[79.1] Mystery POV: Destroy Your Compassion

[This part of the chapter is from a "mystery" character's perspective.]

My breath quickened as I heard the cheers from within the stadium. I scanned the room I was forced into and considered breaking out.

But what would he do if I did that?

The priest who took me is different than the others.

A voice bellowed from the other side of the metal door, "Welcome to the next competition for the title of Alora! If this is your first time, let me explain the competition! Today we have several contestants, many of whom will have to face prisoners and demons to get the honorable title of the Golden Warrior. If no priestess prevails, no priestess shall be named! Each contest will involve random selection! Whoever enters, only one is allowed to leave. If the contestants refuse to kill each other, then familiars will be released. If that still doesn't work, then our lovely leading General has offered to step in!"

My blood chilled.


This is how he intends to rid me of my compassion!?

In a game of kill or die!?

"A random number of doors will open up and the contestants will have no chance to prepare for the fight. No one knows who will have to fight in each match, not even them."

I let out the breath I had been holding.

It seems that I may not even have to fight.

The doors started rumbling.

"For those of you concerned about the ethics of this tournament, please note that these prisoners are not worthy of being considered human. They have been found guilty of treason against the holy goddess or abetting demons. The Holy Goddess would never sacrifice any innocent citizens."

My blood went cold just as the door in front of me opened and light poured inside. I stepped out of the opening, gazing around in shock as cheers erupted in the stadium.


I've never seen this many people-

"Let the fight-BEGIN!"


I spun around to the doorway only to see the door slam shut. I took a deep breath in and turned back around to assess the arena space.

There were piles of large rocks, abandoned houses, and fallen trees. All of which made natural mazes that provided the perfect places to be ambushed. The arena looked like a civilization had fallen and transformed into a dangerous landscape.

"Today we have a young priestess against a prisoner of war!"

I heard something scrape against the rock next to me and abruptly turned to it.

A large man stood on top holding a giant axe as he stared down at me with an evil glint in his eyes.

"A little girl, eh? This will be easy." As he stomped toward me, I readied myself. He pulled back his axe, "Just stay right there like a good little girl."

He swung down his axe and I immediately avoided it. His axe slammed into the bed of rocks, getting stuck from the force. I jumped on top of the handle, balancing as I tilted my head up to meet his eyes.

He's slow.

I saw a vein bulge on his forehead.

"You little twerp-"

He went to pull the axe out of the ground and throw me off. I jumped off, kicking him in the face before landing off to the side.

He tossed his head and spat out a broken tooth. More veins started to bulge, "YOU'RE GOING TO PAY FOR THAT!"

The crowd cheered as I jumped around, avoiding his attacks.

"Hurry up and kill her!!!"

I paused, looking at the arena shouting and jeering at me.

They want me to die?


I pulled my head back, watching as the axe cut off a strand of my hair.

Too close.

As I jumped away, I felt his huge palm grab my hair and throw me with a huge force. My back slammed against a rock and the sound of ribs shattering could be heard. I let out a painful gasp as I used my Holy Magic to assess the damage to my body.

"HEHEHEEHE!" His brutish laughter echoed around the stadium and I tried to stand up.


I felt something stabbing out of my leg and collapsed with a wail.

Come on body!


I need to run-

I froze when I saw his shadow over me. As my eyes raised, I could only see the axe flying down at my head.

A rush of power took over my body and a sword suddenly materialized in front of me.

It flew forward, stabbing into the body towering over me.


My eyes stared up as a liquid slowly dripped down onto my cheeks.


The prisoner's body landed next to me, a holy sword stabbing directly into his heart.

I stared at the limp body beside me as cheers erupted across the stadium.



I killed someone…

I looked at my trembling hands in confusion to see the blood covering it.

I furrowed my brow, "I don't feel anything…"

It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be…

"It was a surprising twist, but there's still more matches to come! Return tomorrow for another match you won't want to miss!"

After hearing the announcer, I heard the door I had entered from open. I went back to it and heard the door shut behind me before another opened. I was escorted through layers of steel bars until I was pushed into one large area.

I looked around, taking in everything.

There were dozens of people, but all of them were spread into groups. I was surprised to see a group of demons, some whimpering, and others staring off into space as if accepting their fate. Then, there was a group of prisoners. Most of them looked strong and belligerent, but others looked completely normal. In another area, there were several Holy Priestesses, all of them glaring down the demons. Both the demons and the prisoners were wearing Holy Magic collars, but none of the Priestesses were. It would seem that they entered willingly. Among these three groups, some stragglers chose not to clump to anyone else.

My eyes traveled across their faces until they caught sight of a Holy Priestess who had shaved her hair off. Unlike the other Priestesses, she was wearing a collar around her neck. When she noticed me staring, her pale blue eyes met mine. She raised an eyebrow as if assessing me.

I was pushed inside the room and heard the gate lock behind me. I glanced around before sitting down on the floor without speaking.

The demons scooted away from me, the fear and hatred present in their eyes.

I closed my eyes and circulated my magic, healing my wounds.

A rugged voice snarled, "This is the winner!? This pipsqueak?"

I opened my eyes and stared back at the man who stomped over to me.

He glared down at me, "You killed my brother?!"

I stared up at him, feeling my hands itch to create a blade.

I already killed once. What's one more?

A group of prisoners appeared behind him. They all looked down at me with a strange look I didn't recognize.

The leader snickered, "Let's show this little girl how we play."

As they advanced towards me, I jumped up, producing several white swords around me, each one enough for the attacker. The entire room grew tense, with Priestesses itching to join the brawl.


We all turned around to look at the priestess with a shaved head. 

She met their eyes without fear, "The rules state no fighting. You have to wait for the arena."

He sneered, "But if we don't use lethal force, it's fine."

The priestess glared, "Don't make me call the guard."

The prisoners clicked their tongues and went back to their corner, but their eyes never left me.

I disintegrated my swords and went to her. I gave her a nod, "Thanks."

"It wasn't for you." She snapped at me, "If you had started a fight, we all would have lost more than just our life."


I watched her walk back to her spot and sit down, an angry expression on her face.

Seeing that no one was going to talk to me, I sat back down and closed my eyes, focusing my energy on my core.