Chapter 32 The Spirit World

"Turn right. And go straight."

I laid on the back of Arthur's wolf and directed him on how to move forward in the Leyte Mountain. However, I noticed he seemed familiar with the road leading out of the mountain, and I believed he could walk out without me. Well, maybe it would take him a little longer.

"Damn it! I want to get out and run with my mate." Rose growled in my head.

I knew the reason why she felt restless was I was on the strong back of Arthur's wolf. And, with every step he took forward, I could smell the strong scent of fir. The smell would fuel Rose's and my desire for our mate.

"Calm down, Rose. When we get the serum back to the pack, we can run as much as we want," I said and tried to breathe as little as possible.

"Ok." Rose surprised me by how easily she accepted my reassurance. When did she become so submissive?

"I thought you were going to lose control like you did this morning." I joked with her, telling Arthur's wolf, by the way, "Turn left at the next dead tree."

"I won't. I already promised you I wouldn't do it next time." Rose said.

"But, while we were at school, you tried to come out and bite Carl." I reminded Rose.

"Come on. It's hard to control the urge to bite him after hearing what he said." Rose explained.

"Yeah, you know I regret now that I didn't let you out to bite the bitch couple." I clenched my fists as I thought about what they'd done to Patrick.

"Take a deep breath, Steph, and calm down. After we save Patrick, we can go get revenge right away. But right now, you need to stay awake." Rose sensed my anger and immediately comforted me. But, I was usually the one advising Rose to stay calm.

Rose's apparent change of attitude only reminded me of the time when I almost locked myself away because I was in so much pain.

"Rose, did you feel anything when I broke down and hit myself in the head? I mean, that's when I felt like every cell in my body was going to explode. Did you feel the same way?"

"No, no, I never want to recall what I went through in those few minutes. You cut off my mind link with you before you hit your head. Your mental world was as clean as a plain after snow. However, your mental world was cracked after you cut the mind link. I could only hide in a corner and shout your name like a fool. As a result, you didn't hear it at all."

I cut the mind link with Rose? I raised my eyebrows, "How is that possible? I didn't cut the mind link. "

"That's not the worst of it. After that, for another ten seconds or so, your spirit world is about to collapse, you know? Once your spirit world collapsed and disintegrated, then I was going to be trapped in your body until you reassembled a new spirit world."

"Ahh, I really worried at that time. If your spiritual world failed to reassemble, then I would have to live my life in darkness after I just restarted a new life. So, I decided to be nice to you in the future."

Rose was still complaining to me, saying there was already a big crack in the snowfield in my spirit world when I cried for Patrick's faint.

I could understand that the collapse of my spirit world came from my inability to accept that Patrick might die again.

However, I was puzzled by Rose's talk of reassembling the new spirit world. Because I had never heard of a situation where the spirit world could be reassembled.

According to what I learned in my meditation class, for our wolves, the spirit world was the common habitat for the wolf's soul and us during the existence of this physical body. Normally, it grew and improved with the age of the physical body.

As the physical body was disposable, the spiritual world built in this physical body was also disposable. There may be subtle changes due to changes in our minds. But basically, there will be no collapse of the spirit world.

After the death of the physical body, the spirit world came to an end, and our souls left the physical body for reincarnation.

However, what Rose just said clearly stated that I was about to have my spirit world collapse and appear to reorganize.

"Rose, are you sure that my spirit world is reorganizing at that time?" I asked Rose.

"I am quite sure. You know that I have the best view of your spirit world. After the world's sky and snowfields broke into pieces, I floated in mid-air with those pieces. The pieces were found to be trying to form a new spirit world."

"But I couldn't identify what kind of world they were trying to form. Then while our mate was trying to wake you up with his alpha voice, the pieces suddenly returned to their original positions. After you opened your eyes, your spirit world returned to its original form. Without a single crack."

After listening to Rose's detailed description of the situation, I became even more confused about the matter of reconstructing the spirit world.

Still, only one thing was clear to me. Arthur saved Rose and me again. He probably sensed that my spirit was in danger. That's why he was sweating like crazy at that time.

I sighed and said to Arthur silently in my mind, Arthur, you've been such a good man to me. I really don't know how I can repay you.

I gently stroked the black fur, which was a bit rough to the touch.

He had been helping me and saving me since he appeared. Now his wolf was still maintaining a high speed of 35mph to take me to get the serum that could save my most important brother. After all, keeping the high-speed running for a long time, plus carrying weight, would be hard for any wolf.

The wind blew past my ears, and my hair flew in the air. The hares and deer were scared by this giant wolf and fled everywhere. The birds in the trees did not dare to continue singing either.

My arms tightened around his neck and my head pressed against his warm, thick black fur. I greedily breathed in the charming fir scent emanating from his fur. Just holding him like this made me feel like I was embracing the whole world, satisfied and at peace.

"Listen, Steph, I can only lend you my mate for this time!"

Oh, Rose, thank you for ruining my desire to be emotional for a little while longer.

Our movement was slowing down, with Arthur's wolf puffing hard.

"Paul, Arthur, after we cross this creek, shall we take a break?" I touched Paul behind the ear. Although I'd love to get the serum for Patrick as soon as possible, Arthur's wolf had been running continuously for 20 minutes, and he needed to rest.

Or, I could shift and let Rose carry him and keep running.

I just had the idea, and Rose rejected me, "Are you asking me to run the remaining 5 miles with over 200 pounds of man on my back? I think you'd be able to get the serum as soon as possible by giving my mate a 10-minute rest before you go."

Paul let out a low growl and jumped across the river with ease. He chose to slow down and move forward rather than stop and rest. After we moved at a slower pace, the mist, the most famous specialty of Mt. Leyte, quickly surrounded us.

The fog near the entrance to Mt. Leyte was thicker and heavier than the mists near where our community lived, even severely dulling our five senses.

I heard my father say that a wizard had enchanted the entrance to Mt. Leyte decades ago so that there were many traps at the entrance. The magic traps plus the mists formed solid protection. This not only scared away humans who entered by mistake but also prevented rogues from invading.

However, for us members of the White Star Lake pack, Mt. Leyte was our natural playground. Even if our five senses were dulled by the mist, we would never forget the way to the outside of the mountain.

Speaking of fog, I looked down at the black wolf, who could no longer recognize the direction.

Arthur seemed to be familiar with the path of Leyte Mountain, but he had lost his sense of direction after the fog became thick.

So, how did the man and his wolf get through the mists and traps of Leyte Mountain to arrive at our pack? Did someone bring him in?