The Huge Figure

Although other customers came in and came out, Daphne had a hard time paying attention to them as her mind could not get over the creature she had just seen.

About a minute after the whole scene, Lady Ada suddenly came out for the first time today and her eyes landed on Daphne, "You! Come in with me!"

Daphne held her breath in as she was certain that the man must have told on her for not greeting him properly. She was certainly screwed! Just by the reaction of the citizens here, she could already tell that the creature she had just seen was not someone she could mess with!

However, apparently she had been wrong. As they walked abnormally fast, Lady Ada hurriedly explained, "I wouldn't use you if it weren't for the fact that we ran out of people and the huge figure wants ten girls."

Daphne frowned confusedly, wondering if this huge figure was the one who she had just seen. She was about to ask who this huge figure was when they stopped in the room at the very end of the hallway on the second floor. From here, you could barely hear anything going on in the front lobby.

Lady Ada turned around and faced her sternly, "Everyone is inside already. Just go in and don't make a scene. I'm warning you, if you do anything wrong or make this man unhappy, I won't have to punish you. I can't even save you."

She then put her hand over her neck in a very threatening way, and Daphne gulped as Ada pulled open the door and stood aside for Daphne to enter. She slowly walked in, turning the corner to see the creature sitting on the couch at the other end of the room, with the nine other girls all crowded around him.

Indeed, it was the creature she had seen at the door earlier. The one that had everyone crowding around him and then staying away from him out of what seemed to be fear.

At this moment, he had his eyes closed with a slight grin on his attractive face. He did not turn to look at her as she walked in, and she was very happy about this as she quickly scurried over to the corner of the room and sat there, behind the couch, hoping that he wouldn't ever notice her.

This plan had almost worked yesterday so it meant that it wasn't a bad idea! Maybe it will work today!

What was weird was that the nine other girls here also did not dare to talk when they saw the creature with his eyes shut, but they were all silently glaring at each other, trying to move closer to the creature on the couch.

Daphne stretched her neck slightly and looked, noticing that out of the group of ten new girls that had come with her, only about half of them were here. The other four or five girls, she did not recognize. Perhaps they had been here for longer and were still waiting for an opportunity to leave.

After a while, the creature finally opened his eyes. It did not seem like he had been napping during this time, but seeing that he was awake now, the girls immediately began talking and flirting with him.

They all tried talking over each other, and the creature knit his eyebrows together, showing his annoyance at all the noise. Daphne was glad because she was quite annoyed as well from all the high-pitched compliments.

The man stretched his neck, rolling it around his shoulders as he stopped when he spotted something from the corner of his eye. Daphne froze at once, her heart skipping a beat as she wondered why this always happened when his eyes were on her.

The creature tilted his body around slightly, his seductive eyes landing on her. He looked at her for several seconds as she silently prayed, 'Don't see me! Don't look at me! Don't care about me!'

The next second, she heard the man's voice for the first time. It was deep and seemed to echo in the room, cold but attractive in a way that was indescribable. But on top of that, it was magnetic, drawing attention to him, "Leave."

The nine girls shut up as they looked at each other and then at him in confusion.

"Do you not hear me? All of you. Leave." The first person to scramble was Daphne as she immediately jumped up onto her feet to get out of here. However, to her disappointment, she heard him speak again.

"You. Stay."

There was something about his voice that made her know that he was talking to her. She slowly turned around and indeed, he was staring at her. The nine other girls were all confused and angry, but all they could do was slowly file out of the room.

"Come over," he commanded. Daphne obediently walked over, mostly because she was so scared of what would happen if she didn't, and also because of Ada's words earlier and not wanting to kneel again, or suffer from a worse punishment.

He swung his legs off of the couch, making room for her to sit. The couch was not spacious and no matter how much she tried to keep a distance from him, they still seemed close. The couch was cold and his body seemed to be even colder.

From this distance, she could feel the pressure coming from his presence and breathing that made her feel stuffy and nervous. Then, all of a sudden, he leaned over, drawing in his distance with her as their faces were inches away.

His eyes seemed to scan her face and when Daphne looked at him, she noticed confusion in his expression. Confusion? What was he confused about?

There was a light fragrance that came off his body and it made her feel lightheaded, unable to move. He stared at her for a while as his hand reached for the bowl of green grapes not too far away. He held it up in front of her.

"Feed me."

Daphne's eyes widened as she looked at him, wanting to refuse but thinking better of it. It's okay! Better safe than sorry. She grabbed the bowl and silently used her slender fingers to pick up a large grape and lift it up to his lips.

He opened his mouth and Daphne noticed that there were no fangs as he bit down onto the grape, eating it. The close distance made her uncomfortable, and as she brought her hand down, she wiped it against her dress before picking up another one.

This small action was picked up by the creature.