[77.5] The Pup's First Friend

[This part of the chapter is from no one's perspective.]

…. Approximately 15 years earlier…

Orphelio stood in front of a cage staring silently into the darkness where the pup was hiding under the table. He wore the same twisted smile as he heard his leading priestess walk down the stairs, "Shall I procure more demons for today, my lord?"

He smirked, "Alora. What do you think about my darling pup?"

"This humble servant finds that he is far too weak. He would rather be stabbed than to stab. It's better to discard him."

Orphelio laughed, "Alora. His weakness is exactly the reason why he is so interesting. His innocence is so delicious, I can't help but smile every time I see him. It makes me really want to ruin him slowly to savor each bite."

"I see."

"So I prepared something even better." He glanced at her with a sly smile, "Now watch this. Watch how much my little puppy fears and loves me."

Alora nodded.

Orphelio stood up and went over to the cage where he opened the door.

He held out his arms, "I'm sorry, my darling pup. I have scared you, haven't I?"

The pup flinched but leaned out from under the table wearily. His orange eyes anxiously stared back at Orphelio whose voice was like an intoxicating embrace.

Orphelio motioned with his hands, "Come. Give your father a hug. I want to apologize for scaring you so much these last few weeks."

The pup slowly crawled out and walked over to Orphelio with his head bowed low. The chains scraped against the ground as the pup leaned into Orphelio's embrace.

Orphelio laughed, hugging the small child, "That's my boy. You're such a good boy, you know that?"

The pup nodded his head weakly.

Orphelio reached into his pocket and handed the pup a treat, "Here."

The pup placed it into his mouth, feeling the sickly sweet taste drown his tongue.

Orphelio undid his chains and picked him up, "I have a special gift for you today."

The pup remained obedient and silent as Orphelio carried him out of his room and to another part of the underground facility he had never been to.

As soon as they entered this new room, a horrid stench hit the pup's nose and made him wrinkle his nose in disgust.

While he thought his room was bad, this one was even worse. Mold was growing on the walls and the floor was slightly damp. And the smell…

The smell was terrible.

Orphelio motioned into the cell, "I caught you a friend."

The Priestess behind him created a ball of light to shine into the cell to illuminate two small bodies inside. Two small lion demons shrunk away from the light, but the pup could now make out one was younger than him and one was older.

Orphelio smiled, "I heard dogs like to stick to packs. They aren't dogs, but dogs like to play with cats, right?"

The pup peered up at him with doe-like eyes, "Play?"

"Mhm. That's right. I realize I've been too harsh. You need someone your age that you can bond with."

The pup nodded to show he understood.

"But…" Orphelio turned his sharp and unempathetic eyes to the two lion cubs huddled together, "You can only have one as your friend. Which one will it be?"

The older cub heard this and shoved his small brother forward, "Take my little brother! Please! He's too weak to survive in these conditions!!!"

The pup flinched and anxiously looked at Orphelio to see his reaction. However, Orphelio continued to smile at him unperturbed as he awaited an answer.

The pup gulped and slowly pointed to the younger boy.

Orphelio smiled, his eyes curving in pleasure. His sickly sweet voice echoed off the moldy walls, "Alora."

She went into the cage and pulled off the older boy to drag him out. Having been pulled from him, the youngest boy burst into tears and tried grabbing his brother back. However, the Priestess pulled out a Holy Sword and raised it to strike down the small boy.

"Wait! Please don't hurt him!" His older brother panicked, "Zolf! Stop crying!!! NOW!"

The small boy snapped out of his crying fit after hearing his brother scold him. He pressed his small body into the far wall to avoid the priestess as much as possible. She glanced back at Orphelio who waved her off, "Let him live."

Seeing Orphelio leave carrying the pup, the Priestess grabbed the older lion cub and pulled on his chains to drag him out.

They were led to another room that was white and clean, except for a few toys that lay on the ground.

Orphelio put the pup down, "This is your new playroom. Now we will leave you two to get acquainted."

They both watched as Orphelio left and shut the door behind him. His Priestess stayed back, standing by the door and observing them.

The pup was used to the constant surveillance and sat down, patiently staring at the other boy.

The other boy stared cautiously at the priestess before looking at the pup, "Um… My name is Delphi. What's your name?"

The pup's cheeks flushed and found his voice sounded weak, "M-Moni."

Delphi was worried about his brother, but he was old enough to know the precarious situation he was in. He first had to please the pup who seemed to be the sole object of affection for the man holding him.

"What do you want to play?"

The pup blinked in confusion, "...Play?"

Delphi felt uncomfortable, "You know how to play, right?"

Seeing the silent stare from the other he suddenly realized he didn't.

He picked up a ball and rolled it to him, "Let's play with this."

After a few hours, Moni's shy exterior started to lessen. The two played until the priestess suddenly grabbed his new friend and dragged him back.

Orphelio also appeared and carried him, "Did you have fun?"

"Mmmn." The pup paused for a moment and looked at Orphelio with a complicated feeling.

Why was he being so nice?

Did this mean…

He was changing?

The pup flushed red, "C-Can we play together next time, Father?"

Orphelio hesitated in surprise. After a bit, he whispered ominously, "Keep being a good boy and your Father will."

After that, Delphi and the pup were brought to that room to play. The pup noticed his father becoming more doting and felt himself getting spoiled by the attention.

Now instead of being beckoned, he rushed into his father's embrace whenever he saw him.

Orphelio picked him up and took a deep breath, "My darling pup. They say dogs like to take walks… Should we bring your friend out for a walk?"

The pup nodded tenderly, "Mmmn."

The priestess met them outside, holding the chains that were connected to the collar on Delphi's neck.

The chains were then handed to the pup who was gently pushed by Orphelio, "Go on. Take him for a walk."

The pup found something off with the situation but decided against asking what was wrong. He hadn't been outside in a very long time and he found the sun refreshing on his skin.

As they walked, Delphi stealthily took in his surroundings making mental notes.

Days went by…

And the pup…

The pup was really happy.

"Psst! Moni! Moni, wake up!"

The pup crawled out from under the table rubbing his eyes, "Hmmm? Delphi? What are you doing here?"

The pup froze when he noticed his friend and his little brother outside of his room, "Zolf too?"

"I picked the locks and snuck us both out. We can actually escape!"

The pup looked at him in confusion, "...Escape?"

He nodded quickly, "Yeah! Although I don't know how to take off the collars, we can at least be free."

"Free? Oh… I don't know."

"Haven't you ever thought about running away?" 


The pup never had.

"That man is evil! If we stay here, he will eventually kill us."

The pup hesitated, "Father… Won't... Kill… Me…"

"He's not your father."

"You're wrong…"

"Come on." His friend dragged him out of the cell and up the stairs. Delphi felt the pup pull his hand out of his grip once he stepped outside. His friend turned to him in confusion, "Aren't you coming?"

The pup bit his lip and slowly shook his head, "...No."

"What?! W-Why not!?"

"This… This is my home. I don't have anywhere else."

"So!? We can make something else! You can come to my home and my family!"

The pup stared at him cautiously.

After all he had been through…

At least his father kept him fed.

Sometimes he was mean…

But other times he was really nice.

As much pain as the pup went through, the love he had for his Father was much stronger.

He shook his head again, "I'm not going."

His friend glared at him, "Fine. Stay, but I'm going to leave. This place is evil."

The pup watched as his friend turned away and ran off into the darkness holding his little brother's hand. The pup held his breath, hoping his friend would come running back, but…

He never did.

Disappointed, he returned to his cell and waited for his father to return…