Birthday Party

"Since I finished my sincerity already, can I go outside again?"

Lucifer looked at himself in the mirror, buttoning the middle button of the suit, "We are going out today," he answered. They were going to Crysville today for the lady's birthday party, and Daphne had remembered Zagon Black mentioning it before he left yesterday night.

"I want to go out alone -" Daphne responded right away, but then quickly added when she noticed his expression, "Or with you. . . I want to look around more."

  "I will think about it." Lucifer finished admiring his new suit and began running a comb through his hair, getting ready for the long day ahead.

Daphne watched him with a deep frown on her face. She had made him the suit but didn't get her request. . . That little devil!

Breakfast was short today as they had to ride the carriages to Crysville for the birthday party of Ashera, Aaron Devlin's main wife.