Back together

"Who are you all?" Aditya and Vedika stared at the masked people surrounding them.

Before anyone could say another words Vedika's already exhausted mind gave up, with the fear of being caught by Aman and harassed, her body felt weak and she collapsed under the hell of past few days.

Looking at Vedika lying unconscious on ground Aditya bend down to hold her, everyone removed their mask and ran towards her.

"Asad, Rocky you all." Asad, Preesha, Rocky, Jaz, Maahi, Sahid, Harry and his wife Kriya were all there behind the masks.

"What happened to her?" Asad said and all of them ran towards her as Aditya lifted her in his arm and placed on the bench.

A few other villagers came as well along with Hina.

"I am a doctor let me check." On of the woman in the crowd came forward and checked Vedika.

"She fainted cause of lower blood pressure. A little rest and she is good." She said.

"We are staying in Hina kaki's house, let's go there." Aditya said to all his friends.

"You all are our guests and we have a larger house so please stay here." Sarpanch said.

After a little introduction Aditya agreed to stay there as it wasn't possible for all of them to stay at Hina's.

"Di we were so worried how are you feeling now?" Preesha asked sitting on other side of Vedika.

"Much better I don't know what happened." Vedika was still feeling uneasy, her breathing was still ragged and sweat was dripping on her skin.

"We should leave you to rest Vedika. Come on everyone." Maahi, Jaz's wife said and moved out with Jaz.

"Take care Vedika we are sorry for scaring you like that." Kriya said as she sat beside her.

"Its ok I was already exhausted." Vedika said.

"If you need anything please tell us." Harry said before moving out with Kriya.

Now there were just Preesha, Asad, Sahid and Rocky.

"Aditya would you tell us what happened?" Asad asked and Aditya narrated whole story starting from leaving hotel and call from Rocky about seeing Vedika on tv.

"What? Subha was involved? Did you complain to the police?" Rocky asked.

"Didn’t got chance, my battery was dead and Vedika did not have her mobile phone."

"I will inform they will take all of us home in the morning." Asad said and after giving a long hug to Vedika, he left.

"I am glad our matches got cancelled and met Asad and Preesha otherwise you would be here all alone. I don't trust the sarpanch here." Sahid said gesturing to the men outside their room trying to peak sneak in every minute.

"I don't trust them too, maybe we should not stay here and leave now." Vedika said and Aditya gave and apologetic look that she has to stay in the same house as the person who eve teased her.

"I can't reach anyone. There is not connection in my mobile." Asad came looking baffled.

"There is tower work going on, connection will be back in a few days." Someone from outside called.

"This is creepy." Preesha said gesturing to the men outside.

"Madam special juice for you, Ms. Lavanya send it for you only." The servant came in with juice in tray.

"Do any of you need anything?" He asked others and they shook the heads and thanked him.

"You all must be tired, go to sleep please." Vedika said.

"Call us if you need anything Vedika." Sahid said and left.

"Sure thank you Sahid" Vedika said and in a few minutes it was just Aditya and Vedika.

"How are you feeling?" Aditya asked putting the empty glass of juice on the stand.

"Better, now you too take rest Aditya." Vedika said creasing his hairs.

"I will stay beside you forever. Are you tired?" He asked.

"I can walk a while, tired of sitting and sleeping." Vedika giggled.

Aditya helped her and both of them got out of the room into the hallway. There were on the ground floor of the large village house and walked towards the lawn when Vedika felt dizzy again but Aditya held her up they walked into the garden and sat on the wet grass.

Aditya sat with Vedika on his lap, he moved his hand to her waist urged by sexual desires but remembering that she's ill, he backed. But Vedika, holding his hand placed it on her lower waist urging to go ahead as she felt the same.

He kissed her neck as Vedika breathed heavily, sitting on the laps of the man she loved, Vedika turned to face him and the petals of love filled their lips and touched with soothing gentleness.

Feel of Vedika's skin was like silk under Aditya's palm as they roamed all around her exposed back and waist.

"Are we disturbing sir?" The same 5 men who came to Hina's home, the close allies of sarpanch stood in front of them with smug smile.

Aditya and Vedika stood up.

"Continue continue we will not disturb. Call us if you need any help sir." One said.

"Let's go Aditya." Bubbling anger couldn’t be taken out then as it was risky so they decided to go inside the house.

"You are lucky Aditya, everyone don't get this kind of bomb." On Vedika's insistence Aditya resisted the urger the punch the harrassers.

"Don't look back Aditya. Let it go." Vedika said as they moved away.


Lifting her eyelids Vedika looked into the sleeping figure of Aditya beside her. She raised her hand to wave them into his hairs.

Now she was feeling much better and in high spirits.

Playful Vedika took over and she rose up and planted a small kiss on his lips Aditya woke up and smiled at her now pulling her closed, he kissed her neck and shoulders, working his way on undressing Vedika, letting loose the goddess curves they both bared themself to each other.

He circled her mighty round breasts with his fingers and leaned down to kiss them. Vedika closed her eyes and pushed further into his mouth. Breathing deeply as her chest went up and down she opened her legs feeling his manhood between them.

"Make love to me Aditya." She said pushing her waist up urging him to

"I love you Vedika," he said entering inside her woman boat with smooth gentleness.

"I love you." Vedika's voice trailed off into a moan as he started moving inside of her, digging deeper, pushing harder.

As her breast bounced in joy with every push, the sensation between the legs intensified. Aditya turned them in a swift motion taking Vedika on top of her as he held on her butts moving rhythmically, Vedika placed her hands on his shoulders leaning forward and bouncing up and down as he pushed himself into her further and further and she welcomed with deep moans.

Moving and digging faster and faster he spreaded her legs pushed in with all his might, feeling the clenching of her throbbing inside.

In no time Vedika was lying cuddled into Aditya's chest while he held her close to his heart.

Suddenly Vedika saw an eye looking through the crack in the door.