Lucifer's Family

Daphne was full already, so she set the plate onto the table and followed Lucifer out of the dining room, under the gaze of everyone else still in the room.

After they had gone, the girl sitting at the end of the table in a light pink dress spoke to her mother, "Mother, what is that disgusting girl doing here?!"

Now that Zagon Black was gone, Cerelia also spoke sourly, "Disgusting. Why did Lucifer bring a girl like that home?"

There was the screeching sound of a chair being pushed against the ground as Aurora also stood up, wiping her mouth as she maintained a straight expression, saying, "I have no problem with it. The Black Manor can afford to have another girl here, and even so, I am certain Lucifer will take care of her."

Aurora thought back to the Brothel dress the girl was wearing and raised one eyebrow slightly. However, her expression quickly returned to her emotionless one as she left the dining room as well.

Cerelia watched Aurora leave with a mixture of anger, disgust, and jealousy in her eyes. One by one, the other kids also left the room as this unusual dinner came to an end.


Lucifer and Daphne returned to his room and after Daphne stepped in, Lucifer snapped his finger and a while later, a man wearing a black and white butler suit showed up at the door.

Daphne couldn't see very clearly since Lucifer was blocking the door, but she heard him say, "Benson, bring Ramsey."

The man that seemed to be the butler nodded and left once again.

Just as Daphne was curious who Ramsey was, Lucifer shut the door and Daphne heard him say, "The idiot who was speaking at the dinner table is Cerelia, my father's first mistress."

Daphne was slightly taken aback by his sudden family introduction, as she had not asked about it. However, she listened intently as he continued.

"My father has 12 other mistresses, two daughters, and four other sons excluding me. I'm the oldest," Lucifer said with a hint of a smile as he began pacing around the room.

Daphne also turned around, watching him walk when he suddenly whirled around, staring at her with his red eyes, "My mother is the main wife and I'm her only son, the eldest Young Master Lucifer of the Black family, the leader of the Sevils."

As he spoke, he slowly walked towards Daphne, who was so focused on his words that she did not notice until he was a few inches away from her, his eyes still staring at her.

She quickly fell back a few steps, surprised from their close distance. However, she was standing quite close to the door, and when she moved back, her back bumped into the wall to the left of the closed door, and before she could move, Lucifer had advanced in even further, lifting his strong arms up to the wall so he had her cornered.

He shifted his balance, his eyes smoldering as he looked down at her without moving his chin down. Because of his height, Daphne had to practically tilt her head back halfway to look into his eyes, which had a hint of something sensual in them as he looked at her, the conversation of his family gone.

Then, his next words shocked Daphne as he suddenly narrowed his eyes and asked, "Do you want to be my wife?"

His words were deep and seductive, but that did not make Daphne's heart melt or even move as she felt fury boil inside of her, making her clench her fist together in preparation of punching his darn handsome face.

However, before she could throw her punch, the door suddenly opened next to her, and as the brighter light from the hallway flooded into the room, Daphne watched as a creature stepped into the room.

One look and, "AHHHH!!!"

Daphne's eyes practically fell out of its sockets as her natural instinct prompted her to grab onto the "person" nearest to her, which just coincidentally turned out to be Lucifer.

Before either of them could react, Daphne had jumped up and lunged straight into the devil's embrace, her arms and legs wrapping tightly around the man.