Changing the Dress

Daphne wondered why they were the first to leave, but before she could question anything or express her unhappiness, Lucifer had grabbed onto her wrist and pulled her out of the dining room under everyone's gaze.

In the hallway, Lucifer loosened his grip and Daphne was able to begin walking at her own pace. From behind him, she asked, "The girl in the dining room that spoke. . . Who is she?"

Lucifer did not answer her question directly but instead started talking about other stuff, "I told you my father has 12 more mistresses, right? But they aren't allowed to eat in the main dining room. Those were only their children."

Finally, he mentioned the sour girl from earlier, "The girl that spoke was the first main mistress, Cerelia's, only daughter, Calindra, my youngest sister. The guy that sat next to her that spoke, Doyle Black, is also Cerelia's only son."

They reached Lucifer's room and he pushed the door open, opening it for her as well as they stepped in together. He opened the lights and stopped talking, turning his attention to her outfit again, "It seems like this outfit isn't ugly enough."

Daphne looked down in bewilderment. This wasn't ugly enough?! This was the ugliest thing she has ever worn in her entire life.

"Should I get you another outfit or. . . make you ugly myself?" Daphne wasn't sure of what he meant by those words, but the way he looked at her scared her.

Daphne was considered pretty in her old country and old, but who knew she would be more considered here in this crazy place?! She thought the fairies she had seen here so far were very beautiful, much prettier than her.

Did these devils have some unusual beauty standards?

Seeing her changing expression, Lucifer smirked, leaning in towards her, "Don't look so scared. I wouldn't waste your beauty for useless and stupid people like them."

Then, he clicked his tongue, looking around, "Looks like I will have to go find something uglier."

Daphne did not know what he was looking for, and maybe it was a good thing she didn't ever know, for the next second, there was a knock at the door.

"Come in."

The door opened slightly and the butler named Benson appeared at the doorway, "Young master, the Lord James of Trystville is here. Master Black is looking for you."

Lucifer turned around, frowning, "Why is he here?"

The butler looked down, "I suppose he is here to talk to Master Black and young master you."

Lucifer sighed and turned to look at Daphne, commanding softly, "Stay here. Be good."

After saying those four words, he left, closing the door behind him. There was a click and the door was locked from the outside.

Daphne pulled at the door, frowning slightly to find that he had locked it, so she was stuck in this room until he came back. She looked down at her outfit, scrunching her face together at the disgusting look.

How could she wear something as hideous as this? She scanned the room, walking around, wondering how long it would take for him to come back. She was hoping that it wouldn't be soon.

Daphne walked over to the devil's desk, feeling a little nervous about looking around his stuff although he wasn't here. She tugged at the cabinet in the middle and found that it wouldn't open. There was no sign of a lock but no matter how hard she pulled, it would not open.

She frowned, curious about what was inside as she pulled open the cabinet to the right, excited that this one opened. However, the next second, she saw that there was nothing inside. She pulled open the cabinets one by one, finding stray fountain pens, jars of black ink, but nothing that could help her.

When she finally reached the last cabinet, she found something that would be slightly useful. She reached her arm in, pulling out a large pair of golden scissors. As she opened and closed, she could hear the sharp blades sliding past each other.

A small smile appeared on Daphne's face as she swung the scissors around in her hand skillfully, the sharp point at the end gracefully turning around and around in her palm but never touching her skin.

She then looked down at her outfit again, walking into the restroom and closing the door. Inside, she took it off, shivering in the cold as she grabbed a white towel and wrapped it around her body. Then, she quickly laid the ugly piece of cloth onto the marble counter, resting her chin onto her hand.

The smile on her face disappeared but the burning excitement in her eyes did not as she drew some cuts out in her mind. Then, without even bothering to test things out or draw any lines, she spread the sharp blades of the scissor apart, placing one blade underneath the cloth and the other one above.

With the blades spread apart, she casually slid the sharp edge through the cloth, all the way through until it reached the other end, cutting the grey edge of the fabric off. She grabbed onto the fabric with one hand, throwing the scissor up into the air and catching it again without even looking at it.

She moved skillfully and swiftly, all without saying a word. With the stray piece of fabric, she took a look at it and then threw it aside for now. Then, she bent down and began cutting off the rough edges of the cloth again. It was obvious that whoever had designed this. . . shirt-like dress was very rough with their cutting.

There were strands hanging off and other materials mixed into the fabric, picking at her skin when she wore it. Her long blonde hair fell down her shoulders when she moved, and when it did, she dropped the scissors, picking up the stray piece of fabric and tearing a thin strand off with her bare hands.

She swiftly tied it up into a circle, using it to tie her hair up loosely.

After making several cuts into the dress, refining it so it no longer bothered her skin upon contact, she dropped the scissors, holding up the cloth again. Her smile widened slightly but there still seemed to be something missing.

It was better now, but it still looked hideous. This color and this design. . . Even if she was the best fashion designer in the world, which she wasn't far from being, there would be no way to make it look pretty in her eyes.

There were several cabinets in the restroom as well, and she pulled each one open and then closed them, seeing there was nothing that she needed. She hummed as she moved, in the best mood she had been in for a long time already.

When she pulled open the cabinet to the very side at the very bottom, she saw something that looked like a hair dryer, also made of gold. She picked it up, seeing that there was no cord. Where would it connect to?

As she flipped it around in her hand, she accidentally clicked a button and it turned on immediately. There was a slight buzzing noise, but nothing loud. However, when she moved her hand to the hole air was coming out from, it was burning hot.

Who would dry there hair with something this hot, Daphne thought, frowning as she shook her hand in pain. However, it was perfect for what she had to do. Using a glass she found at the sink, she pressed down on the fabric, slowly sliding it across the cloth as she also moved the dryer along with it.

The originally crumpled fabric slowly evened out after several minutes. After she finished, Daphne did not know how to close the dryer, and she rummaged around for another minute before it somehow closed by itself.

Then, she put everything back to where it had originally been, including the cloth. She put it on again, standing in front of the mirror. It still looked disgusting, but it was much better now. Time seemed to fly when she was working, and she did not know for how long she had been inside the restroom already, but after the excitement and joy had passed, she was afraid Lucifer would come back soon.

Would he notice the change?

Daphne did not know how he would react, but it was too late. The changes have been made and nothing could be done now. She closed the lights and opened.

Once she stepped foot out of the restroom, there was a click as the bedroom door was pushed open.