The crash 4

When she remembered the prince her eyes got opened,did she say yes to his deal,Ella where's Ella,she was confused and what could she be doing In the hospital.she thought.

It wasn't long when her confusion was turned to convintion,when she heard Ellas voice softly calling her as her vision had come to become clearer,she tried sitting up but she couldn't Ella helped her up seeing her friends difficulty when she was done,Ella spoke to her

"jazz how are you feeling"she asked

"I don't know,but how did I get here in the first place"she asked showing her friend her confused state

"you vomited blood and you fainted,you got me worried,how could you not have eaten I mean knowing your condition,you could have been dead you know if the prince hadn't brought you here in time"Ella said it all at once,she could not hold how she felt back anymore

"You will be forever indebted to him" she concluded

Jasmine on the other hand,hearing that the king saved her didn't go well in her,true to Ella's word she would be indebted to him now,but she couldn't point out if she said yes to his deal earlier and since she was somehow indebted to him now she would simply have to say yes,at least what was there in saying yes when she could pretend to be his girlfriend and break up later on,and she was still feeling hungry facing Ella,

"His he still here"she asked

"Yes he even asked me to inform him when you wake up all your fee has been paid as well by him"Ella replied her

A nurse came in to check on her,

"Mrs jasmine Royale" the nurse said but this only Got the Two friends confused because between them Jasmine has always been miss jasmine Cole only the first name mentioned by the nurse was right,what changed or maybe the file wasn't her there has to be a mistake somewhere,the nurse who didn't notice their expression continued nevertheless.

You are free to leave,just eat regularly your ulcer is upgrading each day,you can't ever think of skipping meals,your highness it's not good for your health"smiling at them not knowing the state of confusion she had put jasmine together with Ella with her words,forced to understand, Jasmine spoke,

"hm miss" pausing to get the nurse name

"Danielle's your highness"she replied politely

"I think there's a mistake miss Danielle's"before she could speak further Jasper had already entered the room.

"what going on"he asked the nurse directly.

nothing your highness,princess here is being confused,I think because she just woke up but she would be okay sir"she replied politely

"it's okay you can leave us now"bowing her head she left the room closing the door behind her.

Ella had silently left as well leaving just the two of them in the room.

"Your highness" she said, as she greeted him bowing her head as well in curtsy

"I think the nurse got my name wrong"Jasper knowing where she was heading too stopped her by interrupting her.

"would you give me an answer now I'm running out of patience"he said

Jasmine who had thought about the prince offer simply replied him.

"Yes I will take the deal"forgetting her initial question on her names confusion she,saw a smile tug at his lips.

She wondered why the prince chose her when there were lot of ladies who were dieing to warm his bed."thanks for today your highness"she said.

"about your name I didn't know your last name so I changed it to mine and registered you as my wife,I hope you are okay by that"he revealed nonchalantly,

jasmine was shocked by this revelation but her shock was cut short by John and Ella's arrival leaving the prince question hanging not like he had asked her before doing it, with her food,who's aroma had filled the room already her stomach growled in compliance which made her feel embarrassed.

when she was done eating,they left the hospital the same way they came,Jasmine sitting beside the prince wasn't comfortable she wished he had let her go with Ella back home,the pain in her stomach had long gone since she ate in the hospital,she wasnt comfortable in the silence,she didn't even know where he was taking her to.

"we are going for shopping to get you another clothes and get you Cleaned,you are meeting your in laws tonight" as if he had read her mind the cold she felt wasn't compared to her being naked in the snow, even with the heater on she felt so cold she was scared what if they insulted her or her parents, what If they chose her to be a slot what would she do" if it were to be someone of her Calibre she was meeting then she would not care because she wouldn't hesitate to place them in their place,but she was meeting the king now things were different and she didn't even have time to think on it she was meeting them tonight.

Jasper who had noticed the change in the atmosphere traced it to Jasmine and saw her fear in her,he has discovered through John her details from her parent to her job and everything about her and he discovered her to be what he had been looking for all this ahile even though he told her to pretend to be his girlfriend he never planned on letting her go the king's men who had threatened her family and forcefully wanted to marry her had been taking care off.

"just be you you don't need to pretend to be you just as my girlfriend okay"he assured her and he could see her calm down,what he was curious of was how she would react when she finds out he is not an human being and his entire family.

John was thanking God in his heart his prayers has been answered now he had to go to church every Sunday, glancing at Jasper's new girlfriend friend Ella ,he would never call her fake,he liked Ella's look, her sense of fashion and worry for her friend even though she knew nothing of what was going on she wanted to trust the prince,feeling Someone's gaze at her she saw John look back,as they both concentrated on the road before them.

stopping at the royals unisex clothing owned by the queen herself,the prince highlighted from his car which had pulled in front of the company before stretching his hand for Jasmine to highlight as well,when they entered the experts seeing the prince with a lady were surprised but didn't show it nodding his head at one of them he placed Jasmine's hand in hers then said "dress her up"that was all that had to be done for her to be ready to meet Jasper's family.

John had gone to drop Ella in her house, their shopping would be rescheduled she could not help but think,she would have to call Jasmine later and she had collected John's number so she could ask if Jass was alright.

Jasmine followed the one she was assigned with wherever she went from the showroom to the make up,jasmine who wasn't really a fan of makeup asked for light makeup.

It wasn't until an hour later before she was ready.

knowing how worried her parent would be just as she was about calling them her phone rang, smiling at the caller it was her parent.

"mum,dad how you doing you don't have to worry I might be coming late today but am okay"

"My love"her mum started "if it's about the marriage please come back home,I think God heard our pleas, the king men--he died,this afternoon I think heart attack or something"her dad added she could hear the excitement in their voice even though they were trying to hide it well,it was just as she guessed her parents were being threatened if not they would not have told her "but what could have killed him, glancing at the prince could he possibly had done it"it felt so sudden anyways she was free now,and once she met the king and queen it would be over as well and would return back to her normal life she thought.

"so if you are avoiding us because of him please come home safely dear"her mom snapped her out of her thoughts

"ok mom but it's not because of him I just wanna stay a little bit out here with a friend and I can't ever think of avoiding you,I will come home for sure love you"before she hung up her mum hurriedly asked "have you eaten"

"yes Mama I have bye"then she hung up,

moving close to Jasper who had been admiring her from afar she faced him waiting for his approval,raising his thumbs up she smiled unconsciously which Jasper noticed,heading for the car he took her to the palace explaining few things to her in the car,has the driver drove them to the palace.