
'another day, huh? what are these dots? how can I see them with my eyes closed?' Seren was waking up when she saw many yellow dots. her eyes were closed but she could still see those yellow dots. it was like a dream that came into reality. it was a strange feeling nonetheless.

"It seems that my little princess is awake, lets play before I go to work" Seren heard Nadia's charming voice. after playing for some time and laughing many times together, Nadia fed Seren and stood up to go like all other days. Marie came in and like always, put a spell on Seren and after that, she suddenly disappeared.

'now that I am alone I should work on that magic thing that I tried yesterday.' without paying any attention to those little yellow dots she saw when she woke up, she started to think about how to use magic. she thought for a long time but she couldn't find anything wrong. her theory was mostly perfect indeed but the problem was how to get mana. Seren was thinking hard and suddenly she had an idea.

'there was one thing that I was wrong about. mana is everywhere so at first I need know feel it around me like how mother talked about Aether and Nether and somehow collect them in my body. I don't think it is the same as Aether and Nether because the magic I read about on earth looked more powerful. let's begin in the end' Seren explained to herse;f again and closed her eyes.

She was trying to feel the 'mana' around her and suddenly she remembered what she saw in the morning. 'Yellow dots? could it be...?' after doming to that conclusion, she closed her eyes again and focused on the dots. although she couldn't see them normally, she could somehow feel them when she closed her eyes so it wasn't her imagination but a real thing.

she focused hard and after some minutes, she didn't feel those dots but slowly things changed. the dots grew brighter one by one in her vision. they were not in billions but they were so much that after all of them got brighter, Seren was getting a headache because of the pressure from them. her eyes were closed so she couldn't close her eyes to these dots again, she had to endure.

the dots were standing still all around her and when Seren focused on them, they looked like small puppies ready to get some pets. they buzzed and suddenly all of them were rushing to Seren's body. her body was now like a magnet that attracted those little bright dots. the first dot sat on her foot then the second came then the third and so on. slowly Seren's body got filled up with these dots from outside in. if someone looked at Seren right now, they would say that she was a lamp and not a human.

in the meantime in the kitchen, Marie was managing the maids but suddenly she felt something. "oh my princess is in danger..." suddenly she disappeared. the next second she was standing beside Seren but she was so shocked that she couldn't even breathe. all she did, she sends a magical message to her queen so that she got here as fast as possible. not even a second passed when Nadia appeared beside Marie. she wanted to ask what had happened but she already knew the answer.

it was on one of their adventures when Nadia and Axel found the first god and fought with him. in that time, the body of that god was glowing like Seren's body. from that moment onwards, they announced that those who had a glowing body when using magic had a god bloodline in their system and they should be respected or feared. now she was seeing the same glow on her child. she knew her child was safe but for now. how would people react when they saw that their princess had a glowing body. they might even assume that Nadia might have had an affair with a god or something because nobody knew about Axel's return except the people in the castle.

seconds turned to minutes and around 15 minutes after Nadia came, the light deemed down. Nadia and Marie wanted to wake Seren up because they thought that she might have had this phenomenon when she was sleeping but a bizarre thing happened.

the next second, Seren raised her right hand and pointed her index finger, and a red laser-like beam shot out of her finger. Seren slowly opened her eyes and saw the result in front of her, she got happy and started laughing loudly. Seren didn't notice that Marie and Nadia were here and slowly she turned around the room to see if anything else had happened or not.

'oh shit, what are they doing here...what should I do? oh, I got it, I will cry' Seren thought worked faster than a computer and suddenly she found a perfect solution. as she was looking into her mother's eyes with a smile on her lips, she suddenly started crying loudly. Marie and Nadia didn't know what to do. it all happen in a moment and caught them off guard. from the glowing body till the laughing of Seren and now her crying, they dint know what to do. Nadia went forward and hugged Seren to calm her down, slowly that crying stopped and they saw Seren sleeping.

"Marie, cancel all of my appointments, I need to understand the things that happened today and tell everyone to not disturb us even if the sky itself was falling." Nadia got serious and told Marie while she was comforting the 'sleeping' Seren.

'why this mother of me is so protective of me? I wanna know if I got any results or not. that laser beam was super cool. I need to try many things.' Seren was flying in her imagination while slaying beasts here and there with her laser beam and undestroyable body and saving people like a certain somebody she remembered on earth.

Marie didn't say anything and walked out of the room but when she wanted to close the door, Nadia said "and remember if anyone finds about today's event, you are responsible."

Marie got scared and without turning back she replied: "I know, my majesty". Marie was upset because she considered Seren like her own child but she also understood that Nadia was acting like a mom and not a queen. the most precious treasure of a mother is her child.

"my little princess, even if you are a devil in disguise or an angel in human skin, it doesn't matter because I will always love you unconditionally. for the rest of the day, Nadia didn't leave the room even for a second. the night came and Nadia had an Idea so she called for Marie. Marie came and asked what did her queen need but the answer surprised her.

after an hour, Marie came back with two people. it was midnight and a full moon was shining in the sky. those two people were the ones that Nadia had asked Marie to bring. they were called the sisters of faith. two years ago they predicted the war. every prediction they made came to throw and they were one of the biggest advantages the humans had in that war because they were sure how or when the gods attacked. it was a strange thing because reading the faith of a God couldn't be done by even the strongest human, but these sisters were not human. they were half-gods.

these two were wearing black hoodies that covered their face but one could see their hair color. one had a purple hair color while the other had a red hair color. when they saw Nadia, they came forward and bowed. the bow was just a sign of respect and nothing more. right now Nadia was in another room while Seren was sleeping in another room.

"What can we help you with, our majesty?" the sisters said simultaneously.

"I want to know the destiny of my child."

"apologize, our majesty but you are not ready to know the truth."

"I am not asking this as a queen but as a concerned mother so I would appreciate it if you tell me," Nadia asked again. Seren was her only child and her only hope of living in this world so she needed to know.

the sisters stayed silent but Marie that stood behind them heard some whispers. a minute passed and suddenly the hair and eyes of sisters under the hood shined golden brightly. suddenly Marie and Nadia felt that everything stood still even the time itself and before they could react. the sisters floated while holding hands.

"the child of destiny has been born. she is the key to destroying the universe, known and unknown. she is the key to peace between the gods and humans. on the 216 months of her life, she will choose and that choice will shape the destiny of all existence."