Chapter 10 The Ruthless Alpha King

[Stephanie's POV]

"Sorry?" Carl seemed to think he had heard wrong, and he barely managed to keep his smile.

"You said you heard Stephanie was hurt, but the first thing you did when you came in was to explain to Eric to maintain your good image. Didn't you see that Stephanie's head was hurt? Are you blind?" Uncle Arthur's look was calm, but I could hear that he was annoyed with Carl based on his voice. I caught his left hand clenched into a fist behind his back. Was he angry?

The expression on Carl's face changed, and Freya let go of me. She raised an eyebrow and sized up Uncle Arthur from head to toe. She stood up, probably just above his shoulders." Why are you so rude? Who are you?"

"I'm Arthur.K.Williams, Alpha of the Silver Moon Pack. "Uncle Arthur didn't look down at Freya, he was still staring at Carl, but he answered Freya's question.

Freya's olive-green eyes widened, and she took a half step back, the apple-like red on her face slowly fading fast. I saw a look of surprise on Carl's face. Still, he quickly smiled kindly at Uncle Arthur again (Although now it seemed to me that Carl's smile was all hypocritical and untrustworthy.)

"It is my honor and pleasure to meet you. I'm Carl Dodgson, future alpha of the Demon Forest Pack." Carl extended his right hand.

Uncle Arthur smiled and then shook his hand, "Dodgson. Where's Triton? I hadn't seen him since the Alpha Convention 20 years ago. How is he?"

"My father is very good. So, you're his friend? By the way, you don't look like you're the same age as my father."

"You're Triton's son." Uncle Arthur nodded his head, without smiles on his face, "I just happened to compete with Triton once at the Alpha Conference, and we're not exactly close friends."

"Oh? Really?"

Listening to Uncle Arthur and Carl's conversation, my heart was gradually beating normally again and my head calmed down. Strangely, when they were talking, they hadn't let go of the hands they were holding together.

"Steph, has Carl ever met Uncle Arthur before? I feel like there's something strange going on between them. "After a few seconds of awkward silence, Patrick bent down and asked me in a whisper.

"How would I know?" I raised my brow. Well, actually, it was the first time I'd ever met Uncle Arthur. Even in my last life, I only heard his voice before I died. I also hadn't heard Carl mention that he'd met Uncle Arthur or that Arthur had been to their pack. Anyway, thanks to Uncle Arthur talking to Carl, I didn't feel as scared as I did earlier, and I was able to move around.

"You two." Dad finally decided to break the silence. He took Carl's and Uncle Arthur's arms with both hands and seemed to take a lot of effort to separate the two hands locked together." Carl, Arthur is my guest, so if it's comfortable for you, I'd like you to go back and invite Triton over, and we'll have dinner together."

"Sure, I'd love to." The smile on Carl's face was stiff, and his answer came out almost through clenched teeth.

Freya didn't know what was going on, but how she looked at Uncle Arthur changed when she heard that he was an alpha of the Silver Moon pack. She walked into the middle of Arthur and Carl, curtsied to Arthur, and gave him a very sweet smile, "Your Majesty King Arthur, it is an honor to meet you. I am Freya Wilton from the Demon Forest Pack."

I was very familiar with Freya's thoughts behind this smile and voice. She had a new prey. My ex-bestie had a beautiful look. With her blonde curls and olive green eyes, her delicate and small nose, and her sweet to possibly intoxicating voice, hardly a he-wolf wouldn't be impressed by her beauty. Even she-wolves like to make friends with her, including me, I mean me in my last life. In my last life, I was charmed by her appearance on her first day of transferring to school and went to make friends with her.

I took a quick glance at Uncle Arthur, who was still without an expression and didn't even give Freya a smile. When he was faced with this delicate and beautiful girl like a Barbie princess, Uncle Arthur was indifferent? I couldn't help but express my doubts about Uncle Arthur's aesthetic ability.

"You're Stephanie's friend?" After a few seconds of awkward silence, Arthur asked her.

"Of course we are. We're besties, aren't we, Steph?" Freya turns her head towards me, her eyes seeming to be filled with smiles.

Damn it, I wanted to shake my head, but I couldn't let them know that I was Stephanie a year later. I tugged at the edges of my mouth and nodded to Freya, "Yeah, you're my best friend, and we've always been close." Yes. We were so close that she turned the dagger in my heart 90 degrees a year later and planned to send me directly to serve the moon god.

"Since you and Stephanie are friends, you must be here to see her. I don't think you have to waste your time and smile introducing yourself to me."

To be honest, I saw Freya's smile freeze on her face and my mood turned for a second, and I even wanted to laugh a little.

I bet this was the first time Freya had ever encountered a man her beauty and sweetness didn't work well on. I once again turned my attention to Uncle Arthur. Even facing a beauty like Freya, he managed to be so indifferent. It appeared he was a ruthless Alpha King.

The back of my hand was grabbed suddenly, and I turned my head, and my forehead was touched by a soft lip. I opened my eyes widely, and Carl looked at me with a look full of love and concern that I was familiar with, "My heart, I'm so relieved to see that you're okay. But I think you need to be careful not to ride a motorcycle anymore. It's too dangerous."

When I heard him call me 'My heart,' my heart rate, which had just returned to normal, raced again. It wasn't because I was shy. It was the fear returning to my body.

I protected my heart with my right hand and reluctantly nodded again. I wanted to speak up and ask Carl to let go of my left hand and not approach me again, but I found myself unable to say a word.

Patrick seemed to notice that I was not in the right mood. He patted Carl's shoulder, smiled, and said, "Carl, don't you have to go back and invite Triton over for dinner? Don't miss your dear girlfriend. I remember Triton had dinner at five o'clock sharp, and it's four o'clock now."

Carl nodded, and Freya put back on her standard and sweet smile as she gave me another hug and said to me, "Steph, I'm going back to the pack to change my clothes, and I'll see you later."

I did my best to return Carl and Freya's smile so they wouldn't find out how scared I was of them, "Carl, Freya, thank you for coming to see me. Don't worry about me, Carl. Just go and get Triton."

Carl nodded, gave Uncle Arthur another cold look, and then left with Freya.

"Before we have dinner, Patrick, I think you need to explain something to me about your sister's motorcycle." Dad looked at me and then turned to Patrick.

"Oh, shit!" Patrick finally remembered what Carl and our Dad had just said, "We heard that Steph accidentally fell on her head while riding her motorcycle."

"Mind your mouth, boy. "Dad looked at Uncle Arthur again, who had been silent since Carl left, "Arthur, you've decided on your assistant, haven't you?"

"Yes, Eric. I think you already know my decision." Uncle Arthur smiled and nodded to Dad. It was the first time I saw Uncle Arthur smile since Carl and Freya entered the room and left. Wait, when did he decide on an assistant? Dad was going to take Patrick away to explain to him about the motorcycle and was going to leave me in the room with Uncle Arthur, which meant that the Alpha King's selected me as his assistant?

"Steph, just be polite." After Dad finished his speech, he took away Patrick, who was feeling down.

I silently said Good luck to Patrick. Cross my fingers for you, my brother.

Now, only Uncle Arthur and I were left in the room, and my head was filled with questions I wanted to ask him, so now it was a good time.

"I should have just crushed that bastard's hand." Before I could ask my question, Uncle Arthur spoke up with anger.