Chapter 51 The End


"Thank you, Rose," I said.

"We're soul friends. But I will say, the next time you get a treat, remember to let me out to try it." Rose giggled.

The corners of my mouth lifted upward, and I picked up Lassie. Such a light little girl turned out to be my mother. I sighed at the magic of the magical race and said to her, "Rose told me part of what happened, but there's another part I'm not sure about, or Rose didn't hear. But I'd rather see Pat now. is he okay?"

"He was awake earlier than you were." Lassie curled her lip and kissed my cheek, then continued, "Carl and Freya's souls were hit hard because you and Pat were emotionally out of control in the dream. The Demon Forest Pack has been thrown into chaos, and Gavin has escaped because I injured him in the dream world. He may have given up on getting your soul for now."

"Why would he want to get my soul?" I asked.

"In the concept of our magical race, after the death of the physical body, the soul can be reincarnated into a new body. However, souls also have a lifespan. Some souls will disappear completely after dozens of transmigration because the soul's life force is used up. But, you are special, sweetheart. After your birth, I was divinely inspired to have a precognitive dream. In the dream, I knew what would happen 18 years later. Then I found out your soul was evolvable. Gavin chose to have your soul evolve by killing Pat and having you betrayed. After I woke up from the dream, I had to leave you and Pat to find a way to save you." Lassie said.

"My spirit world did change a little. That's because my soul evolved?" I asked.

"Yes. But your spirit world has not been completely reshaped, so your soul is not in the state Gavin wants it to be at the moment." Lassie nodded her head.

I hadn't digested the news I'd missed when the door to the room was pushed open. Patrick's voice came into my ears, "Has Steph woken up yet?"

"Hey, Pat, long time no see." Tears welled up in my eyes as if I hadn't seen him in a long time. He was followed by my father.

I temporarily tossed aside both the Black Wizard and the Demon Forest Pack and ran to Patrick and my father with my mother in my arms. My father's strong palm wrapped us tightly into his arms, tears silently telling of his excitement. This was the reunion moment I had waited for 18 years, even though my mom was now a 5-year-old girl.

We hugged for a long time until there was a knock at the door, and Arthur opened it.

"Art, sorry to bother you. It's an emergency." A middle-aged man of medium build enters the room, fully clothed, his brown hair a little disheveled. My memory told me he was Chris, Arthur's Beta. he looked nervous.

"It's okay, you can talk right here! My Luna is back." Arthur nodded to Chris.

"King Noah's Luna was missing in Blue Stone Pack on their way to the central city yesterday. He was furious and demanded to search all the land. Your father, Destin, asks you to go back right now."

King Noah? He was the Alpha of the Stary Night Pack. Why was his Luna missing? I put Lassie down and walked over to Arthur.

"He has no authority to search my territory. did Alpha Zak send members to look for her?" Arthur asked.

"Alpha Zak even gathered all the pack members for King Noah to investigate. But King Noah seemed to have lost his mind. He claimed that if he couldn't find Luna Queen Elena, he would break off relations with the Silver Moon Pack." Chris handed a document to Arthur.

Arthur's eyebrows knitted together, his lips pursed into a line. This was the first time since I had known him that I had seen him show such a serious expression. It should indeed be taken seriously because this matter involved the relations between the two big Packs on the Night Moon Continent. Perhaps to Arthur, the conflict between my pack and the Demon Forest Pack could only be considered an internal family conflict.

"You should go now, Arthur. I heard King Noah had a violent temper. But he does love his Luna. Now his Luna is missing, and it's serious." My father patted Arthur's shoulder.

To be honest, I struggled with whether to leave with Arthur. If that King Noah was really like my father described, he was likely to start a conflict with Arthur, and I was worried my mate might need my help. But my affairs were a mess. My mother had not yet recovered. Carl's and Freya's souls were injured. Probably the Demon Forest Pack would declare war.

My eyes met Arthur's. I didn't say anything, but he smiled at me first.

"Sorry, honey, it looks like I won't see you for a few days. Don't worry. I'll leave Chris and the Leeds brothers here, and they'll give you a hand. As long as you stay alert, Wizard Gavin shouldn't dare approach you." He stroked the hair near my temples.

He probably saw that I was torn about whether to go with him, but he made the decision ahead of me. Even though he was about to face a big problem, he still had to care for me and remind me to stay alert before leaving.

"Art..." I should have said something like 'Stay safe' and 'Take care of yourself', but something seemed to be blocking my throat.

Seriously, not counting the four days I was in a coma, Arthur and I had only spent about 24 hours together. Yet, I felt like we had known each other for a long time, long enough to surpass the 18 years I had lived or even the 50 years he had.

He was my mate, but he was more like my mature friend, my wise teacher, my knight with a generous heart.

However, my mate was not just my guardian god. He was the Alpha King of Silver Moon Pack, one of the most powerful Alphas on the Night Moon Continent.

When my soul exchanged with Rose, Rose said to my father, Don't worry, Arthur would fix everything.

In my dream with Patrick, Lassie chose to bring Arthur to help me recover my sanity.

Now that there was a big problem over in Center City, Chris and Arthur's father were the first to call on Arthur.

Everyone seemed to think that everything would be solved as long as Arthur was there.

Soft and warm lips landed on my forehead. They lingered for only a second or two. His thumb caressed my cheek, and he grinned. "See you later, my luna."

The moment he turned to leave, a sudden sense of foreboding came over me.

My hand, faster than my mouth, tightened its grip on his hand. "Wait, I'm going with you. I may not be able to help you with anything. But I want to protect you."

"Steph?" Patrick and my father shouted my name at the same time.

Arthur's eyes gradually widened, and his lips moved.

What I had just said probably seemed ridiculous to him, right? As a half-werewolf half-witch hybrid, just a few days after shifting and without mastering my mother's magic, I said I would protect him - the most powerful Alpha King in the Silver Moon pack. I sounded very insolent indeed. However, my premonition usually was accurate. I was afraid I would have bad news after Arthur left.

My mother's magic would be restored gradually. There was no rush to deal with Carl and Freya. The White Star Lake pack was managed by my father and Patrick. The pack's safety was taken care of by the pack members and the three Silver Moon pack members. But there was only one chance to follow Arthur's departure.

Surprisingly, his eyes shone brightly. He tightened his grip on my hand, "Are you sure?"

"Yes, 100% sure." I nodded my head firmly.

"Elena... . Elena..." Lassie mouthed the name of Luna Queen from the Stary Night Pack and paced back and forth on the floor.

"Do any of you know the full name of the lost Luna Queen? Is her wolf white?" Lassie asked, suddenly glancing up.

"I think I got her Search Notices... " Chris looked through the files on his phone, "There. Elena Fletcher Eaton."

"What's wrong? Mom, you know this, Luna?" I asked my mom as I knelt down.

Lassie bit her lip, her hand on my shoulder, "Listen, Steph, you have to leave with Arthur to find Elena. When I was hunted by Gavin in Stary Night Pack territory, a girl named Elena saved my life. But she was cursed with Gavin's spell. I had helped her to weaken the power of the curse. After she shifted, Gavin's curse would not work. But even so, it's easy for the magical race to find the person who once was cursed by magic. That means we can find her, and so can Gavin."

"If Gavin finds that Luna Queen, he could manipulate King Noah and find a way to get Steph's soul," Arthur said, his expression frozen.

"Exactly," Lassie nodded and sighed again, glancing at Arthur again, "Gavin won't come back here to hurt us. But Alpha boy, you're Steph's mate. if I were Gavin, who do you think my next target would be?"

"Me," Arthur replied.

The End