Chapter 59 - A Strange Being

The library was quite and the same as she remembered it.

Poorly lit, white lights placed at distance too far from each other, maybe because of the vampires overly sensitive sight or maybe not, Zezi really didn't care. The large hall was filled with numerous high shelves with books in them, rightly ventilated and with the Librarian missing from his or her seat.


Just the same.

Except that this time around, she was visiting the library at the middle of the night.

There was something or someone that had been present the last time she had been here though.

Lady Delice.

It wasn't until that thought had crossed Zezi's mind did she consider the fact that she might run into her again, just as she had the first time she had visited the library.

Zezi hoped she wouldn't though, not because she didn't have believable lies to tell as her reason for being here, but because she just felt that she had seen enough of Lady Delice for tonight.