[85.2] Never Give Up, Never Let Them Win

****Disclaimer: This chapter involves child abuse and attempted murder that some readers may find uncomfortable. Reader discretion is advised.

Two children hid in the darkness of a cramped space, hugging each other as they whimpered in fear. The two children didn't look at all similar, the boy was older but had average looks and sandy brown hair and plain brown eyes. The little girl had silken blonde hair, and her face was so delicate she looked just like a doll.

The boy who was a few years older than the little girl tried to comfort her, "I will protect you 'Scilla. Don't be scared."

The little girl trembled as she tried to explain, "D-Daddy is mad at me… I messed up at Lady Sun's party. I-I-"

The boy pulled her in tighter to comfort her, "It's okay… If he can't find us, he can't punish us."

"B-But I'm scared…"

"I'm here 'Scilla. I'm-"

Blinding light suddenly poured into the small space, and arms reached in, pulling the two out. The two children were now face to face with a large man who was so furious, veins were bulging from his forehead.

Duke Newman grabbed the children and threw them on the ground. As he watched their cowering appearance, he screamed, "YOU THOUGHT YOU COULD HIDE FROM ME?! YOU TWO ARE SUCH DISAPPOINTMENTS!"

Unable to endure his fury, he slammed his foot down on the boy's hand.


The boy cried out in pain as he looked at his broken hand which was already bruising.

Duke Newman didn't remove his foot and continued to shout at the boy, "YOU D*MN BASTARD! I told you NOT to take any food!! You're making it seem like I starve you! DO YOU WANT TO MAKE ME MAD?!"

The boy sobbed pathetically as he painfully tried to pull his hand out from under the shoe, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

He dug his heel in more, "Sorry?! Sorry is what I am for sleeping with the ***** that produced you!"

The boy burst into agonizing wails, causing his sister's panic to worsen. She sprinted to her brother and grabbed her father's foot, desperately trying to make it budge. 

Duke Newman glared at her with a hideous expression and pulled his hand back.

He backhanded the girl, causing her to fly back and hit the ground with a heavy thud. Before she could recover, Duke Newman pointed at her, "And YOU! You are a PRINCESS! Are you trying to embarrass me with that sorry excuse for etiquette?!"

The girl forced herself to sit up, rubbing her swollen chin as she whimpered, "I-I'm sorry… I will work harder next time…"

Hearing the commotion, Duchess Newman walked into the room, silently closing the door behind her so no one could look inside. Her cold eyes looked to the boy who was clearly in pain. Only then, did her face hold any trace of satisfaction. She silently walked past Duke Newman and picked up the little girl. Even though the girl pulled away, Duchess Newman didn't seem to care and forced her to be held.

She glanced at the Duke, "Darling. I told you. You can't hit her face. You have to hide the beatings or else people will talk."

The Duke gnashed his jaw, still not appeased with his anger. Seeing this, Duchess Newman turned to leave. The little girl whimpered silently in her arms, "Brother Felix…"

Her mother gave Felix a stern look, "As for the bastard, do whatever you need to do. No one in nobility cares for him anyway. We can just tell him that he went to live with my aunt. It's not like they'll check."

She turned to leave, leaving the boy behind to face Duke Newman's rage all on his own. However, his tiny and malnourished body was in no condition to handle another beating. Yet, Duke Newman began to hit and kick him relentlessly, venting all his anger and frustration. He hit the small child with the force of a full-grown man and held no remorse at hearing the boy's pitiful wails.

Just as his wife and daughter left the room, he pulled the boy up by his sandy brown hair now knotted with blood, and taunted him, "I should sell you to the Mana traffickers. Then your worthless self will actually benefit me."

The boy cried out, unable to speak due to the damage he had received in the beating.

With nobody daring to stop the Duke, the boy was then dragged out of the house without any energy to fight back. After being thrown into a broken carriage, his vision faded. He was in and out of consciousness until he felt a cold blast of air. His dazed eyes flickered open. 

The light danced in his vision.

His body ached.


There was a voice…


The boy suddenly jumped out of the moving carriage, much to the surprise of the men onboard. He rolled out on the ground, tumbling along the rocks and dirt. Even though he was blinded by pain, he knew if he gave up he would die.

He forced himself up and ran into the dense forest. Behind him, he heard his father screaming out in fury.


He ran faster and faster, the corners of his vision turning black as he struggled to stay awake. Just as he heard the men getting closer and his legs losing energy, he caught sight of a dilapidated mansion. He stopped, fearful that the house would be worse than the men chasing him.