[87.3] Game Plan

As soon as we returned to the Palace, I changed out of my ripped and bloody clothes.

Although Cyrus finally let my hand go with clear reluctance, he stayed to help me change. I put on a long black robe with no distinction on it that could hide my body shape. Underneath, I wore pants and a fitted shirt, perfect for fighting if it came to it. I pulled gloves over my hands leaving the only skin visible was my face.

Cyrus lifted an eye, "Do you intend to wear all that? Isn't it stuffy?"

"Recently… I don't care much for showing skin."

"Ah… Well… Whatever makes you comfortable."

I offered him a slight smile.

Seeing my despondent look, he came over and gave me a playful squeeze, "Zephyr is going to be so excited to see you again."

How could he be excited?

He watched me die.

Silently, I held out my hand and closed my eyes. I tried to recall my ice sculptures of the past and created a mask. However, when I opened my eyes, the ice mask suddenly blackened and turned to coal.

Cyrus glanced at me with a hint of worry, "Reika?"

"Zephyr can't know I have returned." I put on the coal mask which gave off a very sinister aura. My voice was weak, "Della already tried to attack me… And Zephyr… You should have seen his expression that day on the mountain… If he figures out I never died, what will that do to his psyche?"

"I don't think-"

"-You don't know." I cut him off as my eyesight was on the ground, "I failed them all as a mother. I… I can't face them yet."

Cyrus must have sensed I wouldn't budge and let out a sigh, "I won't pressure you."

He grabbed my hand and gently started to lead me away. I spoke to him, "You can't hold my hand in the meeting. People might get suspicious."

He tried to protest, "But-"

I rubbed his shoulders, "I will make sure to stand close enough that you can hear me breathe."

With this, he was finally coaxed and summoned everyone to the meeting hall. As I stood behind him, I was surprised to see so many familiar faces.

The contestants from the throne competition.

The Swordmaster.



The Headmaster.



Astra and Billy.

…A strange man standing directly behind him.

Cyrus whispered so only I could hear, "That's Hank. He is loyal to Moni and in charge of the demon sympathizers. He's been helping us."

My head nodded in understanding. I looked over at everyone, only to see them all staring at me with suspicion.

Cyrus spoke to the rest of them about me, "They can be trusted. They are my current spy with Vira."

Good one, Goldilocks.

As I smirked under my mask, I heard the Headmaster speak coldly.

"How do we know they aren't a spy for Vira?"

My heart seemingly iced over.

Cyrus stated firmly, "They can be trusted."


Marx suddenly interrupted as he lazily rubbed his stomach, "Kids telling the truth. She's trustworthy."

I flinched when I realized he had guessed my gender despite wearing baggy clothes and a mask.

Maybe it's because I'm short?

The Swordmaster had been eating an apple and nearly choked on it. She looked me up and down, before deciding it wasn't important and continued to eat her apple.

After that, no one questioned me.

Cyrus spoke to everyone, "Hazel is currently collecting any political prisoners to be ambassadors to their country and speak on our behalf. For those who agree, I am asking Marx to send them off and bring them back."

He gave a lazy nod, "Sure."

"I will be going to the Macabre Forest to gather anyone willing to join us."

"HAH!" Astra laughed mockingly, "When me and my sisters begged for them to take us in because Vira was hunting us down, they turned us away."

The ground at my feet suddenly started to decay.

Astra continued with her arms crossed, "How can you convince those cowards to help now? They value their life more than anything."

Cyrus spoke confidently, "I have something up my sleeve. Don't worry."

She gave him a pitiful look, "But Papa, you gotta get in first."

I was so shocked by her address that I forgot the rage that was eating the floorboards. Suddenly the floor caved in, but Cyrus quickly caught me and put me down on an intact part. Without missing a beat, he answered her. "I have someone who will let me in. Don't worry about that."

I was too busy staring at Cyrus in wonder to notice that Zephyr had leaned over and looked at the decayed floorboards then back at me with a curious look.

