[Ch. 33] A Promise Made

Panzram placed the sword on the table with a serious expression, "I can't accept this."

Ryu pushed it toward him, "Of course you can!"

Panzram pushed it back, "I can't. I don't like owing people."

Ryu groaned. Since when has Panzram politely refused anything?!

Ryu pushed it back, "You won't owe me a thing. Take it as payment for saving me from those mercenaries and bringing me back here in one piece."

Panzram smirked, "Who said I brought you back in one piece?"

Ryu opened his mouth and hesitated. He furrowed his brows, "Did I lose a leg?"

Panzram looked at Ryu in disappointment for not understanding his hidden meaning. He shook his head, "I still can't accept this."

Ryu thought of ways to make him accept. Usually, he would just use his chaos energy to get his way. However, this was Panzram. He would not dare use his Tamashii energy so carelessly in fear that Panzram would despise him.

Ryu smacked his forehead trying to come up with a plan. Was he really this useless that he could not even come up with an idea that involved not using chaos energy? He glanced at Panzram and smiled. There is more than one weapon he could use other than Tamashii energy.

...And that was his body.

Ryu flirtatiously clung to Panzram's body with an alluring smile. Panzram felt his body stiffen as he looked at the flamboyant man who was exceedingly enticing. He knew that Ryu was purposely trying to charm him into agreeing, but he would be lying if he said it was not effective.

Ryu wrapped his arms around Panzram's neck, "Pleeeease? I will do anything you want~"

Panzram smirked, "Anything?"

Ryu nodded quickly thinking that he had gotten his way, "Yes! Anything!"

Panzram chuckled teasingly, "And if I were to say I wanted to sleep with you?"

Ryu furrowed his brow in confusion, "But… We already sleep together…"

Panzram's face twitched. Panzram subconsciously decided that he would need to watch Ryu more closely in the future. What happens if he gets tricked one day?

He looked away, "Fine. I will accept it."

Ryu cheered and hugged Panzram with excitement, "Yes! I knew you would accept it!"

Panzram leaned forward and whispered into his ear, "I will accept it, but I still intend to take you up on your offer."

Ryu felt his ear buzz with a strange feeling. He glanced at Panzram timidly, "What do you want?"

Panzram leaned back with a dashing smirk, "I won't say... For now. Just don't forget you promised to give me anything I wanted today."

Ryu felt his heart thumping wildly in his chest from Panzram's ambiguous words.

Ryu smiled through his flushed cheeks, "Panzram. Thank you for accepting it... I won't forget the promise I made today."

Panzram looked at Ryu with a scowl as he fought to refrain from pushing the other man down. The sight of the seductive smile with flushed pink cheeks was almost unbearable. Panzram's abdomen started to heat up as he imagined what kind of look Ryu would wear while Panzram ravaged him.

Panzram attempted to sound irritated, "Why are you so willing to give it to me? It will just become a decoration. I don't know any sword techniques."

Ryu finally pulled himself off of Panzram and looked at him in delight. "I'm not very good, but I was forced into sword training when I was younger."

"You were?" Panzram thought that this sounded too good to be true.

Ryu looked away with a guilty expression, "Well, they tried. I didn't really take it seriously."

Panzram stared at Ryu with a single thought showing clearly on his face: Why am I not surprised?

Ryu noticed Panzram's disappointing look and quickly cut in, "Ey! I may not be skilled, but I can do something to help you…"

Ryu trailed off and looked at Panzram with a worried expression.


Ryu fiddled with his fingers nervously, "Well, I could create a puppet to help you train."

"A puppet?"

Ryu glanced up at Panzram's disapproving face and stuck his bottom lip out, "I know you don't like Tamashii energy, but I could create a puppet of my elder brother. My elder brother is the most skilled and his puppet could easily help you train."

Panzram noticed Ryu's pitiful expression and sighed. "Fine."

Even though he hated Tamashii energy and its users, he could admit that it could be beneficial. If it were anyone else that had suggested it, Panzram definitely would have firmly refused. Even though he still did not trust Ryu, he could tell he was being genuine.

Ryu looked up in disbelief, "R-Really? You agree? I thought you would disagree quickly since I suggested I use my chaos energy."

Panzram nodded with a serious expression, "Yes. As long as you warn me about using it before you do so, I won't mind as much."

A genuine smile spread across Ryu's face, "Un! Do not worry! In the future, I will always ask your permission before using it!"

Permission? He did not mean for Ryu to ask him permission, only to give him a heads up. Panzram had a feeling his life was about to become more chaotic.

Ryu took out his coin purse and stuck his hand in. Since he created it to be interdimensional, he could pull just about anything he wanted from it. Panzram had seen him use it before, but he was still astounded to see someone put their hand into something so small and have it disappear.

Ryu pulled out a human-shaped paper and looked at Panzram with a grin, "Come on. Let's go practice."

Panzram grunted in response and followed Ryu outside. The workers watched as the two exited together. They all looked at each other in surprise before giggling madly. "See! I told you! They are definitely together."

"Did you see young master Pan bring in Ryu? It was so dreamy!"

"Hehe! He held onto him so gently as if Ryu was treasure himself."

The girls sighed in desire, "I wish I could find a husband to dote on me."

"Get your brain checked out. We can't get married anymore."

"I suppose you're right… Oh well. At least we get to see such a sweet and tantalizing scene."

One of the girls looked at the rest with a mischievous look, "What if… We watch them at night?"

They all cheered and slapped each other in excitement. "How vulgar!"

"How amazing!"

The Madame noticed their giggling and excited chatter and walked over. She gave them a stern look, "Just what are you all thinking about? You cannot just spy on little Ryu and his lover-"

The girls sighed from being scolded.

The Madame smiled, "-Without me."

They all giggled in anticipation.