Chapter 54 - Midnight Heat

"You are in a relationship with someone?"

Delice watched how she tucked the phone away into her pant pocket. Laura hardly used that phone. This moment was strange for many reasons. "Who?"

"That? It's not important." She flashed her a fanged grin, before they retracted. "Come, let me fix your hair for dinner. If we are lucky, the King will show up. If not, I will have to come up with more creative ideas to break you my brother's schedule."

Laura walked over to her, observing her.

"You've been out."

Delice nodded stiffly, running her hand through her hair.

"Where?" Her voice was determined, filled with a silent threat.

Her hand held Delice's left arm, her grip painfully firmly.

"Where?" Her smile was fanged again, but Delice didn't try to pull away or put up a fight. All she had to do, was answer her question. Laura wouldn't be mad if she had just answered her question the first time though. If this was quickly getting out of hand, then if was entirely her fault.