[85.15] The One You Cannot Touch

Moni walked down the empty halls of his estate while in the body of Felix. He thought back to all the moments of Reika and her mistakes during class. First, she made a cursed book creature and got kicked out, then she created a poison, and purposely got hurt to avoid taking combat class.

He chuckled to himself, "Such a unique girl."


Moni straightened his back as he heard the voice. He had been daydreaming too much that he hadn't even noticed his underling behind him.

He turned around to see the confused look on the face of the woman obsessed with red.

"Master, are you in a good mood because of that little mutt who hangs around you?"

Moni felt his mouth taste sour and grimaced, "No. That girl is a pain in my side… I'm thinking of something else."

Her eyes lit up in understanding, "Ah! She's a pain!"

"T-That's right. I was thinking about how she will be too exhausted to use magic soon and we will be able to entice her to our side with promise of power."

"Right. I understand, Master."

Moni stared at her silently, trying to understand why she looked so happy. When he dismissed her, he had a bad feeling in his stomach. His intuition was telling him that Red had misunderstood something, but what it was, he had no idea.

However, the next day at class he had already forgotten about the past exchange. He sat down at the desk and stared ahead with a smile as he waited for Cyrus and Reika to arrive. He recognized the sound of their steps before they even entered the room.

Reika plopped down next to him, her eyes sunken from a lack of sleep.

Moni stared at her for a moment noticing how vulnerable she was becoming and felt his hands itch. He smiled, "Wow. You don't look so good, Reika."

She slammed her books down with a hiss, "Say that to me one more time."

Moni chuckled in his mind at the sight of a small puppy trying to be fierce. However, Felix didn't find it funny and suddenly took control, "B-But I j-just-"

"If you even think about crying, I will shank you with my pen."

Felix bit his lip as he fought back tears. Cyrus sat down next to them, "I don't think your flowers are working, Felix."

"I-I will grow better ones."

"No. I'd say your flowers are the only things that actually help. They calm down my mind and heart every time I smell them."

Felix nodded while sniffling, "Then I will grow even more!"

Moni reassured Felix before regaining control once more. He paid little attention to the lecture and watched as Reika's head slowly bounced up and down. Curious, he released some of his corruption and entered her mind to look into her memories. He watched as a girl with coarse black hair cried in front of a portrait surrounded by flowers.

Moni immediately pulled away and stared at the board with a blank expression.

The girl in her memories didn't look anything like the girl sitting next to him.


Would that mean, she's an arriver?

Moni pursed his lips as he realized he took interest in someone dangerous.

Wherever there were arrivers, there was Vira.

Wherever there was Vira, there was Orphelio getting all excited and never shutting up.

He felt a shiver on his back when he heard Orphelio whisper, "You're sleep depriving her to make her easier to manipulate, aren't you? Hah! I remember when I used to do it to you. We really are the same."

Moni sat forward, his pupils trembling.

Felix didn't hear the voice whispering to Moni, but he knew something was wrong. He asked telepathically: <>

Moni tightened his fists: <>


Reika suddenly sat up with a scream, causing everyone to jump in their seats. The next moment, she was running out the door and everyone was chasing after her.

The next few hours passed in a blur. 

After speaking with the Headmaster, Moni returned back to the villa and walked through the abandoned halls thinking to himself.


Moni turned around, "Hank? What is it?"

"Did you tell Red to kidnap the girl you've been eyeing?"

His body tightened, "...What are you talking about."

"Red kidnapped both the brat and the girl. I received word that the Headmaster and Chief Gonza are on the way to save her."

The shadows twisted at his feet as fury rose up in his chest, "...She betrayed me?"

Hank opened his mouth but promptly closed it upon seeing the bright vibrant eyes losing all focus.

Moni suddenly turned around as a black hole appeared in front of him. As he walked through it, Hank quickly followed after him.

They appeared in the slums, standing silently in the darkness of an abandoned building. They hadn't waited long before a woman appeared in the middle of the room. She didn't even have time to breath before her throat was suddenly grabbed from the shadows. 

Orange eyes shone through the darkness, "You betrayed me!?"

The woman in red panicked, "I would never do that Master!!"

"Then why did you kidnap Reika and the brat!?"

"I-I wanted to bring them to you-"


He made a fist before taking a deep breath and relaxing it. He tossed her to the ground and looked at her with a cold, unfriendly gaze.

"...Master?" Her eyes trembled as she stared at him, "I… I thought you wanted me to dispose of her. You said she was a pain in your side."

He let out a heavy sigh, "It was my mistake for not being more specific. From now on, you can't touch that girl."

"What about the brat?"

His eyes darkened as his lips curled, "I will personally handle that."