

He looked at the hair ornaments and jewelry, his eyes drawn to one necklace of gold with an opal gemstone inside it. 

The clerk appeared beside him, "Good eye, good sir! This is one of our best pieces."

"I will take it."

His eyes lit up, "I will wrap it for you immediately."

Asmonious paid with the cold from the purse, then left tapping the pocket with the jewelry. He smiled to himself, "Master loves painting portraits of that man with gold hair and blue eyes. Surely she will like this gift."

He turned into an alley and held out his hand. From the shadows, coins dropped into his hands and he stored them back in the purse.

"Can't allow Master's coins to go to those rich jerks." He chuckled as he returned back to the street, "Only take from the rich, as Master says."

As he went to leave the town, his nose sniffed something interesting in the air. He turned to the bakery that looked poor and run down. He entered inside and pointed to the pastry which had the scent that caught his attention, "What are those?"

The baker looked shocked to see him inside, "I-It's a tart, good sir."

"Tart? Is it sweet?"

"No… Sugar is only for the rich. This only contains a fruit that is a bit sour."

"Do people actually like it?"

The baker shrugged, "The poor do, but only because they don't have many other options for deserts."

"Hm…" He placed down a gold coin, "Then let me take a few to try."

The baker nearly fainted, "T-That's far too much!"

Asmonious gathered the batch of various tarts and went to leave before he was stopped, "Take it as a tip. My Master always tells me to help the poor."

The baker burst into tears as he held the single gold coin that was more money than he had ever seen in an entire lifetime. He cried out, "T-Thank you! I promise I will-"

But before Asmonious could hear the ending of his sentence, he had already left the building. Just as he went down the street, he noticed a crowd gathering as they were pushed to the sides.

A voice shouted over the crowd, "The final show of the Desert Rose will be tonight! Come see the beautiful singer that encaptures the hearts of men before the troupe leaves for the next town!"

As the carriage passed by, his orange eyes were drawn to it.

Although covered by a curtain, his gaze was stuck on the small teenage girl beside the middle-aged woman inside. The teenage girl raised her eyes as if she sensed something, and it was only then that Asmonious realized her eyes were a rosy pink.

The corner of his lips raised, "Hm… A show, huh?"

He turned around, following in the wake of the carriage.

After arriving at the show in question, he paid his fees, even paying extra to gain the V.I.P. seat. Since he already intended to take back what he was going to pay, he didn't mind splurging a bit.

After all…

He had a plan.

Asmonious sat down, then took a deep breath and closed his eyes. When he exhaled, his eyes reopened. However, instead of the lively showroom he was currently in, his gaze pierced through shadows, watching an interesting scene play out many walls in front of him.

The middle-aged woman from the carriage was standing with her back to the door in a dresser room as she shouted at the teenage girl. 

Jewels and accessories were placed into the girl's long, sweeping brownish-red curly hair. The makeup on her face was done to make her look as mature and alluring as possible. However, she didn't need makeup to look striking since it was already natural.

Her sharp, dark eyes glanced at the middle-aged woman timidly, "Madame… Please… Please don't make me do this… I don't want to-"

"Did you forget who is kind enough to hide you from the Holy Ones?! Hm!?"

She whimpered and shook her head submissively, "N-No Madame…"

"I am the one keeping you safe! The least you can do is be obedient!"

"Y-Yes, Madame…"

"Then go on! Go perform already!!! Catch us a nice wealthy man this time! And this time, make sure to give him a good time so he pays us extra!!!"

Asmonious took a deep breath, closing his eyes just as the beautiful girl was pushed on stage.

When his eyes reopened, he glanced down at his expensive attire. With a quirk of his lips, he leaned back in his seat confidentially, drumming his fingers on the table beside him as he tossed up and down the large money bag for all to see.

"Welcome all… To our final show of the season." The Madame sauntered onto the stage her eyes drawn to Asmonious and his obvious wealth, "I would like to introduce our desert flower…. Rose."