Chapter 24 Sandwiches

[Stephanie's POV]

"Arthur, please don't freak out my girl. I have to go to school. Can you let me enjoy my breakfast first?" I patted Arthur's arm, which tapped like a heated sandbag, honestly.

"Sure! Lady first. I can go back to wash up now. Oh yeah, and I need to put up a new t-shirt if I have an extra." Arthur's lips curved up in a wonderful curve.

He flaunted his white teeth at me again, and they were saying to me for their owner, "Remember to take off the T-shirt you're wearing and return it to my owner."

Father must have prepared more than one new shirt for him yesterday. I ignored the hint hidden in his bad smile and turned to Lily, "Lily, before I leave the house, please prepare a sandwich with peanut spread and eggs for me. I want to take it to school for Freya."

"As you wish, Miss." She nodded. The smile on Lily's face was disappearing as fast as I could detect it. She headed to the dining room with my breakfast.

"If an egg sandwich is all it takes to make those two assholes repent, why don't you try adding a few slices of beef sausage to the egg sandwich? Maybe they'll both swear they'll never betray you again." He grunted.

"Of course not. Why would I waste the delicious sausages Mrs. Grete made for me? As Freya's bestie, I must let my beautiful friend try how delicious peanut spread is that she's never had before? Don't you think so?" I winked at Arthur.

"That's very kind of you." Arthur nodded. The eyebrows squeezed together a moment ago were stretched out.

"By the way, why are your betas cooking breakfast in the kitchen? Where are your gammas and omegas?"

There were still 8 or 9 stair steps left in front of me. And Arthur's mouth seemed like a wind-up music box. Its voice flew through the silent air and into my ears as we were crossing the remaining steps.

"Because Patrick and I both love to eat Mrs. Grete's breakfast. But she could have chosen not to do it." I sighed.

My fingers tapped casually on the wooden armrest. The irregular rhythm helped me find the far fewer memories of Grete's family in the corner of my brain.

"Lily could have also refused to do that. But Mrs. Grete said a beta that can be an alpha arm should understand the responsibilities of each pack member. So she asked Lily to experience what omegas and gammas were supposed to do. " my fingers on the handrail came to an end as I stepped on the last step.

"Your father made an extremely right choice. The two betas he chose are very far-sighted." Arthur nodded to me, giving Mr. and Mrs. Grete very high marks.

"Thank you. Unfortunately, I've been ignoring these two excellent betas and their daughter in my past life. If we count how many words I just said to Lily, it would be much more than all I said to her in my last life." I sighed and bit my bottom lip.

"Steph," his index finger tapped my lip, " we need to change the future, not struggle with the past memories."

His fingertip was tinged with the scent of fir after the snow. I opened my mouth and bit his fingertip with my incisors. My apologies. I just couldn't control the desire to bite him. He comforted me, oh no, seduced me with his hot body and soft voice. It only made me want to have sex with him and mark him more and more.

"Ouch!" he purposely screamed in the lowest voice possible." Are you already hungry enough to eat me?"

"Maybe." I left him with a wicked grin. Before going back to my room, I stood in front of the door and whispered to him, "Thank you, Arthur."

"My pleasure." He winked at me and reminded me again, "Don't forget to give my T-shirt back."

"Yeah, next time."

"Run, Steph!" I had just closed the door of my room when Rose, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly screamed inside my head.

"Rose, this is our room, our pack." I tossed all the pieces of clothing hidden in my bras into the trash and opened my closet.

"No! I mean, stay away from this alpha king. He's too dangerous." I could feel Rose's fear. She must have been scared by Arthur's order just now. After taking off my robe and T-shirt, I changed into a black cap sleeve with a little devil print and grasped a beige cotton brief.

"I know you're scared. But he was just trying to calm you down." I zipped up my blue denim shorts.

"You heard how ruthless he sounded! In case we piss him off later, he'll kill us!"

I picked up my comb and combed through my long amber brown hair. After hearing Rose's reminder, I stopped combing my hair unconsciously.

Yes, the tone of voice Arthur made when he ordered Rose to stand down was completely different from the one he used when he spoke to me. That voice, combined with his cold look at the time, almost immediately made my body hairs stand up.

Rose's anxiety and panic had affected me. I had even developed a feeling of fear. However, my sanity told me that Arthur was not my enemy.

"Let's forget Arthur for now." I quickly tied a ponytail for myself and tried to change the subject to ease Rose's tension, "Rose, you should control your emotions. How do I explain to my father and Patrick about my shifting at 17 if they find out?"

"Uh... It was an accident." Rose sheepishly made a generic excuse for her gluttony. "I promise it won't happen next time."

"Okay!" I glanced up at the clock hanging above the landing mirror.

It was six o'clock, two hours before the first class of the third school year. Since it was the first day of the start of the third school year, we would have a morning meeting today at 7:30.

Students would come into campus about thirty minutes before the morning meeting. So, I'd leave the time between 7:00-7:30 for my best friend Freya to perform.

"Wow~ I'm not in a dream, right? How can such a cool girl be my twin sister?" Noticing me stepping into the dining room, the table knife Patrick was spinning fell straight to his plate. He rubbed his eyes. After confirming that his eyesight was normal, he grinned.

"Happy birthday, Patrick." I patted Patrick on the shoulder and put his birthday present I had prepared in front of him." You are welcome."

"Okay, let me see what my glittering sister got me today. It looks like a big box." He rubbed his palms together and carefully ripped open the wrapping. His eyeballs almost flew into the box until his gift was fully revealed. He jumped up from his chair with his hands shaking and gestured to the box in front of him." Go... Ghost... Ghost Rider Black Chrome Variant?" he had stuttered with excitement.

"No way! My goodness, Steph, are you the angel sent to Earth by the moon god to redeem me? I don't know how many thanks I wanna say to you." He rushed over and hugged me tightly.

"I've said you were welcome." I pushed him away, pretending to be calm. In fact, after I saw Patrick's reaction, I wanted to cry at the same time. After all, my Patrick had gone to serve the moon god without receiving this gift in my last life.

I took a bite of the beef sausage on my fork. Patrick gave up the cozy chair and just squatted on the floor to look at his birthday present.

"His motorcycle is so damn cool. And you know what? I've been looking forward to my Lucy being able to upgrade and transform after I shift. I wish she will have her consciousness and run with my wolf with flames all over her body."

"Okay, okay, you can also wish your Lucy to become alive and be your mate." Once talking about motorcycles, Patrick never lets his mouth rest. I even suspected that he liked that comic character just because of those cool motorcycles.

"Oh, my fairy sister, please do tell the moon god and ask her to make it that way." Patrick stared unblinkingly at the picture on the box, or to be precise, at the motorcycle picture.

I shook my head and ignored his frantic request. Patrick hadn't opened the box until I finished my perfect yummy breakfast on my plate.

"Why don't you open it and take it out to admire carefully?" I picked up his gift from the table and put it in his hand.

"What? Are you kidding me?" I heard him shout, "You're asking me to open this sacred box at the breakfast table! It's a limited version! I'd have to wash my hands at least twice to open it."

"Fine." I shrugged, not going to remind him father would come in soon.

My eyes moved to Lily, standing next to the door, blushing with laughter. "Lily, is my sandwich ready?"

"Yes, Miss." She handed me a paper bag.

I waved to Patrick, "See you at school."