What is happening?

"Morning sex." Preesha yelled as soon as Vedika entered her room.

"What?" Vedika was surprised and flushed.

"You had morning sex. Look at your self. You look well Vedika di, Aditya is having fun!" Preesha teased.

"Shut up Preesha." Vedika said settling on the bed.

"Oh my god." Vedika jumped up.

"What happened?" Preesha asked.

"Preesha I messed up. We...we did not use..."

"What? Vedika tell me." Preesha asked.

"We did not..... we..didn't use the protection." Vedika almost broke down.

"What? That was irresponsible Vedika."

"I know we both were so stressed and with everything going on it just happened and none of us thought...what I will do now Preesha. What if I get." Vedika said.

"Relax I understand you have had a long past few days but there's still option. There are several pills you can take to avoid pregnancy and use protective measures next time." Preesha said.

"Then we have to go back as soon as possible. I am feeling well now so we can leave today. How can I be so irresponsible." Vedika said wanting to go back to the city to make things ok with her probably pregnancy.

"You had sex after coming here so it's not more that 3-4 days. You have time to take the pills." Preesha said consoling her.

"I know Preesha but we stayed because I was Ill and now I am fine. I am going to tell Aditya. We will leave today." Vedika got up to leave when Payal knocked.

"Vedika madam this juice is for you to level blood pressure and increase strength. And Preesha madam your cold drink." Payal gave them the glasses.

"Vedika drink it first and relax. We will leave today itself if you want." Preesha said making her sit back on bed.

Talking about the same they finished their drinks.

Vedika stood up abruptly but felt dizzy for seconds and sat back on bed.

"What happened?" Preesha asked.

"I am fine just...I am fine. I will talk to Aditya, Preesha please tell others to pack." Vedika said as she stood up again.

"Ok di but are you sure you are fine?" Preesha asked again.

I am fine Pree" Vedika left the room, her head still spinning.

"Hello madam." The man Rola, who harrassssed her twice stopped her in the hallway but she ignored. Despite hating him she did not wanted to waste time on such people.

Hence she moved on but he followed her.

"New dress madam."

Instinctively Vedika looked down to see her exposed cleavage and turned away.

Now she was starting to feel weak as her head was spinning.

She ran towards hers and Aditya's room and closed the door behind her.

Aditya was not there.

"Aditya," she looked in the bathroom but no one.

"Knock knock madam, we are your guest why are you scared of us?" Now there were more people. Rola's friends.

Vedika was hyperventilating she ran towards balcony and saw Aditya talking to others, his back towards her..

She wanted to yell but nothing came out.

Taps on the door were getting louder and Vedika hid in the corner outside balcony closing her eyes, rocking front and back.

Suddenly there was a thud outside as door was broken to ground.

Vedika felt the sudden rush of blood as her mind went blank, with fear cursing she fell on the ground feeling cold inside.

"Vedika" Aditya's voice echoed in her mind as she closed her eyes falling numb.

"What happened to her doctor?" Aditya was saying, pain and fear for Vedika was evident in his voice.

"Is she stressed in anyway. She got high blood pressure and weakness. Her pulses are barely noticable." Doctor said.

"She was fine this morning." Aditya said.

"Actually there was something she was worried about Aditya and going to talk to you." Preesha said remembering the her conversation about pregnancy.

"About what?" Asad asked.

"It was something personal but she was worried and being already sick maybe she fainted." Preesha said.

"Aditya we were leaving today but Vedika is not well so I think we can stay a few more days." Kriya said.

"You should all go. We will be back when Vedika is better." Aditya said.

"We can't leave you like this Aditya." Jaz said.

"You all must go back we will take care of things here and come back soon." Asad said to Maahi, Jaz, Harry, Kriya, Rocky and Sahid.

"I am not leaving Aditya in this condition." Rocky said as they saw Aditya looking at Vedika helplessly.

"Rocky please you have to go with them and inform our family about our whereabouts they all must be worried." Preesha said.

After convincing, except Preesha and Asad they all left for Mumbai.

Vedika was still unconscious but her vitals were under control.

Vedika opened her eyes and saw Aditya sleeping in the sitting position beside her she lifted her hand and creased his cheeks as his eyes opened.

"Vedika you are awake. How are you feeling now." His voice almost broke from feeling overwhelmed.

"I am fine Aditya what happened to me and why are you sleeping here." These words shocked Aditya, Vedika didn't remember what happened before she fell unconscious.

"Vedika you fainted in the balcony. You have been unconscious for 10 hours."

"What? I don’t remember." Vedika was confused.

"You don't remember what you were stressed about? What you talked to Preesha about" Aditya asked.

"Aditya I don't remember anything. What happened?" Vedika was now freaking out.

"Vedika relax Vedika come here." Aditya embraces her consoling her, rubbing her back.

Vedika's breathing was calmed now she gently creased his chest urging to calm her mind and body.

"Vedika you need to rest." Aditya said taking her hand.

"I am fine Aditya. " she said and climbed on top and kissed him hard on lips, biting, teasing. Aditya couldn't resist and pulled her waist closer.

Somewhere in the foreplay their clothes went flying all over the room as they bared to each other completely on.

Aditya moved down her curves tasting every inch as she moaned intensely feeling the deep desire between the legs longing for him to enter her body.

"Wait." Aditya stopped before inserting inside of her.

"What?" Vedika asked.

"Vedika we haven't been using protection." Aditya said and realisation hit Vedika.

"Oh my god Aditya that's what I was going to talk to you about. I was going to tell you that we have to leave so that I can have some pills for unwanted pregnancy." She said pulling on the blankets on her naked body.

"Vedika I am so sorry." Aditya said.

"Aditya its my fault too. We both were so stressed that everything happened so fast. Wait I remember something else."


"I was coming to talk to you when Rola came and he tried to harass me. I came inside the room and he with his friends started tapping the door loudly. I was so scared." Vedika froze reliving the moment and broke down in Aditya's arms.

"I don't want to stay here Aditya I want to go now." Vedika said.

"We will go back now Vedika I will inform Asad and Preesha." Aditya said and left the room.

Vedika got up to look for her clothes but.......

They were not there, Vedika stood there buck naked wrapped in blanket, suddenly there was a cracking sound from the balcony as she went out to look, and there was a sudden flash from right and she saw some people in dark clicking her pictures from the balcony of the room beside hers.

"Who are you?" She yelled backing into the room but one of them jumped into her balcony and shut the door. A few more jumped in rounding her. Camera was off now and it was completely dark. Vedika could see nothing but dark figures.

"Rola is that you?" Vedika said lifting the courage.

"You remember me madam, I thought the juice worked." One of them said.

"You.....spiked the juice? Payal...payal is with you?" Vedika asked surprised and shaking.

"You are very smart Vedika ji."

“Rola let me go or you will pay for this." Vedika said.

"Take her." He said and everyone converged closer. She smelled something and and in a second, fell into cold darkness.