[81.2] Alora POV: The Darkness of Humanity

As I approached the cave, I heard him wailing. Fear took hold of my heart and I started sprinting to him.

Did a Priestess find him!?

I entered inside, stopping when I realized he wasn't being attacked.

He was just wailing and sobbing uncontrollably. He was crying so hard he didn't even realize I had entered.

Why are his defenses so low!?

I rushed to his side and grabbed his arm to show I was there. My voice cracked, "What's wrong!?"

He rubbed his eyes as he hiccuped, "W-Why did you leave!?"

…That's why you were crying?

I held out a dead rabbit, "You were hungry."


I let out a sigh, "Lay back down. I'm going to go roast this."

I started to turn away but felt my arm get grabbed. He spoke in a desperate tone, "Where are you going?!"

I stared at him in confusion, "I have to go to the opening of the cave to cook it."


"...If I cook it in here, we will die from smoke inhalation."



Very strange.

I stared at him a little longer to determine whether he would panic again or not. When I figured he wouldn't, I went to leave.

As I walked away, I heard him crawling after me.

He doesn't want to be alone so badly that he's willing to follow me despite the pain?

I watched him from the corner of my eyes, but I didn't stop him.

Very strange.

Once we were at the opening of the cave, I started a fire with a flick of the wrist. Then, I cleaned up the rabbit and started cooking it.

I was acutely aware that he was watching my every movement while his tail swished back and forth. Once it was finished, I held out a bite as I watched his tail, "There was no oil."

He suddenly leaned forward and ate the food directly from my hands. I flinched expecting to get bit, but instead, I felt the moist sensation of a tongue run across my skin.

My heart froze as he lifted his head, licking his lips, "Delicious!"

I stared at him silently, trying to make sense of what just happened.

Curious to see him do it again, I held out another piece. 

He continued to eat from my hands until he realized that I wasn't eating myself.

He swallowed and grinned at me, not even caring that his face was dirty, "You should eat some too."


As I ate, I watched him scoot closer and closer to me. I tried not to look directly into his eyes to avoid frightening him, but I snuck glances at him from the corner of my eyes.

While he was asleep, I had no idea his eyes would be so beautiful.

The Holy Goddess never wore any jewels, but her palace was full of them. His eyes reminded me of the blood-red jeweled necklace on display there.

"My name is Zephyr."

I was so deep in my appreciation of those eyes that I could only give a nod in response.

"...So what's your name?"

My hands paused, "I don't have a name."

"You don't have a name?"

"We aren't allowed to have names." I casually reached down to pick up a wet rag and used it to clean his greasy mouth, "I only the title of Alora."


I nodded, "That's what they call me. Alora is the title for the Golden Warrior."

"What does that mean?"

Flashes of the arena deaths flashed through my mind, but I repressed the memories and answered calmly, "It means I killed a bunch of people and came out on top."


I hesitated, "Although now I guess I can't be called that."

"Why not?"

Orphelio is going to kill me if he ever finds me.

"I disobeyed an order."

He looked back at me with a nonchalant expression, "So? I disobey my Master all the time."

"My handler doesn't allow disobeying. He killed the last priestess who did that in front of all of us."


"If I go back, he will do the same to me. He doesn't care about titles. There can always be another Alora."

My eyes drifted off into space as I recalled all the times he tortured me for much less.

All the broken bones…

The flayed skin…

All of the pain…

If not for my abnormal regenerative abilities, I would have died already.

My body trembled as I felt the resurgence of pain I experienced at the hands of that man. Just as I was getting deeper into my memories, my hands were grabbed in a panic. A fierce killing intent rushed over me as I prepared to have them broken.

He shouted passionately before I could act, "Come home with me!"

I blinked in confusion as the killing intent slowly dissolved, "Go home with you?"

"Yeah! My Mama- Er. I mean, my Master loves taking care of children like you!"

"...Like me?"

I highly doubt that.

He nodded quickly, "Yup! Children who have no home and those who don't really fit in."

"You're like that too?"

"Yup! We don't really fit in with other demons cuz our horns are broken."

I thought back to the arena.

There were several demons there who were all huddled together and some had full horns, others had broken ones.

They seemed to fit in with each other.

I asked feeling a bit curious, "Demons really care that much about horns?"

"Duh! Believe it or not, demons can be very loyal. If you have no horn, they think you've turned your back on all demons and betrayed your own kind…" He pursed my lips and muttered, "Even if it's not your fault, they'll still hate you."


I didn't know that.

What else don't I know?

I leaned closer to him, "Are there any humans at your home?"

 He shook his head vehemently, "No way! Humans are scary! They would just try to kill us or lock us up!"

I looked at our connected hands, "...Do you think I'm scary?"

Or do you also think I'm not human?

If he thinks so…

Then there's no use in throwing my life away for him.