Chapter 7 Uncle Arthur?

[Stephanie's POV] 

I immediately noticed that this man had a remarkable look at my first glance. He had short dark brown hair, his eyes were the same deep blue as the night sky, and his nose was tall. Patrick was 6 feet, and he was probably 2 inches taller than Patrick.

I would dare say he was more handsome and erect than any of the males in our pack or even Carl's pack. He looked as if he was only in his twenties, but he gave the impression of being an experienced and mature elder ...or a king sitting on a throne?

Strangely enough, when he saw me, he seemed very surprised. It looked as if someone had lit up two stars in his eyes like the night sky. Can I assume that this man was surprised because he had never seen a girl as wretched as I was?

Wait, the next second after he showed his surprised expression, he looked like he was about to cry because his lips were trembling slightly. Was it because I was looking so bad now, which caused this man to cry from my shock?

I was so into observing this strange man that I didn't hear Patrick calling me at all until I heard my dad clear his throat. I saw my father glaring at me, seemingly upset at my rudeness earlier.

Oh, I realized that this stranger was supposed to be my father's guest. I fixed my hair and pulled the bandage off my head. It wasn't actually bleeding, but Patrick didn't feel comfortable and asked Doctor Dave to bandage me. I gave my father and guest a perfect smile, "Hi, Dad and Mr. ?"

Dad glanced at the guest and immediately introduced us to him with an apologetic face. "Arthur, they are my children, Patrick and Stephanie."

Dad introduced us to the guest again, "This is my friend Arthur, you two should call him Uncle Arthur. He is ..."

"Uncle Arthur?" Patrick and I interrupted Dad's introduction with the same question. We both looked at each other and raised our eyebrows simultaneously.

Apparently, we had the same thought in mind. Calling him uncle didn't seem appropriate since this young man looked only two or three years older than Patrick and me. I guessed I could call him Mr. Arthur?

"What's wrong with your head?" The man who asked this question turned out to be Mr. Arthur? I thought his voice was a little familiar. Maybe I had heard it somewhere.

Patrick must be afraid that my father would find out the real reason why I fell on my head. He immediately replied, "She accidentally fell, and our doctor said she was fine."

I nodded my head to show that what Patrick said was true. I saw Mr. Arthur relax, and he glanced at me with slightly reddened eyes. He immediately smiled at Patrick and wiped the corners of his eyes, and then gave Patrick a perfect and polite smile. I didn't know how he managed to gather himself in those few seconds. He suggested to Patrick, "I think you might need to go see the doctor of your pack."

"What's wrong with Patrick?" My heart jumped into my throat when I heard Mr. Arthur's suggestion, forgetting to appreciate how handsome he was when he smiled just now. Was Patrick sick? Or had Carl and Freya already done something to Patrick? When?

Mr. Arthur was surprised by my reaction. He chuckled lowly and shook his head, and explained, "Don't worry. Just now, when he was talking about your accidental fall, the smell on his body became heavier, probably because of the accelerated flow of blood. So, I suggested he may need to see a doctor."

Dad noticed the implications of Mr. Arthur's words, and he turned to Patrick, yelling, "Patrick, you lied? So your sister got hurt because you took her to a dangerous place?"

"No, Dad, I can explain." Patrick stood up straight nervously and tried to explain to Dad. But ...

"Come to my study after dinner. I will have plenty of time to listen to your detailed explanation." I had a feeling that my brother's beloved Lucy and my birthday present were going to be put in storage for a while.

"Fine." sighed Patrick, giving another quiet glare at Mr. Arthur.

"I'm sorry. Arthur, they're both spoiled by me." Dad apologized to Mr. Arthur. His attitude was very humble and sincere. I admitted that this was the first time I had seen our father so humble to a guest. I had to suspect that the identity of this Mr. Arthur must be something else.

"No worries. It's my pleasure to meet your lovely children." He looked at me again and continued, "If you don't mind, Eric, I would like to choose one of your two children to be my assistant."

His assistant? I raised my eyebrows, and Patrick shared my reaction.

"Wait, what assistant?" I asked.

"Arthur is here to pick an assistant to go back to the Silver Moon Pack with him to help him with pack matters. Steph, Patrick, are either of you two interested?"

Silver Moon Pack, Patrick, and I both widened our eyes at the same time. It was one of the three largest packs on this Night Moon continent. If you asked me how our White Star Lake group compared to the Silver Moon group, I would say it's like comparing a village to a country. I remember that in history class at school, it was mentioned that the Silver Moon Pack's Alpha. What was his name?

"Arthur. K.Williams?" Patrick helped me call out the Alpha's name. That's it. This guest was also named Arthur. Considering how our father had just treated him, I suddenly knew who he was. My eyes widened in surprise as I pointed at him and said, "He's the Alpha of the Silver Moon Pack."

Dad frowned and was about to blame Patrick and me for our rude behavior. But Mr. Williams raised his hand, and after he smiled at us, he said, "It's fine. I'm honored that you guys know me."

How could we not know? The Silver Moon Pack, the Stary Night Pack, and the Shining Sky Pack, all three of these Alphas were known as Alpha Kings, which meant that we must know their names by heart.

I remembered Mrs. Evans, our history teacher, saying that the Alpha of the Silver Moon Pack was very powerful. He once won 15 alphas in a row at the Alpha Conference twenty-five years ago, making him the Alpha gain the most number of victories at the Alpha Conference.

However, this Alpha wasn't best known for his great power, but for the fact that he never found his Luna. Since Mrs. Evans had never met this Alpha of the Silver Moon pack either, she didn't reveal much about him during the class.

"Wow~he's real." Patrick looked more excited than me, and he even changed his attitude towards Mr. Williams. He looked around and immediately grabbed the chair he once sat on and carefully placed it in front of Mr. Williams, saying politely, "Your majesty, please sit down."

Excuse me, was I watching a stage play? I heard Mr. Williams chuckle softly. He smiled and said, "Please, just call me Arthur like your father."

He probably said this to both Patrick and me because I noticed that he immediately looked at me right after he said it. So, what exactly did my face fall into that this Alpha King looked at me several times since he entered the room.

"Arthur, how about I take you to my study? I've collected some stones and paintings from around the world in the last twenty years. I believe you would have interests." Dad made a good suggestion, and I thought he probably didn't want us to continue embarrassing him in front of his guest. I also wanted a little time to go to my vanity mirror and check if my face had fallen badly.

Mr. Williams, correct, King Arthur nodded and gave me another look. Then he suggested, "Why don't you let your two children explain your collections to me?"

I widened my eyes and rubbed my ears again to make sure that he had specifically emphasized 'your two children' in what he had just said. So, I couldn't get away with it, could I?

"Of course. But ...." Dad looked over at me and continued, "Steph got injured today, so maybe she needs to have a rest. So let Patrick narrate for you! He's been studying with Steph in my study since they were kids."

It sounded like my father was going to let Patrick be Arthur's assistant.

Thank you, my dearest dad. I couldn't leave the pack. I needed to get revenge on those two guys. But then I thought of a question: did King Arthur come to our pack today in my last life?

Or maybe he came near our pack but didn't because Patrick fell off a cliff today, and our pack was in chaos.

Hell, I suddenly wanted to ask this man if he had come to our pack before and if ... he had saved me?