Flight off

"He looks so peaceful." Aditya was saying. They both stood beside the hospital bed of Pou, yes that's what they named him.

Surgery was successful and Pou was now sleeping peacefully in his little bed. It was almost next morning.

"Aren't you sleepy?" Vedika asked.

"A lot. You?"

"Me too."

"Let's go then I'll drop you."

But what about Pou?"

"Hospital will take care of him and we will come back after resting a while."

"You don't need to do this Aditya. I'll come here and take care."

"I will check practice time with coach. They are going to keep him here for a few days."

"Shell we now?" Aditya continued gesturing to the door and Vedika smiled and moved out with Aditya.


"Ma I am going to meet Pou, meet you directly at the airport." Vedika said from the doorway as everyone else was preparing to get back to Mumbai the next day.

"You really don't want to stay for Aditya's matches." Asad asked.

"I have to work Asad and I will come back for last one whenever it is." Vedika said adjusting the white netted dupatta she had on red suit.

"I am impressed though you are so cute, asking him out on the field." Asad said.

"That was the timing of his choice he could have opened it after the ceremony either." Vedika said.

"By the way why did you give it to him before the match but asked to open it after." Asad asked.

"I think he knows why and that's all that matters. See you later."

"Wait when is your cousin Preesha coming. It was this week right?" Asad asked.

"I totally forgot about that. She told me she would be coming this week but I didn't ask when exactly. I will ask her on way." She left waving at Asad.


"Thank you doctor. We will take him home after the rehabilitation therapy." Vedika was saying. She finally has decided to adopt the puppy.

Vedika left the hospital while she had only her satchel. Her bags were going to be taken by others to the airport where she was going to meet them directly.

"She sat inside the auto standing directly in front of the hospital and gave the driver address of airport.

This was her first time in Bangalore and last night she was with Aditya turned out to be so awesome that remembering the way was a far idea.

After half an hour of driving in the auto, her phone rang.

"I am on my way pa." She said.

"Its late Vedika come fast." Harish said.

"Pa you all get on the flight we all won't be able to run on it if I get a bit late. I am almost there." Vedika said.

"Okay come fast." Harish said on the phone and they all boarded the flight with all the bags.

"Please move fast I am getting late for my flight." Vedika said to the driver who nodded.

On the other side, her flight was about to take off and Asad along with her parents were worried.

"Please switch off your mobile mam." Attendant said to Hema who was going to call Vedika.

"My daughter is not here yet." Hema said.

"Mam we will check it you please switch off the phone." The attendant said.

"Wait, Vedika where are you?" Hema said into the phone.

"Ma I am almost there." Vedika said and ended the call. A few minutes later she came running and gasping into the flight.

"What took you so long?" Asad asked.

"The auto broke down." Vedika said sitting down on her seat right beside Asad's.

After a few minutes the plane took of and everyone was silently sitting in their spaces.

Asad was already snoring beside her and she looked over to her parent's seat and saw them talking softly.

Vedika got up from her seat to use the restroom but it was closed, someone was already inside. She waited for a minute and two then decided to leave and turned just when the door opened.

Vedika was going to turn back towards the restroom when suddenly the man who came out fell forward onto her.

"I am so sorry madam. I stumbled." The man said. Vedika turned to see him in pilot uniform. He was a pilot.

"It's okay, happens." Vedika said and went inside the bathroom.

When she came out the pilot was still there.

"Hey I was thinking maybe you want to hang out sometime. I am often flying but I live in Delhi. Won't be difficult to reach out once in a while." He said. Vedika got the slight idea as to what was implied by this.

"No I am in relationship with someone." Vedika said politely.

"I am sorry I didn't, I had no idea." The pilot said getting red in face.

"Its ok." Vedika said and went back to her seat.

Asad was still sleeping and Hema and Harish were also meditating with ear plugs in their ears. Everyone else was either looking out the window or sleeping peacefully.

Vedika too sat down and closed her eyes. Suddenly a young close to 20 years old boy reached out and touched her thigh.

"Yes?" Vedika asked.

"Someone in the back gave this for you." He said handling her a folded slip.

"Who?" Vedika asked.

"I don't know." The boy said and closed his eyes lying comfortably on his seat.

Vedika unfolded the slip that said,

#I want you alive

There is no point fucking a dead body

You are mine and mine alone#

The words made her go tense. Who could have written this? She wanted to puke when she saw the glimpse of someone she never wanted to meet ever.

Aman. He came closer. Before she could utter another word, he handed her another note that she read immediately.

#I have nothing against anyone on this plane but you utter a word and all of them are dead, your friend and your dear parents first#

Vedika went cold. She didn't knew what Aman wanted.

He slowly gestured her to get up from the seat and pushed her through the seats towards the door of the plane.

"We are going to jump down Vedika. Just you and me." Aman said with a creepy smile.

"You are crazy Aman. Stop it right now or else.."

"Or else what? Tell me? No one is going to feel and know anything. Relax."

On the queue Aman held Vedika tightly and someone tied with belts to the bars in plane opened the door and Aman along with Vedika was jerked outwards and fell out of the plane.

After a few seconds of struggling and screaming Aman opened the parachute and they slowly approached the ground.

On landing Vedika was raging with fury and Aman was giving devil smile.

"You are going mad Aman you hear that. How can you do that?" She yelled.

"We are alone Vedika, in this barren land we can make our home." Aman came closer.

"Stay away Aman." Vedika walked away looking for someone other than the maniac with her.

"Stop Vedika."

"Get away Aman. I will kill you trust me." Vedika was fuming.

She was sure that Aman was suffering from some serious mental illness or just a sadistic narcissist.

To prove her suspicions Aman grabbed her hand and pulled closer.

"I can't live without you Vedu I can't sleep without looking at you. Nothing give me pleasure but you." He gently creased her cheeks and moved towards neck and cleavage.

Vedika pushed him with all her might and picked up a wooden stick lying beside and started hitting him.

"How dare you threaten my people? How dare you kidnap me? How dare you touch me?" Aman was now bleeding from multiple places lying on floor whining in pain.

When Aman was partially unconscious Vedika threw the stick to side and ran away directionless.