
Just as she was about to lift her hand up and slap his hand away, there was suddenly a loud bang as the bedroom door was pushed open again. . . Or more like, kicked open.

Hearing the noise, Daphne looked up and Doyle also turned around, his hand still holding onto Daphne's chin. At once, Doyle's eyes met with those blood red eyes, and his fingers instinctively loosened.

Taking this opportunity, Daphne quickly jumped to the side, escaping Doyle's grasp at the wall as she looked towards Lucifer, trying to use her eyes to tell him she was innocent and had nothing to do with this.

However, Lucifer did not bother or care about her right now as his eyes practically shot knives straight into Doyle's heart. This time, there was a swishing noise, and luckily Daphne did not blink as she saw a figure fly by so fast she could not see clearly.

Within a second, the space at the doorway was empty again as it took a moment for Daphne to realize that Lucifer was right in front of Doyle now, towering over him.

Lucifer was still a few centimeters taller than Doyle and he looked down at him, his expression showing just how angry he was. Doyle tried to maintain a calm expression although he knew he was in trouble now, and he grinned, looking away as Lucifer's gaze terrified him.

"I was just here to introduce myself to your little girl you have here. I shall be leaving n -"

"You know she is my little girl," Lucifer interrupted him, his voice cold as ice as Daphne took a step back, not wanting to get involved. She watched as in a split second, Lucifer had his fingers wrapped around Doyle's hand, the hand he had used to grab onto her chin.

It merely looked like they were holding hands, but it was evident just how hard Lucifer's grip was from Doyle's painful expression. It was impossible to maintain a straight face as Doyle's eyebrows snapped together, his back bending from the pain.

"Lucifer -" He struggled to say, but Lucifer was not going to let his little brother speak anyway.

Slowly, Lucifer turned his hand to the side, twisting Doyle's hand in the opposite direction as Doyle hissed in pain. As he did so, Lucifer bent down so their faces were closer, ordering softly, "You should have known before already. . . to get your hideous face out of my belongings."

Ouch! Daphne drew her chin back in both fear and slight exhilaration at the drama going on straight in front of her eyes right now.

It wasn't everyday you see two brother devils getting into an argument over a girl. Daphne watched the scene in anticipation, completely forgetting about her role in this drama.

Then, Lucifer let go of Doyle's hand, flinging him in the direction towards the door. Doyle stumbled forward several steps, finally finding his balance as he used his well hand to rest against the door.

Doyle was furious, but knowing that he did not want to get into a fight with his brother, he threw a glare back at Lucifer and then marched out the door, holding onto his hand in pain.

Daphne watched him leave and the door shut behind him, and she couldn't help but feel a little bad for him. She did not have any siblings and had always wanted one, but at the moment, she would much rather be an orphan than be siblings with Lucifer.

However, Daphne quickly realized that instead of pitying Doyle, she had other problems to worry about for herself. After Doyle had left, Lucifer finally turned his attention to her.

Their eyes met in midair for a few seconds before Daphne quickly looked away, feeling guilty for some reason. She did not even do anything! However, the way Lucifer looked at her made her feel uncomfortable, almost as if she had done something wrong.

Seeing this, Lucifer narrowed his eyes, his suspicion obviously rising as he stepped towards her. With his insanely long legs, it only took two steps for him to be right up against her.

She gulped, turning her head back around to stare at him again. Why was she scared? She did nothing wrong! It was Doyle Black who came into the room and bothered her. Plus. . . Why should she feel guilty in front of Lucifer? He never said anything about it.

As their eyes met, Lucifer was the one to break their gaze this time, slowly traveling down her body as his eyes landed on the outfit he had given her.

At once, his eyebrows drew tightly together, the anger and annoyance in his expression clearly evident as he spoke coldly, "You did this?"

--- Author's Note

hello readers ~

Short chapter so another one is coming right up! Happy reading and it's a new week so please do vote for this story ^o^ Love you <3