The Headmaster suddenly spoke up, "With you and Hazel gone, who will be here to protect the Kingdom? Vira could be waiting exactly for a moment like this to attack."

"You're right. Which is why we've come up with a plan."

As he started going over the plan, I felt a sudden presence next to me. Billy stared up at me with a slightly creepy gaze, as if he was trying to look into my soul. I glanced back down at him.

My heart nearly stopped as familiarity struck it.

That creepy smile…

It reminds me a lot of Lovi.

Not to mention she would be obsessed over my attire and he clearly finds it fascinating.

Could they be…

Related somehow?

No. That's impossible.

His parents are someone else and he doesn't have any demonic blood in his family.

I'm just seeing what I want to see.


I held out my hands and created another coal mask. I changed my voice to be rusty so no one could recognize it, "Want it?"

Billy's expression lit up which struck my heart again.

Now he looks like Bale when he smiles!?!

I'm definitely just seeing what I want to see!

Billy quickly put it on and flaunted it to Astra who rolled her eyes and gave him a firm smack to the top of his head.

My heart started to itch.

Maybe… Maybe they are related.

After all, who knows who is a demon if they don't have horns? Cyrus was just unlucky because people watched his ancestors closely through history.

Just before the meeting concluded, the door was flung open. Della came running over, "ALDRICH! BAD NEWS!"

I quickly pulled my hood further over my head anxiously at the sound of her voice. Cyrus probably felt my body tense because he pulled me closer to comfort me. This elicited another judgmental stare from Zephyr but everyone was too preoccupied with Della's intrusion to notice it.

"I-I was protecting Reika and all of a sudden this shadow started pouring out from her forehead and-and-"

The Headmaster held her hand, "Della, just take a deep breath."

She exhaled swiftly, "There was a handsome ghost with reddish hair. I thought he was an angel at first, but then he tried to possess my body. If it wasn't for the amulet preventing him, I think he would have."

I sucked in a breath, "It can't be…"

Cyrus looked over at me and whispered, "What is it?"

The Headmaster furrowed his brow as he asked her, "Should we be concerned?"

"I think so…" Della continued with a grave expression, "He seemed really mad… He kept talking about finding the woman who killed his darling pup."

My blood chilled, "He shouldn't be inside there…"

I took Cyrus's hand and led him away. He looked at me patiently, "What's going on?"

I looked around before taking off my mask, "Orphelio."

He blinked, "What does my last name have to do with anything?"

"...Ah. I forgot about that."

He tilted his head.

"Orphelio was a monster, a truly hideous man."

"Didn't Della say he was handsome?"

I let out a sigh and pushed back my hood, "He may be handsome, but that's the only good thing you can say about him. He's the man who abused Asmonious until I was able to save him."

"What was he doing inside your head?"

"I have no idea. I didn't know he was even dead… Or COULD die." I furrowed my brow as I pondered it, "It seems that a lot happened in the 1000 years I've been absent."

As I was drowning in my own world, I suddenly felt someone poke my forehead.


Cyrus smiled gently at me, "Don't frown."

I rubbed my forehead, "Can you even see my face?"

"What's left of it."

I tilted my head, "What do you mean?"

"The burns."

"The burns?"

Peering into my face, a realization suddenly came across his gaze, "Can you not see your own face?"

I shook my head, "No. It's blurred out by a light."


"Can YOU see my face?"

He quickly squeezed my cheeks, "Yes, and it's quite beautiful."

"H-How can it be beautiful!? I can't even see my own face so it must be hideous!!" My heart thumped with anxiety, "Wait! Don't I have wrinkles!? I'm so old now!!!"

He continued to massage my face, "I don't see any wrinkles."

I let out a sigh, "That's a relief…"

"Oh. Oh, wait. I think I do see some~"


Cyrus laughed and placed his lips against mine before I could scream any louder. He pulled away and gently rubbed his thumb over my bottom lip. He whispered in a honey tone, "Shall we go to the Macabre forest now?"

I nodded and as he led me outside still holding my hand, I asked in a very calm voice.

"You were joking about the wrinkles… Right?"