Ashera's Suspicion

Daphne felt a tension when speaking with her, and it took a moment before her brain was able to realize what Ashera was asking, "I- I'm a fairy." 


Daphne was very taken aback by Ashera's sudden response, and her face immediately heated up from both guilt and confusion at how she figured out, "What do you mean? I am a fairy." 

Ashera stopped speaking and stared at her, slowly taking a step towards Daphne, who nervously stepped back. Daphne realized that it wasn't a good idea to stay here for much longer and she looked to the side of the hallway, trying to leave, but she knew that Ashera was not going to let her go.

"What are you?" Ashera asked again, a little softer this time so it was almost as if she was talking to herself, questioning Daphne's identity.