[Author's note: *WARNING* this chapter contains mild NSFW]
Kiyomori and Panzram jumped in concern as they both looked at him with anxious looks. Kiyomori seemed to be panicking while Panzram looked angry with worry.
Kiyomori's face turned pale at the sight of the blood, rushing down Ryu's face. "L-Little brother? Are you alright?"
"It's fine." Ryu found their reactions cute as he forced on a smile, "Calm down both of you. I merely just used too much power just now. I just need to recover from the strain."
Panzram noticed Ryu start to sway and jumped to catch Ryu. Ryu trembled as he leaned into his arms.
Kiyomori frowned with jealousy that his little brother was in the arms of a man who was not himself. He wanted to comfort his precious little brother!
Why is Ryu letting this behemoth of a man do it?!
Kiyomori spoke quickly, "Little brother! Let me find you a doctor!"